

New member
I don’t get it? Why is everyone trying to do this? Is it just for the heck of it?

I'll be honest with you, what it does is show the public more carelessness. They do not see the fun in blowing off a few hundred rounds in a couple minutes, they see gun owners trying to make their semi auto weapons fire like autos.

We have it bad enough as it is, all this is going to do is make things look worse. I believe that we should be able to do whatever we want, that we should be able to buy whatever we want, but the sad truth is that we have to win over and prove to our society that we are not dangerous or careless and that we in no way pose a threat to the safety of the general public.



Staff In Memoriam
J, I am not a threat to the public nor careless even if I was firing a full auto... We need to convince them that our behavior and thrill of shooting any and all firearms is our right and they need to either join in or butt out! I am not about to kaw tow to there agendas... Once we do that they will want to be convinced that we are sane by not owning those semi-automatic machine gun like thingys or them super duper dangerous semi-automatic shotguns that could devestate all of mankind...


New member
"Bumpfiring" doesn't bother me per se, but it's not for me either. My concerns with this (and why I won't attempt to get any of my firearms to operate in this way) is, first, that should I be involved in any sort of self-defense shooting with a weapon modified in this way, I might be more likely to be prosecuted in criminal court and will certainly be sued in civil court. Any modification that alters the functioning of a firearm, even if it's fully legal, can predispose you to winding up in court on an otherwise fully justifiable and legal shooting.

Second, I find such weapons to be too wasteful of ammunition. In a SHTF situation, my best guess is that ammunition will likely be difficult and/or hazardous to obtain. I expect every round to count, and want to make sure I'm as frugal with ammo as reasonably (and safely) possible.


New member
I am not saying that you are a threat in any way.

I wish it were as easy as doing our own thing and telling them to butt out, but it is not that easy now.

Like I stated I believe we should be able to own and shoot whatever we want, but it has gotten to the point where we now have to prove to the public that we are not the enemy, that we are not dangerous, and that our ownership of firearms does not threaten society, but safeguards it.



New member
I agree, it does not reflect well on gun owners when youtube is full of people bumpfiring with with no eye or ear protection (I've even seen one where spectators were standing at 2 o'clock from the shooter's muzzle). It only helps the anti-gunner's case that military style semiautos are reckless and dangerous for the public when they see these videos of hillbillies spraying ammo while hip-firing their "assault weapons". I did, however, enjoy these videos until they all started to look the same.

chris in va

New member
Is it just for the heck of it?

Yes. It's fun. And I'm not rich enough to afford a full auto, so this is the next best thing if I ever want to 'experience' something similar. Usually just a mag's worth is enough.

Some guys on here have never tried bumpfiring and really need to lighten up a bit.


New member
And shooting small targets at long range gives them fuel to ban scoped rifles... 50bmgs can shoot down planes and stop tanks yadda yadda yadda...

How does knob creek make us look?


New member
Any kind of "super" rapid firing where you give up accuracy for quantity is worthless in my opinion. The only reason for having a full auto is for cover fire. So if you're a SWAT team member or something you might find a use for it. Personally I would gladly trade 600 rpm all over the place for 1 well placed. That's all just my opinion though. If you just like shooting full auto then go for it, just please do it safely. Wear ears and eyes, and make lots of cool videos because those are entertaining. I might be the guy sharing a range with you. So back to bumpfiring and the youtube videos. I've never done it so I can't say for sure, but it doesn't look very safe... so I don't think I'll be trying it. And the bumpfire video's are not entertaining. Watching a redneck empty an AK magazine in his backyard with no ears/eyes on and lots of people standing around him is NOT entertaining and is the very reason a lot of people are looking for more gun control.


New member
We need to convince them that our behavior and thrill of shooting any and all firearms is our right

You may have a right to own a firearm, but the better question is where do you have the right to shoot that firearm? Unless you own your own property and can do as you wish (within being legal) you can be the subject of others.

Personally I would gladly trade 600 rpm all over the place for 1 well placed.

