
chris in va

New member
They are not toys

Define 'toy'. Lengthy discussion about the term in other posts.

I think what's going on here is you watched all the idiots on YouTube getting crazy/unsafe with their firearms and doing stupid things. Sure, that's deplorable and I've seen plenty in person. But there are also many firearm owners that are very responsible and also have a HECK of a good time with them, myself being one of those. There's just nothing like setting off some Tannerite inside a pumpkin, or bumpfiring a mag into the hillside to get my 'full auto' fix. I won't get into detail about propane cylinders.

There's all types of firearms owners.


Staff In Memoriam
And while it is not "bumpfire" I sure do like holding my .22/45 MKIII in one hand and with my index finger on the opposite, flicking the trigger for a nearly full auto rate of fire with never a stovepipe... EVER:D at 35-45 cents per mag full I can even afford to do this once in a while...


New member
with no dig intended, bumpfiring is like street racing when i was a kid. now that i am older i have graduated to a belt fed and a drag car. hopefully you make it to the point in your life when you can swing the more acceptable alternatives. fwiw, bobn


Staff In Memoriam
Chris, I too can't recommend anyone getting that obese either, gotta be a heart attack risk...
Seriously I see nothing different in that and "bumping" off a mag full from a rifle platform...


Staff In Memoriam
There is usually more money in street racing... :rolleyes:...
It was a very wealthy 70 something feller that explained that he built that $100,000 firebird to put them little ricer driving whipper snappers in their place out behind the airport on thursday nights...


New member
Everyone is taking my statements as personal attacks. I have no doubt that you can have fun in a safe manner. Fine do so, but portray yourself in an appropriate manner, as did the poster concerning the bumpfire stock. He in no way portrayed firearms owners in a poor manner. I am referring to the idiots out there and everyone with any common sense should be able to spot them.

As far as "if its brown its down" this saying is not usually referring to legal game, at least not in this part of the country. "Most" who use that saying around here have a tendency to shoot any deer legal or not.

My statements are directed to those who show poor judgment in firearm handling, to those who take game illegally, and to those who do not see the importance of public image, not to those who know better and exercise restraint in both shooting practices and ethical hunting.
