Bush commits a crime!!


New member
Expect to see a lot of people from DUNG posting on these gun boards between now and November...........and you know what they're trying to stir .......right? :rolleyes:


New member

DUNG - I like that.

I wonder what that makes "DNC"?

Boy, I really wanted to plug something in, but..."


Moderator Emeritus

Expect to see a lot of people from DUNG posting on these gun boards between now and November...........and you know what they're trying to stir .......right? :rolleyes:

So, the guy that registered on 1-13-00 and has 1100 posts is accusing the guy who registered on 11-12-99 and has 3000 posts of being an election year troll from DU; do I have that right? :confused:

I could think of many labels I'd hang on denfoote, but "liberal" sure as heck ain't one of 'em. :eek:
Quote from denfoote...
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought is was illegal for the President to keep things like this!! Not just because it's a gun, but anything! That gun belongs to the American People and should be on display in the NRA museum, not in Bush's private firearms collection!! That's profiteering!!
Another thing.
Is GB above the law?? It's illegal for him to possess such a weapon in DC!!!"

Wow, how many places did this go wrong? As noted, the President is CIC. With that and depending on interpretation, he is technically military and the laws do not pertain to police or military folks in the line of duty.

I don't know, but the President may also qualify in some legal form to be in possession of a handgun as part of his duty of office.

Also, there are others who have handguns in DC. For example, the Smithsonian.

The only potential line of reasoning I could come up with for the President to be in violation of some sort of laws would be the provisions against taking spoils of war. Outside of the gun being spoils of war, the gun may be the possession of the military, on loan to the White House and like the Smithsonian, the White House is a museum, but an activily functioning museum.

When such items come to the President or White House, they are not the personal possessions of the President. Any gifts to the President remain with the Office and eventually get curated. So, the gun is NOT in Bush's private collection as the gun is not his.

As for the gun belonging to the people and therefore should be in the NRA museum, the gun undoubtedly does belong to the people of the US as are other items owned by the government. The NRA Museum is NOT a museum of the people. It is a private organization.

Well reading back over the thread, I now see most of my points were already noted. Sorry. At least the answers seem to be independently comfirming one another (assuming we aren't all wrong together).


New member
Yes Ms Tamara, you are right and I am wrong. I over reacted because I've read so many "Bush is bad" threads lately and I'm tired of them.
But John Kerry will fix everything when he takes over the oval office. :barf:


Moderator Emeritus

I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure as heck don't want Kerry; all I want is for Bush to stand up on his hind legs on the Second Amendment issue. That'd be enough of a good faith indicator to me to make sure that the chad next to his name ain't left hangin'. ;)


Yes, we should leave anyone in power as long as he lets us have our guns! :rolleyes:
I don't see any evidence that Bush even has hind legs he can stand on... if the 2A issue rears its head again before the election, which it may not.


Moderator Emeritus

I'll repeat: If Bush comes out strongly for the Second Amendment between now and November, I'll vote for him.

Also, If I win the Powerball jackpot, I'll buy a new Porsche Carrera GT. :(


New member
He needed a weapon!

President Bush went to Iraq. Right?
Our troops there (God bless them every one) were shocked that their Commander In Chief had nothing with which to defend himself against possible terrorists.
As in any war, if you don't have a gun, you get one. If your comrade is empty-handed, you find him one.
They brung him one.
It has to stay property of the US though.


New member
Wow, how many places did this go wrong? As noted, the President is CIC. With that and depending on interpretation, he is technically military and the laws do not pertain to police or military folks in the line of duty

Unless I am completely mistaken, my copy of the constitution provides for the leader of the US military to be a civilian!!

Historically, this became a problem with President Eisenhower. As a 5 star general, he never really retired from the army, because in time of dire need, he could be called up by congress. I'm not sure how they resolved it, though. I'll have to do some digging. Perhaps it is contained in his memoirs. I'll have to dig it out and check!!

BTW, when we entered WW-II, we did not have a general officer which had the equivalent rank as Field Marshal!! The only one was Black Jack Pershing. They were considering calling him up, but discovered that he was to old!!

Getting back to the problem at hand. I heard that the pistol has been mounted, which may mean that it also has been de-milled!! This would make it legal under the District's laws, but destroy it's historical and collector value.
A sad state of affairs either way!!

Tamara is indeed right!! I'm not and never was and never shall be a Demonrat or liberal!!

I can most be described as a Conservative Libertarian!!!!!

I hate Kerry for the same reason I hate Bush: both are lying, cheating scum!!!!!

Vote Libertarian!!!
They may not win, but at least your conscience will be clear and you will be right with God!! :D


New member
Let's see, the President can, if he likes, order a tank delivered to the White House lawn for him to drive around and somebody thinks it's unlawful for him to have a pistol.

I guess I'm missing something in the, ahem, logic.



Moderator Emeritus
I don't know about "unlawful", just "ironic", especially when Guard and Reserve personnel who live in the District can't tote anything but a cap gun for self-defence between deployments. :(


New member
I thought the 2nd applied to the Pres as well as you and me.

I think the real issue is that the laws forbiding the possession of arms
in DC is what is illegal.


New member
I heard that the pistol has been mounted

I'd much rather have a President that mounts a pistol in the Oval Office. We all know what the last one mounted in there. :D


New member
Ah, yes, even supposing that the laws of D.C. apply, it is the LAWS that are illegal, not the possession of the pistol.


New member

Although amused by your 'Gulf War vet gets stabbed to death while Bush keeps war trophy in White House three blocks away' scenario, it is my sincere belief that any of our bravest would be able to kick the ever lovin' shi'ite out of any bug infested lowlife that accosted him/her on the street. Bush gets the gun, passes it on to the Smithsonian four years from now, the AWB sunsets and with any luck it's Chuck Shumer, Charlie Rangel, Elinor Holmes-Norton or you name the anti-gun socialist who gets the boxcutter to the gizzard. Now THAT would be ironic.