Bumping people w/your sidearm


this, bumping doorframes and fenders

was one of the reasons I first gave up fbi carry, and went to navel rig. Front pants pocket rig pretty well elimnates these and other problems as well. Just have to get a powerful, controlable load in same, Not easy or cheap, but can be done.

George Helser

New member

Carry a G26 or G27 in an ankle holster and your bumping problems are solved. Just be sure to buy pants an extra 2" long to hide the holster.

Happy carry!

George in Sunny Arizona


New member
Carry concealment.

I approach the subject of people carrying as I do with AIDS. I act as if everyone is carrying. The law here says that it must be concealed, not undetectable. If you are guarding it with your arm then "gun people" are going to know you are carrying and so what, if you are legal. To me those people with fanny packs are trying to announce that they are carrying. During the summer I carry bare, inside the waistband, strong side, with the butt forward. As for relatives, everyones knows me and are comfortable with it so they don't say anything.


New member
Well, not really bumping into someone, but...
my mother in law gave me a hug when we went to see them, and tried to do a very low key pat down of my waist. Only I felt it, kinda irked me, but nothing was said. They know I am constantly armed.
As for hugging, I try to put my arms about the other person's waist so their arms must go high, read it somewhere and it seems to work.
And yes, it is odd explaining to someone why you are wearing a vest, no matter what is said, they still do not believe you.

[Edited by fed168 on 01-03-2001 at 12:34 AM]

Blue Heeler

Maybe it's time for a new rig?
I swear by Mitch Rosen.I only carry a S&W M36,so it's not very big,but in a 5JR holster it sits in so close that it's unlikely to come in contact with anything.


New member
New belt, same holster

Well, maybe time for a new belt, anyway. I use Mitch's 1.25" tapered belt w/my ARG, and it worked just fine-'till I lost weight. Now, for comfort around the house, I wear it on notch 4, and out in public notch 5. 4 is just a bit too loose, and 5 is a bit too tight for comfort. I need another belt sized so that the third hole is positioned midway between where the 4th & 5th holes on my current belt are.
I've been wearing this rig for 5.5 years now, and it still holds it tight if I snug it down to the last notch. If I were the same size as I was when I got the belt, it would still be just fine.


New member
I used to have a problem with "extra-friendly males" who want to hug me and sometimes to pat me as close to the butt as they dare, ending up with their hands on my K40 in it's belly band. I've wanted to snip off fingers on more than one occasion. So I've adapted; I back off before they get the chance to get their paws on me and shake their hand instead, which prevents them from hugging me, or I swing my purse around to cover up that part of my body.

A few months ago when I got into a car accident (drunk pedestrian strolled out in front of me) I was disturbed and crying. A lady on the scene tried to comfort me and hugged me, ending up with her arms on the pistol. She had a questioning look on her face, but did not ask.

Luckily we live in the day where many people tote cell phones and pagers, so many times when people end up bumping into us, they don't think twice.