Bush's War on Guns?

Justin Moore

New member


I want to welcome the new U.S. attorneys. I want to congratulate you. I must tell you that we set a high standard, and you met it. And for that, I hope you're proud. And I am grateful that you are willing to serve the country, particularly at this time.

I know you know this, but I want to remind you that you have got a significant commitment to the security and safety of the American people. We all do. That's our job. And it's a job we will keep.

The security and safety of our people was threatened before September the 11th. In many neighborhoods, there's too much gun violence in America. Despite all the progress against crime, teenagers, almost as many teenagers die from gunshot wounds as from all natural causes combined. And that's not right, and we are going to do something about it.

We must help people reclaim their neighborhoods and their streets. We must help those who want to live in a comfortable environment feel safe. That's one of our primary jobs. And so I proposed a program called Project Safe Neighborhoods. And you have a clear charge to fight gun violence in America.

U.S. Attorneys will work with state and local authorities in an all-out campaign, in a focused and vigorous effort to cut gun crime. By September of this year -- of next year, 2002, we hope to have 200 new attorneys hired to prosecute crimes committed with a gun, 200 new attorneys to help you stay focused on an important mission, which is the safety of our citizens.

Investigators will have the best training and the latest technology available. We want to enhance the technology, so we can find those, track those, communicate better with each other, to bring people to justice who commit a crime with a gun.

We'll improve data-sharing and criminal record-keeping, to ensure that people who shouldn't have guns don't get them. We've got to prevent those people who want to use guns to hurt our fellow citizens from getting them in the first place.

And finally, we want to make sure that the federal government works more closely with communities and community-based programs, and faith-based groups, to steer our children away from guns before they take a life or lose their own. In other words, on the one hand, I want you to be tough. And on the other hand, I want you to rally the compassionate loving souls in neighborhoods who can teach children lessons from right, from wrong.

This is an important calling. The methods work in those cities where they've -- we tried a program that I just outlined, they work. Statistics show it, and now we've got to make sure it exists all across the country.

This is an important charge for you. It's one of your top priorities, because it's one of mine. We have got to send this message -- and I mean a clear message, an unambiguous message -- that if you illegally carry or use a gun, there is one consequence in America: arrest and jail. The best way to make sure our neighborhoods are safe is to enforce the laws on the books. And to the best of our ability, we will give you more tools to do that.

TRANSLATION: Unconstitutional laws against gun ownership will be enforced, and if you are caught exercising your rights as a human being, we'll see you are locked up. More federal records on gun purchases and ownership are going to be kept, although we know that this won't stop criminals from getting or owning guns or victimizing people.

Umm, we can't we just target crime, instead of the special class of 'gun crime'? :wink:

I just KNOW Jim March is gonna jump in here, and admonish me for beating up on poor old Dubya. After all, he's a good conservative from Kennebunk....errr....TEXAS I mean ;)

Don't mess with Texas :rolleyes:

Quite frankly, these comments make me wanna hurl....


New member
The best way to make sure our neighborhoods are safe is to enforce the laws on the books. And to the best of our ability, we will give you more tools to do that.

"More tools" means more un-Constitutional invasions of our privacy. I'm surprised at Bush. I expected better of him.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
And this is precisely why I didn't vote for the demopubs/republicrats last year.

There is no difference between them, other than the speed by which we fall.


New member
I'd like to know what the "new tools" are in Bush's message. Also, I question the teenage gun victim statistic that the message cites. And I think that we do not need to enforce, but rather could easily dispense with, thousands of gun laws that are already on the books.

However, although I have reservations about the message, I personally think it is more positive than negative. And it's a genuine departure from the previous administration.

For example, the message explicitly targets criminals who use guns to commit crimes, rather than targeting law-abiding citizens simply because they own guns or want to own them. IOW, it's directed--or purports to be directed--against those who "illegally carry or use a gun," not, say, against the concealed carry licensees and lawful gunowners that Clinton and Gore demonized.

Also, as I read the message, Bush states that no new gun control laws are needed. This is a far cry from Clinton, who exploited any occasion to promote new and expanded gun control legislation which had little of no effect on crime, and whose only purpose was to suppress the lawful ownership of firearms.

So, if Gore were president, we'd be reading a very different message right now. Under Gore, the message would call for the strict enforcement of national gun registration, along with the confiscation of the guns of law-abiding citizens who refused to register their property. Also, searches to find unregistered guns. Also, confiscation of registered guns that were banned under gun control laws enacted after registration.

My two cents.


New member
FTR, that is why I didn't vote for any of the Demopublicans either.

Antipitas, you are correct -- the only difference is speed with which we fall.

Bush may take our gun rights away more slowly than Gore would have, but either way we end up losing our gun rights.

But, even though I didn't vote for him, I did expect better from Bush.


