Buying a .454 Casull - Which one?


The gray stainless on the rugger looks nice! and its less likely to rust, and its less likely to scratch, and it just looks good, the taurus feels like a lorcin potmetal ripoff! I already had a rental trash itself, so now I'm saving for a SRH

Have you nuked a hampster today???
I have the 'Raging Bull' - naturally as brazil is our nreighbor here in argentina it was far more accesible than the Ruger or the Freedom Arms. It does shoot very well and the porting actually seems to work. The double action is nice but (as in a speed loader) why one would want it in a rifle perfomance pistol is beyond me. Got it as it was about to be declared 'politically incorrect' (in hefty handguns i'm more than happy with my S&W 629) but its turned out to be a real 'fun gun'... and i dont think i'm taht much of a masochist to run enough 454 rounds through the gun so's to test it to any sort of breaking point - it has a very nice double lock on the cylinder by the way... for what its worth
Peter Knight in Cordoba , Argentina


New member
If you're going to get a 50AE later, why not get a 1911 that shoots 44 mag?....Actually its 45 Super at 44 mag velocities. Just got to shoot one recently and was MIGHTY impressed. 200gr HP @ 1400fps and not pushing it too hard. Next time I shoot it it'll be 165gr Sierras @ 1600fps and I'm told is even softer shooting than the 200 grainers at 1400! That's if you like the 1911 style. I found a barrel manufacturer that makes barrels that shoot quicker and softer than any other 1911 in history. If you want more info email me @

If you want to go with the 454 Cass, you've got hands a whole lot bigger than mine. I picked up a Raging Bull one day and couldn't hardly reach the trigger in DA mode. So I thumb cocked it. Shot first shot and it went full auto! Don't ask me how....we were all trying to figure that out....A revlvr doing a tripple tap so fast it sounded like one shot?!!! I wanted to say, "I MEANT to do that. Yea, the trigger finger is quicker than the eye." ;) A guy from Taurus said it might have been a sear slip. I think it is remotely possible, but my .02 is that the recoil forced it back into the meat of my hand far enough to reset and fire immediately as the pistol started forward from my palm, whearas the index finger pulled the shot on its own accord due to the rebound. Glad there were only 3 shots loaded and no holes in the ceiling of the range.

Best regards,

Odd, indeed. Going full auto? the 'rebound' theory would be one possible explanation. The trigger pull and sear adjustment on thr 'Raging Bull' is very sensitive - at least in mine - but not more than my 629 44. Maybe the 'squishy' recoil absorption grip could have something to do with it - anybody else had this happen? Most interesting and it does seem strange...
Hasta pronto amigos - Peter Knight