Bullpups, why do I love them so much?


New member
MacGille said:
problem is they're ugly,

Form meets function.

balance is all at the rear, muzzle is very light,

IMO this is an advantage. Keeps the mass closer to my body, quicker on the swing.

bad trigger,

Can't argue with that one. But as a combat arm, it's good enough.

questionable accuracy.

Not from what I've seen. They are on par with other battle rifles

And they're ugly.

Ugly has a beauty all it's own:D


New member
I own both PS90 and AUG A3 and love them to death. I prefer shooting them to the AR-15. They feel more comfortable than the M-16A2 and GAU/5P I trained with while in the AF.

As I am not the best shot yet at 50 yrds when I am doing my thing I put round after round either next to each other or through the same hole. I plan to go longer ranges when I feel that I am a better shooter.

But each his own.



New member
Sweet what profile are you running on the A3? Full 16" barrel or SBR? After watching a video its very tempting to pick one up in a year or so.


New member
I don't know how anyone can like Bullpups:D




New member
you beat me too it lol i was just about to mention the fs2000. I used to hate the gun but without that bulky scope, it's kinda grown on me, like the way it looks. Although i've always wondered because in videos and such it seems abit of a bulky gun, what are your thoughts?

BTW adore the bottom left pic, AFG instead of the stock grip looks great...

Rifleman 173

New member
Why do people love bullpups? Could it have something to do with previous head injuries or something? Has a study been done on this? :p

All kidding aside, bullpup rifles do make sense in some situations. They are more compact and easier to move around with and work better in tight places like the inside of airplanes and armored personnel carriers. In other scenarios a regular rifle might be more preferred by a shooter. So basically it boils down to the task at hand and personal choice.

The Styer AUG is just sexy as all get out. The easy-to-change barrel systems is sort of what Stoner had in mind many years ago for the original M-16 rifle. With Stoner's system you would push 2 pins, switch out the upper halves and, like the AUG, you could have a carbine, rifle or light machinegun. I have often thought that a really good and modern bullpup rifle needs to be designed around a brand new and different rifle round to really make them into a much more desirable item among shooters. Sort of like having a Steyr AUG in a 6.5 Grendel form with 3 barrels for it. One barrel would be the carbine length. One would be a standard 20 inch barrel for everyday use and 1 barrel would be a 24 inch accuracy barrel for precision shooting. Imagine how popular a package like that would be...


New member
you beat me too it lol i was just about to mention the fs2000. I used to hate the gun but without that bulky scope, it's kinda grown on me, like the way it looks. Although i've always wondered because in videos and such it seems abit of a bulky gun, what are your thoughts?

BTW adore the bottom left pic, AFG instead of the stock grip looks great...

the gun itself isn't bulky but the stock foregrip is unnecessarily wide, i describe it as aiming a tuna downrange obviously the AFG solves that. also as a side effect of the piston system and the forward ejection system the weapon is heavy , about 7.58 lb loaded. while that isn't much compared to a ACR or a FAL, next to a DI AR it is like picking up a battering ram so your optics choice and if you go with the aluminum for-end will matter a great deal what your final weight will be.

running and gunning i haven't been hindered by the weapon, the bulk has been offset by the compactness and balance and i usually keep up with the Ar toting guys;)

some pros.. short , balanced at the right spot: on top of the grip, very clean shooting: the piston system and the forward ejection make this a very clean rifle after 400 rnds i only had to wipe the weapon down and relube the AR bolt ( which is the only part on this rifle you really need to lube), easy to take apart: three major disassembly parts,

at the range if you let people shoot your rifle you can fire any weapon there:D

it is a great rifle , i have had it for three years now and it really is one of those rifles i will never sell


New member
My RFB has a great trigger. :) Also will push sub-moa with reloads. I had head space issues that were corrected promptly, and I also found my rifle doesn't like to feed steel cased ammunition reliably. No problem for me, since I am reloading, all brass.



New member
Personally, I don't like the idea of 50,000 psi pressure right next to my face.:eek:

And bullpups aren't a new idea. The .303 Thorneycroft rifle of ca. 1901 was an attempt to make a bullpup rifle shorter than the standard Lee-Enfield rifles. It did not succeed...
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New member
Personally, I don't like the idea of 50,000 psi pressure right next to my face.
as opposed to 50,000 psi pressure right in front of your face from a rifle built by communist and imported by Century arms with the same build quality as the French Chauchat


New member
Personally, I don't like the idea of 50,000 psi pressure right next to my face.
To make you feel better, with 7.62x51(7.62NATO) it's really 60,200 psi :p
That 50,000 number that keeps getting toss around on the internet is in CUP (copper units of pressure). People keep changing cup to psi without converting.

And by the way, just came home with my Kel-tec RFB, my first bullpup. Hopefully not the last.


New member

It's always fun to look and learn but I don't care for the "space gun" look.

I also remember many years ago reading about a guy pulling out a MAC-10
in a bar in a bad part of town. Before he could get a shot off,
his intended victim killed him with a .45