Bush "minutemen vigilantes". Offended? Poll

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Jungle Work


The Children of Lesser Gods must remember that King George and his Perfumed Princes of the Potomac despise anyone or any group that interfers with their plans to control every each and every one of us. Another good example was George's intense dislike and hostility of the Swift Boat Veterans for theTruth and their use of their Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

Jungle Work


New member
Bush is losing 93% to 7%.

Bush is wrong in calling the Minuteman Project members "vigilantes". Vigilante implies a volunter group of citizens that, without authority, takes on itself powers such as pursuing and punishing of those suspected of being criminals or offenders.

I do not see Minutemen taking on powers. They are just there to observe and report like a Neighborhood Watch committee.

George Bush should be executing his oath of office to faithly enforcing the laws.


New member
This is going to get very, very ugly I'm afraid.
It is well past time that we elect a real American to the presidency, not an internationalist.


Government gets upset when the People, as they are supposed to do, take their security into their own hands.

Government, no matter which party (of the "two party" system) that's in charge, they only wish total control over the People.

With what President Bush is doing, when we put him back into office, has been the deciding factor that I will never vote for either of the "two parties" ever again.

The Libertarians just need to put someone up for President who's name I can pronounce :D.



New member
With what President Bush is doing, when we put him back into office, has been the deciding factor that I will never vote for either of the "two parties" ever again.

10.4 on that, long time supporter of the republican party , but in 2008
I will place my vote in another box. :mad:


New member
Vigilante groups have always formed when the powers that be cannot or will not provide security and justice for the people. So if he thinks they're vigilantes then he should take the hint !!


New member
I think that the lib. party would view the MMP as vigilantes as well. Remember, the lib. party supports open borders.


New member

This is going to get very, very ugly I'm afraid.
It is well past time that we elect a real American to the presidency, not an internationalist.

I'm afraid you're right. And I'm concerned that the Minutement, acting as eyes & ears, will get the short end of the stick to smooth over "international relations".

I suspect it will go like this (and I'm not watching news nightly so I don't know what's developing down there daily)...
  • Some of the Minutemen will be armed -hey, it's dangerous what they're doing with drug traffickers and all!
  • This will be pointed out on the news. Then some U.S. official will claim that's bad, they're trying to avoid conflicts, etc. etc. and that none of these folks are "authorized" to use deadly force.
  • Within a 3 week period after that, there will be some "shooting incident" that leaves one or more Mexican nationals injured or dead.
  • Mexico protests. Activists protest. Liberal Congresstwits protest.
  • The DOJ arrests a number of the Minutemen and forces an end to the program.
Of course the shooting indicent will have been started by a group crossing the border (or escorting illegal crossers) but the Minutemen will take the blame. (Can you say Gulf of Tonkin?).

The Libertarians just need to put someone up for President who's name I can pronounce.

More to the point, they need to offer up a candidate who's platform doesn't look like it was drawn up by an 18 year old idealistic capitalist. The candidate needs to be able to intelligently address national security, the Social Security & Medicare problems, the U.S. Economy without isolating it from the rest of the world, the balance of trade, national debit and deficits, taxes and taxation.

I've heard libertarian candidates claim Social Security is a nothing more than a Ponzi scheme (it is) that needs to be abolished. So what happens to OUR money? What happens to a 63 year old who had planned on that SSI check in 2 years? No answer. They talk of tax reform and ending subsidies almost everywhere. What happens to the wheat & corn farmers? Or to our allies abroad who essentially use our money to buy our products? How do we pay for our defense, government inspection and national security programs? No answer.

The problem is that the U.S. is now "globalized" to the point where we hardly make any of the items we use ourselves. Electronics are all made in Asia, inexpensive items from China, Pakistan, India, Brazil, et al. Car parts from Canada, Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Germany and even France. Oil from the middle east, foods from South America, beef from Argentina and Canada. If we elect a president that alienates multiple countries with his polices (assuming a Congress that went along) we could find ourselves paying dearly for things we need.

Sorry for the rant,
Flames privately, please.


The trouble is, there is no solution to the social security problem.

Just recently I read an explanation of how the "privatization" crowd intends to make it work. I'd never seen it explained before. They would use part of the interest from the privatized accounts to pay existing liabilities until they no longer exist (until the last of the public SS payees dies).

Great, until there's a bad year and, whoops, there's not enough money, or until there's a really bad year and the money isn't there at all. Solution? Government goes several hundred billion more into debt.

With the kinds of private interest rates they're counting on to make the transition work, the government could probably issue bonds, invest the money in the stock market, and come out ahead.

Not to mention if you have every single person in the U.S. investing their retirement money into the same limited list of investment vehicles, the mass of money in those vehicles will drive the interest rates down.


