CA Update: AB962 = CA Appellate Court Upholds Injunction 11/06/13


New member
The background check for each ammo purchase seems ridiculous and expensive for the purchase of small amounts of ammo. I'm sure this will simply result in bulk purchases by those who shoot even moderate amounts or prompt shooters to buy in-person, out-of-state. The smarter ones would purchase from a store a little deeper into a neighboring state and would toss boxes or other material which lists the lot number so as to avoid easy tracing.


New member
Not me Jim. I'd keep the boxes. They prove I bought the stuff out of state. Track away, you'll find out it came from Next Door, One State Over.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
To keep everyone up to date on this case, December 16th, the CA-DOJ filed a petition for review with the CA Supreme Court:

Then on January 10th, the Respondents filed their answer in opposition to review:

On January 21, the State filed its reply:

We now wait for a grant or denial of review.


New member
Thank you very much for keeping us up to date on all the on going cases. This section is really the only reason I visit Firing Line these days.


New member
Calguns is becoming quite a force

Other states that may be creeping towards nanny statedom might want to take a page from Calguns. A lot of first class minds and contributors involved.
This is an NRA Supported Lawsuit

Colt46, to be clear, Calguns has nothing to do with this case. Our firm represents the CRPA Foundation in this lawsuit and the NRA is supporting the case.