buy the walther or sw99 ?????


New member
i've been trying to decide between the walther or s&w and i know they are basicly the same gun. i think i like the walther the best, any thing i need to know before pull out the checkbook? also i have a like new beretta 92 stainless steel made in italy with five 15 round mags, two are factory, three are aftermarket. what can i expect to get for this pistol?


New member
The Walther is the better of the two.The S&W is only half Walther. Go with the P99 9MM over the 40 cal. This pistol was designed for that round, and the chambering in 40SW was just added as an after thought for the American market. There are several good postings on this pistol in the archives. Just do a search on Walther P99. Now go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!! :) :) :)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!


New member
Go with the Walther- They do feel a little different in the hand. Also you will be able shoot +p ammo out of the Walther, the S&W is not +p rated.

Don't sell the Beretta unless you absolutely have to. Ypu'll be kicking yourself years from now.


New member
Gotta disagree fellas. I got the SW99 in .40 S&W, and I stand by that decision - it is a real pleasure to shoot.

It was a dead heat, and I considered this dilemna at some length prior to deciding on the SW for the following reasons:

-S&W availability of parts and service
-Preferred SW triggerguard
-Open-ended accessory rails on S&W
-Coarser slide serrations - and in front
-Walther costs at least $100 more

I own a P38, and there is no question that Walther is a great weapons manufacturer, and amongst afficionados at least has equal name recognition to S&W. Should note that I was always a Colt fan, and like Walther, you will pay a premium for that label.

As far as the half-German argument, well how about that Dodge or Jeep you're driving? International corporate efforts are a fact of life. According to Walther's website, S&W is doing all of their US service anyway.

[This message has been edited by panzerfuehrer (edited February 15, 2000).]

Greg G

New member
I have a Walther P99 in 9x19 and can recommend it. I don't know enough about the S&W to comment.
Regarding the Beretta: You really ought to hang on to it. I think you will regret it one day if you sell it.


New member
Only get the German made Walther.

Trust me.

Never buy imitations or badged products.

The SW99 may be cheaper but you'll get what you pay for.

If you're buying a full-sized 9mm, have you at least considered a Glock 17 or Sig P226? These are well known for their accuracy and reliability and have tons of accessories floating around. Hi caps all around and can be had for $65-$75.

Two months ago, I went shooting with a friend packing her Walther. It jammed and hiccupped on about 9 rounds out of 100 reloads. We also had some light primer strikes and had to double rack the slide a couple of times.

We had been shooting almost the whole rental case that day and all of the 9mm Glocks (19, 17, 34), all of the 9mm Kahrs (K9, MK9), all of the 9mm Sigs (228, 226), an HK Compact 9mm, and a Beretta 92 loved my reloads. solid accuracy. No problems.

But this Walther was sensitive to reloads. Its accuracy was below all of the above guns I shot. I liked the grip on the Walther. The mag release was not charming. Sights were fine. But accessories are limited and those hi-caps will cost you. My friend went on a business trip to Germany and picked her hi-caps up cheap.

Keep that stainless steel Beretta. The Italian made ones are the best of the line. Don't sell it!

You sound like you really like the gun but consider all of your choices. Where are the Walther owners on the Net other than here?

Just think about it. For $650-700, you can buy a Sig or even an HKP7M8.

The Seattle SharpShooter


New member
I have a all German P-99 Walther in .40 that I absolutely love. I checked out the Smith, but I just liked the look of the Walther better. I may be wrong on this, and if so, I stand corrected, but I have been told that there are American made P-99s (not SW99) that are assembled by Smith. Personally, if I'm buying a Walther, I just prefer one, "made in Germany by Carl Walther".

Panzerfuehrer, just curious, did your Smith come with the 4 replaceable front sights, adjustable rear sight, and 3 interchangeable backstraps like the Walthers?



New member
I would buy the Walther over the Schmit Und Vesson. The Walther will maintain and accrue value over and above the american made copy.
Another plus is at least half the Stahl-steel) will be better than the Schmit.

If there is nothing wrong with the Italian Stalion then you would be best not to sell. Trading an essentaily (due to cost)standard capacity for a communist capacity is a move youre' likely to regret. I would use some cash to get some more (Qaulity!!!) magazines for the pistola.
:cool: IZZY


New member
I would buy the Walther over the Schmit Und Vesson. The Walther will maintain and accrue value over and above the american made copy.
Another plus is at least half the pistol (the Stahl-steel) will be better than the Schmit.

If there is nothing wrong with the Italian Stalion then you would be best not to sell. Trading an essentaily (due to cost)standard capacity for a communist capacity is a move youre' likely to regret. I would use some cash to get some more (Qaulity!!!) magazines for the pistola.
:cool: IZZY


New member
I would buy the Walther over the Schmit Und Vesson. The Walther will maintain and accrue value over and above the american made copy.
Another plus is at least half the pistol (the Stahl-steel) will be better than the Schmit.

If there is nothing wrong with the Italian Stalion then you would be best not to sell. Trading an essentaily (due to cost)standard capacity for a communist capacity is a move youre' likely to regret. I would use some cash to get some more (Qaulity!!!) magazines for the pistola.
:cool: IZZY


New member
I would buy the Walther over the Schmit Und Vesson. The Walther will maintain and accrue value over and above the american made copy.
Another plus is at least half the pistol (the Stahl-steel) will be better than the Schmit.