Going to "get" ugly? It alerady IS ugly!!

In 2004, 3 MILLION plus illegals came across our southern border; that would be 8200 plus each and every day. Since the Bush administration has done precious little to change that, we can assume another 3 million plus illegals will enter the U.S. this year also.

Clearly, the officials of the U.S. Government are not doing their jobs, which gives rise to one question: WHY??

The governors of the border states are also shirking the duties of their office.
Again, WHY??

I may be just a gun totin' redneck sumbich, but if I were governor of Arizona, I would:
1.) Declare a state of emergency.
2.) Put the AZ National Guard (if there are any still in AZ instead of Iraq) on active duty along the AZ/Mexico border with orders to STOP all incoming illegals by any means necessary, including the use of deadly force, and
3.) When the perfumed princes of the Potomac began to screech and wail in horror, tell them all to go "f" themselves, Bush included.

Terrorists attack and kill 3000+ citizens, illegals invade by the millions and wat does our 'government" do? Try to pass more laws to disarm WE THE PEOPLE!

8200+ illegals every day. REMEMBER THAT NUMBER.

And remember this: MOLON LAVE!!!


New member
"I'm against vigilantes in the United States of America," Mr. Bush said at a joint press conference. "I'm for enforcing the law in a rational way."

Rational, how about anything. Havent seen a whole lot of emphasis put on stopping the problem of stopping illegal border crossing in the U.S.. Just a whole lot of money and lives lost trying to secure everyone elses borders. We need a president who isnt afraid to stand up and get a black eye once in awhile for his country men. Piss on what the international community thinks of the U.S. and start focusing attention on keeping our own people safe and providing a reasonable way of life for us, instead of everyone else at our expense. This aggravates the hell out of me when the people stand up for what they believe the elected officials, those same people voted for get kicked in the teeth. Mr. Bush why dont you ask these people who have volunteered for the minutemen project who they voted for in the last presidential election, I bet you find most voted for you!!!!!!!!!!

Martin Luther

New member
Get Involved

These politicians assume you'll just grumble into your beer when they screw you over. Get involved in the political process to prove them wrong.

Do more than vote or send money to a group. Go out and change minds.


New member
Lookin' south - hey, look NORTH

Every body seems to be interested in the latino's coming across - take a look at the Canadians comin' down!

I fly fires in SoCal - and guess what - we're loseing our "American" jobs to Canadians here without a green card! I can't go up there and fly, so how can the US Government allow Canadians to come down here and take "Government contracts" illegally?

You guys get upset at "outsourcing" - how about "insourcing"? Let the "Whiskey - Jacks" take our jobs for a lot less money, and no benifits?

I'm sorry, if they'd let me fly there, then I'd have NO problem with them flying here - but it ain't happening!

Let's seal ALL the borders - both north and south!

Just my $.02

Gentle winds,


New member
If Bush defines the MMP as "vigilantes", then the MMP should define Bush as a "conspirator in the commission of illegal acts" or "accomplice" by allowing the borders to be violated and speaking out in support of the employment of illegals.... :mad:

wingman said:
Cheap labor but cost is high for taxpayer.

There's another word for cheap labor...slavery. At least in prior slavery-based economies (Roman Empire, antebellum South/Confederacy), the slaveowners were responsible for the health & welfare of their slaves. Bush & his cronies are foisting that role onto the American taxpayers.... :mad: :mad: :mad:


While I am not actively taking part in this project, I would not be "offended" if I were.

It can only be interpreted one of two ways; George W. Bush is incredibly ignorant, and does not even know the meaning of the word. Or he opposes any objective and conclusive action to stem the flood of people, dope, arms and everything else crossing our borders.

I do not buy the former proposition at all - George is really not that stupid - even Barney Frank is not that stupid.

Still, I guess you can still fool enough of the people enough of the time. George and his cronies are smart enough to know that too. But at the current rate they won't have to; they'll be enough popular support for their Pan American state on tap an election or two down the line.

"We must press on with our agenda for peace and prosperity in every land." - George Bush, to the United Nations General Assembly, November 10, 2001

"Our common border is no longer a line that divides us, but a region that unites our nations, reflecting our common aspirations, value and culture." - Secretary Colin L. Powell, Washington, DC - January 30, 2001


New member
Or he opposes any objective and conclusive action to stem the flood of people, dope, arms and everything else crossing our borders.

Bingo +1 :eek:

The real problem here is that citizens are being looked down upon as being uncapable if they were not trained by some law enforcement agency or the goverment then they shouldnt be protecting the borders. Funny thing is I think the government underestimates the civilian population and some day they will find out the hard way.
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