New member

We bitch and moan about how they should enforce the laws that are on the books instead of making still more laws ans when a guy says "The best way to make sure our neighborhoods are safe is to enforce the laws on the books." we bitch and moan that they are doing what we have demanded.

We should acceot this as what we wanted and now we should start demanding the repeal of those laws. It took a long time to get where we are and it will take a long time to get back.


Member In Memoriam

What's this, "We, Keem-a-sabi?" ;)

I have never proposed that we enforce all the gun laws on the books. To do so would be not in any of our best interests.

I can go so far to say that, at times & dealing with the GDP, that broad-stroke statements may have to be used. Wouldn't want to confuse the sheep ....

In any event, my comments are here = TFL GD Bush statement which has a 3-pager going on the same subject.

David Park

New member
We should enforce all the crime laws on the books. You know, all those dusty old laws against murder, rape, theft, assault, and so on. There should be no gun laws, at least not at the federal level. Taking Project Exile nationwide would definitely involve new laws and more BATF involvement in local gov't, not just enforcing the laws on the books.

For more on Project Exile, see this 3-pager, different from the above thread. In particular, read a few of the links I just posted on page 3.


New member
"Despite all the progress against crime, teenagers, almost as many teenagers die from gunshot wounds as from all natural causes combined. And that's not right, and we are going to do something about it."

And to think, all this time I have been under the illusion that teenagers were dying from heart attacks, and emphysema.

Fred Hansen

New member
I agree that parts of his speech are nonsense. Having said that, I must say that living in a world where the fundamental ability to descriminate between friend and foe is lost, must really suck. No shortage of black helicopters around here.;)


New member
Will somebody please show me how Bush has made things worse for us? I agree that we have a lot of nonsense laws that should be repealed, but what action has been taken against us by Bush or Ashcroft?

I find them both a breath of fresh air, and I will continue to take steps in that direction when given the choice. Just because we didn't get everything we wanted in the last election is no excuse for giving up and getting nothing in the next election.

(Just so everyone knows, I am perfectly against the Patriot act :barf:, and federalized airport security. There are some things that could be better, but our rights are at least better off than with the previous bunch).

Mr. James

New member
All together now, "It's For the Children"

"...we want to make sure that the federal government works more closely with communities and community-based programs, and faith-based groups, to steer our children away from guns before they take a life or lose their own."

:barf: :barf: :barf:

How 'bout, "we're going to encourage families to teach their children right from wrong, to instill morality and a proper respect for human life and, in those families which choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights, to teach their children proper firearms safety."

I tell you what, Dubya, don't you worry about steering my children any-damn-where. No, sir, leave the driving to us.


New member
I for one trust both President Bush and John Ashcroft. At least my wife and I don't have to worry that this President will sell my son's life cheap for personal political gain.


Member In Memoriam
I don't trust any politician at all - none.

With their latest trust regards our freedoms (Patriot Act - is it even printed so they can read it yet?), security (nonsense with the airlines & "we're at war" rhetoric - with no semblance of any form of civil defense whatsoever) - I could go on ...

I don't trust them one stinkin' bit, & that with "intangibles."

glock glockler

New member
I think we're fortgetting something

Before everyone gets their torches and pitchforks I think we should recognize the arena that this message is being sent in: a political arena, and with politics being "the art of the possible" we should take a few steps back and look at the big picture. Bush is trying to pull off a big balancing act in the unenviable situation he's in with a foreign war and domestic politics as usual, nasty and deadly.

I believe he's giving lip service to the gun issue to pacify Democrats and defang idiots like McCain who are actually pushing for new laws. If Bush shows that he's tough on guns and that enforcing our current gun laws is enough, McCain will not have anything to sell and nothing to campaign against. Bush knows that if it wasn't for us he would not be in that office and he also knows that he'll face a very difficult reelection with the troubled economy and Americans coming home in body bags very soon, angering his core supporters is not the prudent thing to do.

This is just my amateur opinion and I could be wrong, but lets wait until he actually pushes for new legislation before we put together a lynching party.


Member In Memoriam
"lets wait until he actually pushes for new legislation"

He doesn't have to push for any more legislation. There's a boatload of laws already on the books that will cook a bunch-o gooses right now.

Sure, I can see some lip service & some political fandanglin', et
:barf: .... no sweat, but hmmmm, if this is just lip service, why the extra 200 fed-level lawyers to "get tough on gun crimes?" hmmm?

Bob Locke

New member
I'm surprised at Bush. I expected better of him.


Will somebody please show me how Bush has made things worse for us?

I promise to do so immediately after you show me how Bush has made things better for us. (I'm saving the Patriot Act as the ace up my sleeve, just so you know.)

It's all about big government, and the further expansion thereof.