CA: Orange County Sheriff sued over carry permits


Orange County CA sheriff?...

Im not quite sure but isn't the Orange County CA sheriff under a indightment or convicted in a major scandal? :confused:
Sheriff Corona?
Is that political mess slowing down the CC process?


New member
Carona hasn't been sheriff for years now. This suit was filed well after he was replaced and is directed at the current sheriff's issuing practices.


Fed time....

I checked online, he's now a convicted felon in a BoP location in CO.
He had a promising career too. Just like Bernard Kerik of the NYPD.

Jim March

New member
I told Ed Worley of the California NRA in 2002 that Carona was trouble...that corrption in permit issuance was still going on. He didn't listen.

Jim March

New member
Nope. He ran two different CCW processes:

* Normal folk got one of a bank of upper-rank staffers, who varied from "True Blue NRA" to "Sarah Brady Zombie Clone". Your odds were a total crapshoot depending on which one you got.

* "Special people" who paid big money (well over a grand per the initial federal indictment) got to go straight to Carona. This group included some actual Las Vegas mobsters.


New member
The trading of CCW's for campaign money or other favors has occurred in quite a number of CA districts.

Carona ended up to be another politician with his hand out, for he had something to sell.

That is the root failure of may-issue. It ignores human nature. By definition, preference is given to the connected and wealthy.