bury a rifle

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
citizen, this is purely a mental exercise in intellectual challenge. Nobody at TFL would ever make any effort to subvert the Laws of the Land, or ever be uncooperative with any of the wise decisions of Our Government.



New member
"With all this; does anyone actually know anybody who's already done this?"

There was a guy at the WWW.AR15 boards that buried two SKS's at the edge of town. When he came back a year later, he discovered that a developer had been dumpimg fill dirt on top of his rifles for a year. There was a mountain of dirt about 100' deep on top! He posted pics. Kinda funny. Luckily he had a good sense of humour- probably because he was only out a few hundred $.

If I was gonna bury anything, it would be at a cemetary- there's a lot of metal in the ground there already, and who would pay any attention to any disturbed dirt/grass.


New member
The comment about if its bad enough to bury a gun, start using it.
We as humans don't save money in banks for future use?
We don't preserve food, so that it doesn't have to be used right away?
We don't try to teach our young a basic "saved" knowledge?
We don't put away our tools for future use?
I don't know about you guys but I like cartridge firing weapons, I think its a little better than going out making some blackpowder, loading the gun, oops! gotta go find a bullet! WHERE'S MY GUN!

As for dinky little .22, the most likely STHF scenario in the near future would be worldwide economic collapse or a mutated disease, in which case I'd be looking to feed myself, fairly quietly, and deter looters.

Besides if its the blue helmets, SHOOT ONE IN THE EYE! with the dinky .22 and take his gun! It worked in WWII with the .45 liberator.

CZ Gunner

New member
... I always figured if you had a .22, you could at least "trade up" (i.e. take) something bigger as the "spoils of war" so to speak.

(Although, a .22 would NOT by MY choice if I were to cache one.)


New member
Why not just rent a safe deposit box at the bank / storage facility or "Swiss vault" type place and cache it there .... ?

Can visit it anytime you want, switch it out with another piece or take it to range, clean it, etc. when ever you want.

That's my first choice.

(One drywalled into the ceiling under some sink pipes (in PVC pipe case -- properly packed and sealed) as a back-up might not be such a bad idea either.)

As for me, I figure the Commie bastards will have to pry it out of my fingers when I'm gone.


New member

Assuming that banks are still in operation for our theoretical discussion.

Safety deposit boxes are small and not deep enough to store long guns. Some are too thin to store a big bore revolver.


New member
I have no doubt that a large revolver and/or Colt 1911's would fit in my safe deposit box. I have no doubt that a Henry H002B 22 LR Survival Rifle (properly broken down) will fit as well. (All parts, including barrel fit into the butt stock.)


You are right that there is a chance that you won't be able to make it to the bank or they may not be operational in a SHF situation.

Picture of the Henry H002B 22 LR Survival Rifle attached.

(This would NOT be my weapon of choice, but it may fit the purpose well.)


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New member
Imagine this scenario:

You answer the front door early one evening while its still light outside and see a couple of local police officers, one must be a trainee because he doesn't look a day over 18. As a TFL guy you're packing and drop your shirt over the piece so you can talk to your friendly constabulary.
They ask you to step outside as they have a matter to discuss of some importance. Not being a criminal with nothing to fear you wander outside and ask "Whats up?"
They explain that as things have changed with Hillary in power, things just aren't the same as they were before. After the school shooting and all...
"Are you armed now Sir?"
"Well yes, of course, I have a pistol right here."
"Where Sir?" "Don't touch it."
"We'll just keep it right here Sir. Its just for our safety Sir"
They take the pistol, without much fuss. They will give it back when they're done... Then they explain that they have a federal warrant to search and seize any and all firearms on your premises.

Disarmed and surprised, dazed and more than a little confused you read the papers handed to you and watch as they enter your home and remove the guns.

You didn't even think to hide any. Why would you?

They leave (with your guns) and you return to the table slowly shifting from confusion to rightful indignation and rage.

Whats next?

For me a brisk walk in the bush will clear my head, and re-arm my household!

Has this happened before?
Would you like me to list the enlightened first world countries?
Will they run a tank through your living room, or simply ask for a quick word?

They haven't done it in my home country..... yet, and they haven't done it here...... yet.

The scenario above actually, really, truly happened to a friend of mine in New South Wales, Austalia. (just change the name from Hillary to something else that rhymes with Australian politician).

My Mum always told me to have something tucked away for a rainy day :)
Thanks Mum for the heads up!



New member
Concerning the centerfire v. 22LR argument, I'd think one should have no trouble either affording an SKS (or Mosin M44) and a Romanian Trainer nor fitting them both in a tube with some ammo.

