Bush Master M4 Barrel Question.

Steve Smith

New member
From an electronic point of view only, I will say that MIL-SPECs are indeed a lifesaver for their communications. There is a lot of crap out there in the commerciall world, and the MIL-SPECs give a baseline that keeps the riff-raff out. That's what they're there for, and that's what they do.

Jeff White

New member

Did you use new taper pins when reassembling the barrel? If you didn't invest a couple bucks in new ones and try to put the front sight base back on. It will probably fit better.

Get some moly grease and put on your barrel nut threads (this is used as an anti-seize compound)then torque the barrel to 30 inch pounds, break it loose and torque again. Repeat. This is what the manual calls for. I've heard various explanations as to why you do this. Tighten everything to get the barrel nut to match up with the hole in the receiver for the gas tube, don't loosen to line it all up.

I agree with the others, your KAC barrel should be salvagable.





New member
What's better - a water purification tab, or a canteen that has a water filter right on the nozzle?

Would you rather own a pair of Army skis, or a pair of K2's? (if you're not a skier - believe me, you'd pick the K2's if you were)

What's better for hiking, climbing, running, breathability, and dryability - a pair of typical Nike shoes, or Army combat boots?

What keeps you warmer - cammie BDU shirt, or a London Fog windbreaker? Which would you rather work in all day?

Which cleans and lubes better - CLP or Mobil 1 Synthetic?

Which would you choose for an advancing attacker if your life depended on it - 223 or 308?

Whats better for you, lasts longer, which is lighter to cary, and which tastes better - MRE or Hiker's Mountain Blend?

If going into a hot mosquito-infested jungle, a cold blustery snow-covered mountaintop, or a desert that's 110 degrees during the day and 30 degrees at night, would you rather have a "tent, two-man", or an MSR tent?

Would you rather have a wool army blanket to sleep in at night, or your comforter?

Do I need to go on Rovert, or do you get the idea? The fault does indeed lie in the spec, most of the time. Take it from a guy that receives government contract proposals on occasion, their specs are outdated and not worthy of production alot of the time.


Your comparing apples to oranges,
The first thing is the military issues MSR water filters to those that need them, iodine tablets are not the norm anymore, those silly filter canteens aren't really very usefully for long term use. Second comparing a Cammie top to a wind proof jacket, is a no-brainier why not compare it to its military version the ECWCS II? The tent 2 man that has been issued for the last 4-5 years is nothing more than a Eureka Back packing tent and North face makes the Cold Weather tent. A wool blanket (which are no longer standard issue anyway) will last a long time compared to the civilian made comforter, also will provide protection when wet when most civilian comforters (filled with cotton no longer are good). Also combat boots probably are a better idea than a pair of Nikes if you are carrying a 100 lbs on your back or if you anticipate stepping on a Punji stick or you have to wear your boots for several weeks strait without taking them off.