If there is nothing wrong with the Italian Stalion then you would be best not to sell. Trading an essentaily (due to cost)standard capacity for a communist capacity is a move youre' likely to regret. I would use some cash to get some more (Qaulity!!!) magazines for the pistola.
:cool: IZZY


New member
Hmm, a lawyer saying trust me....... :D

Gusgus, the answer is yes, I did get 3 backstraps, and interchangable and adjustable sights, although I ordered mine with Trijicon from the factory.

I see nothing wrong with the SW, and can't buy into the fear (hysteria is too strong) that if it ain't Walther, it ain't. As I stated in my previous post, the P99 might be made in Germany, but will be serviced by S&W in Springfield, MA.

Further, being a confirmed Germanophile, it occurs to me that if Germans have any doubt about potential business partners, then you may be assured that those concerns are addressed before doing business. I do not believe that Walther would collaborate on these weapons if there were any doubts about the resulting product. I tried really hard to come up with a reason to buy the Walther, but could not.As far as getting what you pay for, I agree completely, but we are talking S&W, not Raven Arms, Helwan, etc., and my weapon actually fell in the $600-700 range, so "cheap" is not the word I would use - perhaps "less expensive".

In short, I carry this weapon daily, and know that it will function for me when needed. I have had absolutely no problem with feeding a variety of ammo through it, with the exception of reload, which I will not use. Anyone relying upon a weapon would not do so either.


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.


New member
Izzy, you need make only vun tap mit your walther mause, not 4. :D


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.


New member

I have no experiance with the Smith version,true. I have however aquired three diffrent PPK'S (I know diffrent compony...)and I kept only one. My first was stainless and the steel was so soft that it loosened up (IE the slide width expanded!) with only 120 rounds of shooting! (Not that this would affect accuracy with a fixed barrel..but schies is schies!) My second was a blued steel....and a complete lemon...would not fire every few rounds even with diffrent ammo...locking up on a full mag and not locking up on an empty and the straight from hell round indicator pin would have a tendency to stick out of the gun an inch or so...I would push it back but every couple o' rounds it poped out again! I was so angry I got excelent groups at the range!

I would have dumped the idea of an AMERICAN Walther then and there if the factory didn't send me a brand new gun the next month! (which shoots perfectly and is now my nickled always "Bang-stick")...

My point? I really love Smith and Wessons revolvers...their Auto's well thats up to the individual model or gun... But the fact remains I don't like modern american wepons as much as european...(I know the two are owened by the same compony...but I'll take the german gun everytime). I am confident however that the Schmitt is as good as you say...however for collectors value..and for being imported...which one do you think is going to be more valuble in the years ahead?

As for Der mouse...yah I know...first time took a while and I got anxious, clicked the mouse one too many times to get it going...



New member
Buy the Walther you won't regret it.
I like Smith & Wessons, But the Walther has it hands down in my book.

Happy Shooting :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.


New member
Izzy, you make valid points in regard to collector's value of Walthers, however if collecting or investment were my purpose in purchasing the weapon, it would be in the vault instead of a carry weapon on my hip.

Long story short - it does what it is intended to do, and I have no hang-ups over label or how much money I spent. I'm sure there are many Ruger owners out there who are also delighted with their weapons for about 1/2 - 3/4 the cost of SW or Walther, and I am one of them as well as a Walther owner. I simply feel that the SW99 better suits my needs.

Oh, BTW,

>>>..but schies is schies!)...<<<

Izzy, you make a relevant point, and probably didn't even realize it! Although I suspect you refer to the German term for solid excretory matter, which is actually scheisse, your spelling with the "i" and "e" transposed is a form of schiessen - to shoot, hence "shooting is shooting".

After all, isn't that why we are all here?


Die Wahrheit ist eine Perle. Werfen sie nicht vor die Säue.


New member
Don't worry about those who say that their S&W jammed, etc. I think I have seen almost every model of every make listed in this forum with those words attached.

My SW99-9 has had about 500 rounds through it with no problem. It doesn't quite like UMC so I just stear clear of it.

It shot a little low at 25 yards so I changed front sights and switched to the largest grip and it seemed to correct itself. The wathers are getting pretty scarce at dealers and they say are being fased out and replaced with the SW99 exclusive. The only source I know of is Earl's. Bought my SW99 for between $525-$550. I was nervous at first with all the reported problems but I am now a happy camper.


New member
Hey panzerfuehrer:

Did your night sights come with three front sights? I am using the lowest one of the regular sights and wondered if I could get night sights that were slightly lower. At 25 yards I felt my SW99 was shooting low so I was forced to switch to the lowest front sight to tip the front up. I would like the flexability of having a cushion of one more lower sight to bring the pattern even higher at 25 yards.

S&W said they would be glad to pay to ship it back to them to have them chaeck the barrel out but I think it is just my shooting form due to the extended trigger travel


New member
I would choose the Walther based on asthetics alone(The GER having a boxed trigger gaurd versus the AMR curved. I don't believe that there is much of a difference anywhere else except maybe the $100 add on. Yes resale would be higher than the SW but you also paid more for the WALT. All new designs have teething problems. Remember (Glock lovers) the G19 was known to have feeding problems because their exceptionally tight chambers? They eventually fixed it. I usually hold off on new designs until a good number of knowledgable people like you guys, talk me into it.