The only concern I'd have is the longevity of 22LR ammo. I've never had centerfire ammo go bad on me, but I did have some Rimfire 22 go stale after the expiration date.


New member
"just shoot the bastards who want to take your guns"

sounds like a good plan to me, but having a plan "B" is a good idea. But I'm not to sure about burrying your gun, that would be more like plan "C" or plan "D". My plan "B" would be to hide it someplace in the house. Possibly in a wall or maybe in the crawlspace (would have to be in a tube for the crawlspace idea to work, cause it can get damp down there...), but if it's in your house you can get it that much faster and you shouldn't need to pack it up in goop.

And I think my #1 pick for a gun to hide would be a good pump action shotgun, probably a Remington 870. I'm not sure why nobody else has said "shotgun" yet. Think about it, you can use slugs or buckshot or birdshot. Even flares... you can do alot of different things with shotguns. But if I had money to waste, I'd hide 4 guns:

1. Remington 870
2. M1 Carbine
3. Single shot .22LR
4. Handgun, probably my Makarov

The shotgun and the carbine would be good "anti-blue helmet" guns, the .22 would be good for teaching others to shoot so they can join you in your campain against the evil goverment, and the handgun would be good for concealment. Of course with all these guns I'd hide plenty of ammo, and for the shotgun I'd have several different kinds of ammo to get the most out of it's versitility. And I'd burry 1 gun, a cheap one. Probably a single shot 12 gauge. You can get them new for pretty cheap and used for even cheaper. All you need to do is take out one blue helmet guy and then use his gun... A single shot would be fine for that, and if this SHTF situation never happens, you are out less than $100.00


New member
Just as a theory, now...

I live in Pennsylvania, where the state gov. has registered EVERY handgun sold (legally) in the state since 1930. If someone felt this was a problem, someone could purchase ( for untracable cash) a Remington clone .44 cal single action percussion revolver in stainless steel ( a non-firearm,therefore not registered), along with all the necessaries to make it work. Someone could shoot it, and experiment with such things as hot loads, (over 30 grains, in theory), how long the gun would stay usable if stored loaded ( 3 months, in theory), and put it somewhere where it was out of the way, but they could occasionally practice shooting it. They might even take out hunting, groundhogs, for example, and to the range to see how it prints on paper. ( about as well as a modern .357, in theory).
In theory, this might prove useful someday, if someone were to do this. For some reason.


New member
If you are going to bury anything in the woods or BLM land or wherever, make sure to do some research first. Go to the permit office and look up flood history for your intended site. Many places flood regulary every few years, or maybe like every 20 years. Either way, not knowing in advance could seriously ruin your day. It's an easy mistake to make - people build houses on flood plains.
Also, another FYI, I heard an anecdote recently (online somewhere - anyone else see it?) about weekend warriors who would cache various things in the mountains. Well, the park ranger folks would just come along the week after and dig up the stuff. I can't remember how they did this, if it was just looking for overturned dirt or what, like I said - it was an online source. But the lesson is to make sure you cover your tracks well, and aren't seen as suspicious.
If caching somewhere near people, I've always thought a good story would be that you are burying a time capsule. This is actually true, but the initial impression is more P.C. You could even take your kids along with, to make it even more P.C. This would also be a real good idea anyway, because it's our kids that will most likely need such a cache.


New member
Take your kids and don't trust the rangers? Cool!

That's right! I've worked on several archaeology crews in Northern CA. Believe me when I say our public lands are well used resources. There are all kinds of people cruisin' the woods looking for every kind of natural resource and its availability for harvest: water, trees, rocks, sand and gravel, wildlife, etc. Especially illegal crops! And the people cruisin' are trained to see what doesn't belong, or tracks and trails of what's supposed to be there...Not to mention all of us out there scouting for the next deer season...

We are discussing this for the benefit to posterity right? So why not buy 10 acres somewhere in the boondocks, and teach your kids some basic wilderness skills while you're diggin' the hole? Then after a few years, they become "stewards", and inherit a piece of our quickly diminishing "wild" places. And if you can't afford that, how about getting together with a couple trusted range buddies and "go in" on piece of land somewhere? Just pay the taxes and watch the trees get bigger...These days in lots of places, the folks are only to happy to off their property since they never built that log cabin...

Whatever you do, keep quiet about it.

Merry Christmas!


New member

Boston's Gun Bible
Boston T. Party
51/2"x81/2" softcover 726pp. illustrated ISBN 1-888-766-06-9
$28.00 retail; 24 copies per case
In stock now!

In case you've been wondering, Boston has been writing very hard this year and just completed the revision/expansion of his 1998 work, Boston on Guns & Courage. The product has been Boston's Gun Bible, which features 28 new chapters and over 500 pages of absorbing new material.

