California - did you buy an AK and AR bfore AW ban?


New member
State of the Nation - or at least one State

I legaly own several EVEIL ASSAULT RIFLES, and am proud to own them, maintain them and shoot them as often as posible!

Umm... What's an assault rifle, and where do I get one? :rolleyes:


New member
In my last entry I used the term "EVEIL ASSAULT RIFLE" because all of the anti-liberals like to use it! I figured it would be funny! Probably why I used capital letters too.

I realize that a true assault weapon would not only have the given pistol grip, flash hider, bayo lug, detachable magazine?, and/or folding stock. It would also have true select fire!! And maybe even a way shorter barrel than what is now considered legal!

Being that we are talking of "legal" firearms here in the Peoples Republic of Kalifornia, NO my sporting rifles are not equiped with select fire capabilities! :(

50 Freak

New member
I venture to say that despite being a Kali resident, if I ever can figure out how to post pictures, I could post some pics of some really cool toys I or my friends own here in Kali that would make you "free-er state" residents drool.

I hate the perception that those here in Kali only have bolt guns and about as "evil" as we can get is a mini-14.

Not true (sort of :( ). Yes those just starting the hobbies, have to be content with M1As, Mini-14s, SU-16. But there are many of us here that have been collecting for a long time and can brag of their Galil 308 Snipers, Barrett 82A, SR-25s, AUGs, and a whole slew of other "cool" collectors.

Only problem is we can't sell them instate or even leave them to our kids. But hopefully the laws here in Kali will change back to the favor of the gun owners. I have faith it will. Just takes time.


New member
I could post some pics of some really cool toys I or my friends own here in Kali that would make you "free-er state" residents drool.

Hmm, I don't know, 50Freak! :D Out here at MG matches guys shoot MP5's, M16's, Sten's and UZI's. I'm buying a FA UZI, something I never could have done in my 48 years in CA.

I think Las Vegas is one of the worst places to live, myself, but the gun laws are good and after living in CA the freedom is incredible.

50 Freak

New member

You got me on the Full Auto stuff. But as for the rest of the other toys you mentioned. I still say I can probably match you in "coolness" factor.

Maybe we should meet halfway in Reno or something for a shoot one day.:D

I'm actually going out to the range tomorrow to test out my new 1919A6. And a custom FAL sniper I had built few months back. Can't wait.


New member
The other reason I was happy to leave the PRK...

But there are many of us here that have been collecting for a long time and can brag of their Galil 308 Snipers, Barrett 82A, SR-25s, AUGs, and a whole slew of other "cool" collectors.

Only problem is we can't sell them instate or even leave them to our kids.

Lets not forget, the Kalifornia DOJ has the above "grandfathered" guns, and their owners, properly registered and ready to visit at home on the drop of a dime. It's been described as turning ownership over to the DOJ, and leasing back the gun until the owner expires. :(

(That's assuming everybody registered their verboten guns, and we all know everybody complied with the edict... :cool: )


New member
Thats kind of stupid, it a type of gun is banned then they should all be removed. I.e if X type is banned then current owners of it should have to surrender them as well as stopping people from buying them!?

Not that I gree with this sort of gun control, just rather the princible of a banned weapon. Maybe potential gun buyers could sue government for 'newness' discrimination!