Couldn't agree more.

Watching a redneck empty an AK magazine in his backyard with no ears/eyes on and lots of people standing around him is NOT entertaining

Guess that would depend on how many beers you had.

I don’t get it?

Neither do I. Personally, I always love the guy with the 10/22 and the 25/50 round mag who likes to lay down suppressive fire:D


New member
chris in va,

Some guys on here have never tried bumpfiring and really need to lighten up a bit.

We cannot lighten up, for it are these actions that portray us in a poor manner to the public and if you haven’t noticed the entire country form our education systems to the top government is now run by left wing liberals who like nothing better to see this type of behavior on you tube, it simply gives them "more ammo" to use against us.

We cannot ignore the fact that we are under constant scrutiny and as such have a responsibility to our fellow firearms owners to conduct ourselves in a mature and respectful manner.



New member
Just wait till the next student opens fire on a school yard full of kids "BUMPFIRING" cause he saw it on youtube.

You know, if parents would be as interested in their children as much as they are in their own lives we would not have that sort of thing, but thats a different story.



Adolescent jackassery at the range (bumpfiring) has nothing to do with our "rights," except those with any brains who are observing the jackassery might well wonder if the jackasserer ought to have the "right" to own a firearm.:rolleyes:


New member
Its kind of like hunting, 20% of the people like and respect hunting. 20% are anti hunting, anti shooting.

The voting public is the 60% in the middle that dont care one way or others, but come voting time, who's gonna sway that 60%. Bump firing or the hunter/shooters who are safe and practice fair chase.

Do we want to present our case to the 60%, or let the anti hunters-anti gunners present their case.

Its up to us folks, Its public conception. In todays political enviorment we need all the good press we can get.



New member
I've tried it, just for S&G, but only at a private range w/no witnesses. And only with 5rds in the mag. Havn't got my AK to do it, only my AR 9mm.:D


New member
Watching a redneck empty an AK magazine in his backyard with no ears/eyes on and lots of people standing around him is NOT entertaining
Guess that would depend on how many beers you had.


New member
some of you need to lighten up. while I see safety being a concern but the media will distort anything that will push their agenda. you benchrest shooters would be labeled "snipers" by the media. you need to remember we are all firearm owners and have to stick together.

First they came for the machine guns, and I didn’t speak up because I had no machine guns.
Then they came for the “assault weapons,” and I didn't speak up because I had no assault weapons.
Then they came for the rifles, and I didn't speak up because I had no rifles.
Then they came for the handguns, and I didn't speak up because I had no handguns.
Finally, they came for my double-barreled shotgun, and I only managed to kill two of them.
(before they mowed me down with their machine guns, assault weapons, rifles and handguns (while I was trying to reload)).


New member
You guys will think however you want, no one will be able to change your mind as to how we must act and react.

Fun is fun but when a bunch of idiots (not referring to the fella that started a thread about his bumpfire stock) post homemade videos on the net looking and acting like 12 year olds with firearms it reflects on all of us. It’s just like the idiotic "if it’s brown it’s down" bumper stickers.

You say we need to stick together; first we all need to grow up and use firearms in their intended manner. They are not toys, sure shooting is fun but you can have fun using the firearm in its intended manner and not playing around.



New member
I've seen plenty of people shooting in open pits where I thought to myself, man these people do not deserve to own firearms.

But it can be fun, if done in the correct manner. I do agree that making videos is probably not the best thing to do in the world. It only fuels the anti-gunners.

I think bumpfiring from the shoulder ala rubber band trick or tac trigger is probably a bit safer than from the hip with a belt.


Staff In Memoriam
And what, may I ask, is idiotic about the "brown is down" saying? I personally take offense to this statement. I am a meat gatherer and have no aspiration to pass on a heap of meat for a bigger rack! So long as it is a legal animal I am gonna drop it and I don't care who knows this! The saying means no more and no less than the person is a meat hunter rather than a sport/trophy rack killer!