The width and depth of its information is unprecedented in gun books. Boston did not gloss over any important subject, yet he also did not fill up pages with arcane data. Every page is packed with highly useful information not found elsewhere. For example, firearms importers have recently introduced several post-ban models of semi-auto battle rifles (e.g., FAL, H&K91, AK47, M1 Garand, etc.) which are made up of American receivers with foreign parts. Are these good rifles and good values?

Boston tests them all and gives you the honest scoop. He also thoroughly describes the tricky legal and technical distinctions between pre- and post-ban "assault rifles" and explains how to avoid making an innocent mistake which could lead to a felony arrest. He scores (from 0-10) by 35 criteria five .308 battle rifles and fifteen .223 battle carbines to scientifically conclude not only which are best, but which are best within our current climate of regulations and availability. None of this has ever been before attempted. The many illustrations are supremely helpful: visible trigger group parts differences between the semi-auto AR15 and the full-auto M16 (so that the reader doesn't ignorantly buy an illegal weapon), sample BATF forms, and technical drawings. Funny cartoons, too.

Boston's books have become known for their astonishing practicality and street-savvyness, and Boston's Gun Bible is the most practical of them all. In today's perilous climate, the American gunowner requires real-world information on law, politics, market forces, tactics, and technical matters. No other title explains all these, much less with such clarity. The reader will learn what to choose amongst the bewildering array of guns and gear, how to buy and sell, how to get quality training in safety and tactics, how to avoid BATF stings, how to defend the 2nd Amendment, what the gun laws are in each State, what "gun control" to expect and in what sequence, and how to prepare for the eventual day of attempted gun confiscation. Chapter 32 ("Letter to a Columbine Student") is one of the most concise and stirring rebuttals to "reasonable gun legislation" ever written.

There is also material by Alan Korwin (author of Gun Laws of America), James Wesley Rawles (author of Patriots), and gun columnist Brian Puckett. Any random 15 chapters would stand alone as a fine gun book, but the 45 chapters truly make for the first real gun encyclopedia for the 21st Century. With a rousing Foreword by Timothy Mullin (Foreword author of Unintended Consequences) and high praise from those renowned in the gun world (e.g., Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch, libertarian sci-fi author L. Neil Smith, Aaron Zelman of JPFO, and many others), Boston's Gun Bible is poised to become the bestselling gun book in recent history.
I will save you a bit of reading, in case you are in a hurry, and just tell you now to buy this book. If you want to know more before spending $28.00 on improving your shooting, collecting and other gun skills, read on.
This book was written by Boston T. Party, the well known (to Libertarians) author of such titles as "You and the Police", "Surviving Y2K And Other Disasters", "Hologram Of Liberty" and a handful of other noteworthy titles. If you want yet another glossy photo gun book, extolling all of the imaginary virtues of every firearm ever made, this is NOT the book for you. If you are after a no holds barred consumer guide to firearms, accessories, and shooting, GET IT.
Gun Bible goes into great detail about the pros and cons of various defensive weaponry, equipment, and the philosohy behind their appropriate usage. The work is markedly political, obviously pro gun, and has a rather witty "screw the hoplophobes" tone that I really enjoyed. The writing is crisp and to the point. Eloquent without being boring. This is a hallmark of Boston's work, and you will not be diappointed in "Gun Bible". At about (700) pages, it can't be considered light reading, but the subject matter is important and needs a lot of covering to get it all through to the reader in it's entirety.
Included in the book is information on:

* Selecting rifles, pistols, revolvers
* gunshows
* ATF Sting operations
* Gun nomenclature
* Sighting in
* optics and other sights
* Women and guns
* Politics and guns
* How to cache weapons and ammo
* (And everything else you want to know, or so it seems)
I thought that the project would be rather daunting when he undertook it, but the results are well worth the money. What he ended up with is a layman's guide/how to book for buying, selling, choosing, caring for, KEEPING, shooting and enjoying firearms of all types, but especially those that are "Liberty's Teeth". Especially valuable is the section detailing the merits and faults of various modern semi auto rifle systems. What you will NOT find in this book is ANY hint of advertising $$$ influence, chicanery, or editorial falderal. Boston knows his subject, and covers it exhaustively.

The book is available through Javelin Press at

Did I mention that you should buy it?

-- Kevin "Mad Dog" McClung, renowned knifemaker and materials scientist;


New member
The Complete Manual of Long Term Underground Storage
by eddie the wire
___This is a hardcore book for hardcore individualists who don't trust banks, or anybody else, for that matter. It tells you in step-by-step detail how to bury any valuables or contraband you might wish to store and conceal, and how to defeat searchers who might try to find your caches.

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