California - did you buy an AK and AR bfore AW ban?


New member
just wondering. i picked up a mak90 and bushmaster ar15 before everything hit. wish i had bought a dozen mak's at $199, also wish i had picked up an L1A1......


New member
I ended up picking up 2 AR-15s before the ban happened a complete Oly arms and a stripped lower. If i had money I would have also gotten me a FAL variant


I never even wanted an AK47 untill the state told me i didn't need one. So screw you Kallynogunforya! I bought an AK before the ban went in to effect.

Travis McGee

New member
Jeeez, why don't everybody list the semi-autos they purchased in Kali to beat the law. Get a clue folks.


Mac Attack

New member
I bought into the whole hype and bought a stripped preban Colt AR15 lower before the ban. Needless to say I paid a small fortune for just the receiver :(. Now that I am no longer a resident of the PRK I see complete preban rifles for nearly two times less than what I paid for mine. :mad: :(
Bought virtually all my semi-autos before the ban. Then I had to banish them to Nevada because I didn't want to register them. :(


New member
I know Drew Carey said that he went out and bought as many as he could, just because CA said he wasn't going to be able to. Didn't really even want any before that.
I had virtually everything I wanted before the Ban. Now with registration, everything is out-of-state. :mad: I hate California and can't wait to retire to move elsewhere. Mebbe Duck River in TN. Tax free and there's plenty of blackpowder activity there too.

50 Freak

New member
I sure as heck bought as much as I could before the ban. Now I have my AK (Mak90) AR and FAL all sitting legally in my safe.

My friend registered his Galils, ARs (223 & 308s), AR180s, Uzis, etc. Has a pretty nice collection.

Hate to say it, but I saw it coming and bought as much as I could. Still wish I could have that H&K 91/94 though. Jeez


New member
It started with a 3 day wait on handguns. Then 6 days. Then 10 days and long guns were included and all guns had to be transferred through an FFL. Then assault weapons were banned along with mags over 10 rounds. Then all handguns had to be certified by the state to be sold. Then anyone moving to California had to register their handguns with the government and pay $15 for each gun. Then gunowners needed to take a safety test and obtain a permit to own a gun. Then they had to buy a safe.

Them frogs is just about boiled, now, I reckon.


New member
I got my AR before the ship I was on left for Japan in 1998. Haven't been back to Kalifornia since then, except for visits to family.

I now live in Washington State, where Class III might be verboten, but I can get anything else I want, pay cash money, do the Brady check, and walk out the door with it. No wait if you have a CCW permit, which I do.

Of course, I have to watch for the watermelons in King County, and try to make them stop telling me how to use my land.....


New member
I bought a Bulgarian SLR-95.

Just because Dianne Feinstein sent me a postcard with a picture of one. That was very nice of her. Then Deborah Ortiz came to my front door, asking for my vote, shortly after she posed with a table full of evil guns for her campaign flyer. I said I'd vote for her if she would be kind enough to pose holding my new Bulgarian AK variant.

Glad I got orders out of that state before January of 2000.

50 Freak

New member
Opinions are like *******s, everyone has one.

"Owning ANY firearm in California, and bragging about it, is rather foolish. Just one man's opinion."

Sorry, I don't agree. Why should I hide the fact I own "evil assault weapons" especially if I followed the law and they are legally grandfathered "assault weapons". You may chose to hide, but that's not the way I was raised.

Before the bans, I would go to the gun ranges and see, AR's, AK variants, Uzi's etc a plenty. After the ban, at the same ranges, I would see only bolt actions, lever action and hardly ever if any "black guns". So I made it a point to bring out a few of my "black guns" everytime I went to the range. Always drew a crowd. Never had a LEO or ATF agent hastle me in the 15 plus years I've been collecting, other than some LEO's admiring a few of my toys. Slowly over time, I started seeing that others were bringing out their ARs and AKs, FALs etc.

Granted this is only on a local scale, but I think the problem with Kali gun owners is that they are afraid because they think that they are alone. They worry that the fact that they own "assault weapons" might make them look as some militia whacko deviant. That is the farthest from the truth. They very often are the most law abiding people I know as they have to be with all the changes in gun laws this state has. I would even venture to say that they often times know more about firearms laws than their local attys or LEO's.

You'd actually be amazed at the amount of gun owners here in Kali. Despite being the "anti-gun" state in the union, I'm told that Kali is also the number one state in handgun purchases. Makes you wonder what would happen if us "closet" gun owners actually went to the voting polls in droves.

50 Freak

New member
So those of us with roots and family here should pick up and run???

Get serious, I love collecting "toys", but if it came down to it. Family comes first buddy. Get your priorities straight. Besides, if need be I can transfer my toys out of state and visit them when I want. Easier than transporting the whole family.


Please explain why.....

"Owning ANY firearm in California,and braging about it,is rather foolish..."

I own lots of guns,all legal,and don't give a rat poop who knows it. I don't know anyone who denies owing a gun,be it handgun,rifle,shotgun,AK 47, AR15..etc,etc. I go to the range atleast once,sometimes 3 times a month,and everytime i go there's atleast one guy with an AK or AR and hardly anybody Gives a rat crap. Almost every time i take my AK out somebody says "I wish i would've bought one before the ban".

I took some pictures to work the other day that were taken on my last trip to the range. I had pictures of me shooting my AK and one of my Glocks. The boss looked at 'em,fellow employees looked at 'em, and nobody had any negative comments (there's atleast 75 people on my floor). Almost all of them said "...that looks like fun..."

I'm proud to say "...yes,i own firearms..."

"As is living there"

Really? Then explain why so damn many people keep moving here.


New member
you forgot to mention in the early/mid 90's the waiting period went up to 21 days(provision for snail-mail time!). Then it came back to 10 with the state introduction of the on-line D.R.O.S. system! :rolleyes:

50 Freak I could'nt agree more! I too have nothing to be ashamed of! I legaly own several EVEIL ASSAULT RIFLES, and am proud to own them, maintain them and shoot them as often as posible!

Now, if the powers that be want them! Well, thats a whole different story! :mad: