Bumping people w/your sidearm


New member
I've been carrying concealed for many years now, and I had something happen twice on Christmas Eve that's never happened before.
I was helping my wife around the house, getting ready for Christmas supper with my sister and her family. In the course of the day, I twice smacked my wife at the point of her elbow with the butt of my Rosen ARG holstered GM. I was bending over at the time, so the butt was protruding more than usual, and she happened to pass by a bit too closely. Have any of you ever had similar things happen?

When I'm in crowds, I keep my strong hand down to "cover" the gun from an accidental brush/touch, but being at home, I was in "low yellow" as opposed to public "high yellow."


New member
Almost sounds like you may have lapsed into "white" a couple of times. While this may be somewhat understandable when at home with your spouse, sounds like time to re-assess your carry habits.

When lapses occur at home it can be a sign of becomming a little too comfortable with carry. Ever forget you have it on? Time to re-learn those habits that kept these things from happening - squat, don't bend...be aware of the position and movement of those around you...protect the gun...stay in yellow!



New member
I carry SOB (no jokes :) ) and several times, also at the family Christmas gathering, I was hugged or patted entirely too close to the firearm! I believe that one nephew actually did make contact with it, but noone seemed to notice.

I don't think it's a huge deal, because it's all family, and you never get that close to strangers. Sure, it would be better if it never happened at all, but if anyone's going to "make" you, better to be your favorite aunt :)


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I don't remember exactly what it was I was doing at the time, but it was something that required bending instead of stooping. Due to lower back problems, I always stoop when I can instead of bending (gun or no gun.) Sometimes, though, it's just not possible, and the task I'm attempting can only be accomplished through bending. Also, we were in tight quarters when it happened. I think one time we were both squeezing behind a piece of furniture to put something on the wall, and the other time might have been while replacing a few decorations on the tree.

It's never happened in public. When I'm out there, I'm very aware, and "guard" my right side.

One thing that might have contributed-I was wearing my belt a notch looser than when I go out, thus letting the gun "hang out" a bit more than normal.


New member
My family, and my ex and her side of the family, would freak if they found out I was carrying. "Why do you need that "thing" for?!" My brother is the only exception, and maybe my dad. Just try and stay away from them or take it off for the time being.


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I met Dick Marcinko last June at a book signing. The bookstore was allowing photos and positioned me on his left so that my right side was touching him. As he pulled my wife (on his right) and me in close for the photo he felt my 1911. He didn't bat an eyelash and asked what I carried and if I liked it. Needless to say all my books are inscribed something like "shoot daily".



Maybe a little unrelated, but what Mikey said about forgetting...just before the holiday I saw a local news story about a deputy (happened to be female) who was assigned to school duty. Went to the bathroom, and forgot her gun, holster, belt, hanging in the stall!!! Next person found it (didn't say if it was a kid or adult), turned it in...no one harmed. They DID say the deputy was "reassigned"...I bet THATS an understatement! (Like maybe reassigned to a different career). It did catch my attention, however.


New member
Bumping holsters? Try explaining it to your in-laws when they pat you in the back and realize you're wearing bullet resistant vest. Ugh.

As for my guns, it only happened once. Due to my unconventional carry style, my grandfather-in-law(?) thought I gained weight and patted my stomach. I don't think he startled though and just went about his business. He didn't even bring it up. Of course, he was also an ex-Ranger. He's a very cool man.


New member

If there were only one person on this earth I could choose to meet, it would be Mr. Marcinko.

Wanted to meet him for a while, ask him some questions ("Hey, you wouldn't mind teaching me everything you know, would ya?").

You are a lucky person, Swamp....


New member
More than bump. . .

One Sunday we were sitting in Church, and I was carrying in front in a deep cover holster, when my three year old decides to jump on my lap. He plops his head down and recieves a nasty whack on the forehead; while he didn't know what hit him, my wife wannted an explanation for the bump. :eek:


New member
It hasn't happened yet with my smartcarry holster and my P11. With IWB carry, I usually cover the gun with my arm.


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I am a new carrier and have found myself guarding my side on many occasions. I am finding out that at least for now, my best bet is a waist pack rather than any holster. I have a blade tech and a bianchi leather paddle and I like both, but my sig 245 is big enough and I am new enough that it makes me nervous in public. No worries with the waist pack though.


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Demo Dick

Actually he's a fairly nice guy I suppose. I met him at a book signing so I figured he'd show up in a shirt and tie. I was wrong, he comes walking up out of the parking lot in a pair of shorts, flip-flops and a really ugly Hawaiian shirt.
We talked for the few minutes it took him to sign all my books (I took the collection with me).

Funny story, we (wife and I) had our picture taken with him and later my wife wanted to get a photo of just me and him. So she's getting ready and Dick asks her, "do you love him?"
She answers yes, and he asks how much and so forth. So he grabs me and throws me backwards onto his left arm, kinda like a dip in dancing and presses his folder right up against the ol juglar. The whole time he's as straight faced as it comes. I, on the other hand, was laughing my ass off and smiling like an idiot. Made a neat photo too!



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Bumped into my Pastor in the church foyer...caught him on the elbow with the Hip Grip on my Taurus 85CH...didn't seem to notice!


New member
Two occasions:
sort of,...once over a buddies house. His dad was over and we were chating about which .22 pistol he should buy. My girlfriend pages me to pick her up from baby shower in downtown Detroit (so I am carrying as usual). Pager malfuctions after recieving one page and goes off every 30 seconds. On the 5th page I get irritated and pull up my shirt facing my buddies dad. Gun in side/back over hip so no problem, but extra mag in front next to pager! oops...by the look on his face I think he saw it. He didn't say a word, maybe he couldn't figure out what it was. It was a Glock 30 mag in black Kydex holder. So not a typical mag someone might recognize right off.

Second story: over girlfriend's family's house for Christmas. Cousin notices small holster print against shirt (left gun in car). She says "what is that?" I just act bored and tell her its my cell phone holder.

I am now more vigilant in watching out for gun AND mags, or anything that might be a tip off.
It's bad to be around people who are "huggers" around the holidays. Go in low and force them to go around the neck maybe...or leave it in the trunk when visiting.


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Can't remember ever having that problem, but maybe I don't pay attention except when around non-family members. I must say that now I don't carry anything unless it is in my front pocket. Maybe everyone just thinks I am happy to see them ! :)


New member
I try to be...

very careful about this sort of thing. Moving through a crowded area, hugging friends and so forth can be a challenge, however. I've bumped more folks than I care to mention. Most people simply don't seem to notice.

Embarassing moment: My girlfriend's sorority (very liberal bunch) rented a beach resort for a weekend and we kind of took it over. The deck of the pool was tile and I was wearing a Glock 19 behind my hip under an open hawaiian shirt. I sat down in a beach chair and the butt caught on the webbing. Pulled the gun from it's holster (a good one). A glock can make a lot of noise on tile. very embarassing.


I carry right side, IWB between "you know what" and front pocket. If someone brushes up against me and "feels" it, I blush and say, "thank you". They think they just touched your "you know what" and quickly leave.


*Hey, it works :D


New member
I have carried a Glock in the appendix position for years wearing nothing but a t shirt and have never been made. That is till my 2 year old Grandson sat on my lap recently. He pulled my shirt up and said "pow pow" I just pulled my shirt down before anyone noticed. Luckily he can't tell on me yet. Most of the men in my family pack but the Ladies can difficult about it occasionally. (my Glock is carried un-chambered in a Galco holster that covers the trigger guard so don't bust my chops about endangering my Grandson)