Buying a .454 Casull - Which one?

Dennis Olson

New member
I'm going to buy a .454 Casull revolver this week. Should I get the Taurus "Raging Bull" (5 rds) or the Ruger (6 rds)?

Which one has a better rep for QC and performance?

Gotta get all my non-PC guns in the next year, before they're all outlawed. Next will be a .50 Desert Eagle and a .50BMG. Any info on those would be helpful as well.


Fast Eagle

New member
Damn son...

I thought I was firepower happy. :eek:

I like the looks of the Ruger better and hadn't it been around longer?

Ducking behind the APC,
Fast Eagle

Sir, your remarks are repulsive to me, and I disagree with your viewpoints. But I will defend to my death your God given right to express them.


New member
Suggest higher owner satisfaction overall with the Ruger.

Certainly more durable.

No fact, just opinion. many custom revolvers are based on Taurus? You know, Bowen, Linebaugh, etc.?

"All my ammo is factory ammo"

Dennis Olson

New member
The Ruger Redhawk .44 mag I had years ago was a beautiful brushed stainless finish. The Ruger .454 is a horrid grey/green coating over SS. Ugly as all getout. I love Rugers (I have 2 or 3 asstd ones now), but I just can't warm up to their latest offering.

Also, the Taurus is ported, and has a ribbed barrel, while the Ruger is built EXACTLY like the Super Redhawk. I think that might be a tad light for the recoil of the .454.

Other thoughts on these issues guys?

Bob Locke

New member
I have not shot the Raging Bull, but it certainly looks "beefy". On the other hand, I HAVE shot the Ruger, and it's a load and a half, amigo!

I know if I were looking for one, I would start with the Freedom Arms (assuming $$ isn't an issue, of course). Next to that would be the Ruger, I believe.


I don't like the feel of the Taurus at all.Feels like a club.Go with the Ruger

Bob--- Age and deceit will overcome youth and speed.
I'm old and deceitful.


New member
I have also considered getting a 454. I have no experience with either of the guns in question, but I understand that the 454 is quite a handful. Seems like the porting on the Taurus might be worth something. And I must admit, I have a hard time liking the looks of the Ruger in this caliber. I'm sure it is very strong, but I don't care for the look of that reinforced frame/barrel area. I'd certainly take a hard look at the Taurus before I made a decision.


Steve Smith

New member
I used to own a Taurus. I swear the porting absolutely tames the recoil. If for some reason you actually need a follow-up shot, you will not find your muzzle at a 45 degree angle after your first shot. It raises about 3"...that's it. YOU DO KNOW YOU'RE SHOOTING AN EXTREME CALIBER, but you will stay on target. Why did I sell mine? To buy an SA M1A...otherwise, I'd still have it.


New member
My .454 has a "horrid coating"?!? I love the target gray! It's cool! I guess that's the great thing about handguns--to each his own.

I'd suggest the Ruger for hunting and rough field use, the Taurus for a fun gun. The Ruger's tougher and ready for a scope, but kicks more than the Taurus.


New member
Haven't had the honor of shooting the Ruger yet, but the Taurus is something else. The porting and special grips actually make follow up shots imagineable. I wish I had one. However, no matter which one you get, if it isn't a Casull from Freedom Arms it will only be second best at most......

Henry Bowman

Why in heavens name do people insist that Freedom Arms in the best? They build a "single action" out of pre-manufactured castings (read subcontracted from Ruger?) complete with outdated flat mainspring and wire springs for the bolt and trigger. Manufacturing tolorance is so bad that stocks can't be swapped from gun to gun, the $1895.00 "Premiere" still needs both action and trigger work but is available as an option. Accuracy from the Freedom Arms is no better than the Taurus RB or the Ruger SBH although the FA does have a suitable optional scope mounting system with three rings not the two available on the Ruger which will not retain the scope with full power loads. I prefer the Taurus with the integral compensator but try to shoot both to compare yourself. henry


Besides their politics or the great lack of
as far as Ruger the company.
I really dont like the thinner handles on their .454's looks like theyd give you hell to pay on recoil.
Go Taurus theyve never supported anything like the AW ban or the ban on decent sized
pistol mags for their own profit as ruger has.

Not edited or Censored.

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"

Dennis Olson

New member
Thanks all, for your input. I have indeed decided to go with the Taurus. But now I can't seem to find a holster for it (I want a belt holster with a forward tilt). Nor can I seem to find speedloaders. *sigh*

Anyway, I'll go order the thing tomorrow. I should have it in hand by Friday (pant, pant....)

Steve Smith

New member
Dennis, I think that the Taurus website may help you out with the speedloaders. As far as the holster goes, most folks (includingme) will tell you that pre-made holsters for anything pretty much suck. Get a custom holster made, preferrably at a local leather maker, and you'll be much happier. I say go to a local maker, because unless the guy has a "fake" gun just like yours, he'll need the gun for a week or so to make the holster fit the gun perfectly. Also, look into holsters that have a "shoulder strap" that goes onto the opposite shoulder than the side you carry on. This will allieve the weight a lot. I have some experience in this, and I'm not lying to you.

Badger Arms

New member
Two things to consider with the Taurus. Look at how thin the metal is on the porting. Second, look at how small the operating parts are such as the cylinder stop and Hand. Then look at the side of the frame on the Taurus. Notice there ISN'T a right side... it's a sideplate. Finally, what do you use to mount a scope?

The Ruger is only difficient in the Porting department. Hell, ship the gun off to MagNaPort and call it good.

I have PERSONALLY inspected two Ragging Bulls in my time with Cracked Compensators. One of these guns had about 500 rounds through it and the other less than a box. Taurus replaced the guns, so that is one thing going for them. Both of them had so much side-to-side play on the cylinders that I'd be worried if the firing pin would strike the Primer! The Taurus is cheaply made to the same tolerances as their cheap 38 revolvers. It's a waste of Money.

Dennis Olson

New member
Badgerarms, thanks for the info.

I had the opportunity on Friday to handle a used, late-model Taurus. I noticed very little play in the cylinder, and the fit and finish seemed good. FYI, Taurus has a lifetime warranty on all its guns. Works fer me.

I love Rugers, and have several right now. BUT, I cannot STAND their .454 in that horrid finish. If it were brushed SS, maybe (and add MagnaPort), but as it is... no.

As dumb as it sounds, the apperance of certain guns appeals to me. At first, I hated the Taurus. Really. Ugly as hell. Then, it started to grow on me (maybe like a fungus?)

I'll put a BUNCH of rounds thru this thing, and if it breaks, I'll have them fix it. Yes, Rugers are the best wheelguns these days. If only they made the .454 look a tad better.



New member
I'd get a Lorcin. :cool:

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!

Badger Arms

New member
Dennis. Was the gun you handled a 454? I've handled a few of their 38s and 357's that hadn't been shot much and they were tight also. I do know that their 44's won't last long. I'd been selling ammo to a friend of mine in Alaska. He brought his gun in one day and said he had too much 'gunk' built up on the barrel and it was jamming on him. When I finished cleaning all the lead that had been shaved from the loose cylinder, I measured about 3/32" of rotational play in the cylinder. I told him he should contact Taurus. Don't know what happened as he moved to Arizona shortly thereafter. This was after he'd shot 800 rounds.

Lifetime warranty be damned, I'll buy the better gun to begin with. You can have the gun polished by a gunsmith if you don't like the finish it comes with. I'm a bit biased, but I'm biased because of what I've seen. It's just like Bill Clinton, you're picking the image over the substance. BUT, that's only my opinion. Talk to a Gunsmith about how much a brushed stainless polish job would cost.

Dennis Olson

New member
Yes Badger, it was a Raging Bull. 8" blue.

Nice & tight, with a great action. That was what finally "convinced" me to get one. If I got skunked, well, I can always sell it and take small loss if necessary, and then go get that (butt ugly) Ruger.
