Bullpups, why do I love them so much?


New member
Ever since the first time I watched Die Hard and saw the BG with a AUG I have been in love with the idea of a bullpup. The first time I saw a FS2000 I thought to myself wow, so that is where weapons are going. I have had the opportunity to try a couple of them (g22, f2000) but both were very limited and I think my memory might be tainted by how great I EXPECTED them to be.

So what is it that makes the "idea" of the bullpup weapon so great?


New member
So what is it that makes the "idea" of the bullpup weapon so great?

Compactness, without sacrificing barrel length. The bolt/chamber is right against your shoulder. By no means can they be used against normal rifles in prone accuracy, they're not designed to shoot accurately in the prone position-too much bulk.


New member
The controversy blows me away. Seems like there are very strong arguments as to why they are/are not better then the standard rifle.

I was a repeat of future weapons the other day, I think they were showing the Iraq military (some middle east country) training with fs2000. Shooting prone did look a little strange, but they did it.


New member
A like the idea of bullpups also. Shooting prone is not too difficult with a little practice, especially with a vertical forgrip, such as on the AUG.

Biggest disadvantage is the inability to quickly transition to left hand shooting. If not for that issue, I would probably own an AUG:)


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Bullpups rock. I personally don't care for the feel of the FS2000. But, I've had a PS90 for 4 years. I gave an MSAR AUG a chance when I bought one last Dec. I ended up selling it and buying a 2nd PS90 2 months ago, because I prefer the platform and company support is better.



New member
I really like the steyr AUG A3. Hell looking at the civilian rifle version i like the looks of it might have to add it to the collection in a couple years. Like the Tavor also but i dislike the bulkiness of his stock.


New member
I'm getting 16" performance out of a 10.5" SBR AR sized package. The 20" AUG is about the same size as a 14.5" barreled M4. So you basically get rifle-length performance out of a carbine sized rifle. In other words, the bull pup offers rifle-length ballistics without the additional size penalty.


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Agreed on the trigger it looks horrible i've never used one but to me it resembles a toy trigger..just looks wrong and all.


New member
I'm not even talking aesthetic, the trigger pulls are typically in the neighborhood of 12lbs and feel pretty uneven throughout their length.
cuz they have that mall ninja aesthetic??

I freely admit to falling for it myself... Glocks, Steyrs, and I own a couple Microtech otf and switchblade knives which are pretty much toys cuz ye can't carry em... I DO want a MSAR AUG clone in 7.62x39 or 6.8 spc with a 20" barrel and the 1.5 optic!! soooo mall ninja but it just appeals to me more then the ar15's. I realize the ar's have better triggers and are more accurate but the aug just appeals more... totally illogical but there it is. Just like I don't like 1911's much prefer H&K's, Glocks, Walthers, and Steyr M series pistols.
Also a drop in part called the Neu Trigger is supposed to make the trigger on the AUG and it's clones much better. It's apparently a $25 drop in part that lessens trigger pull and gets rid of much of the AUG's mushiness. Not up to AR territory of course but much better!!
a personal review from another forum:


and I am in now way involved with any of the vending or anything I just want an MSAR!!!


New member
I like the fact that you have 16" barrel accuracy in a compact package. My MSAR usually makes it to every range trip.:D
I'm now eyeing the Bushmaster M17 now that you can pick one up for 600 smackers


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problem is they're ugly, balance is all at the rear, muzzle is very light, bad trigger, questionable accuracy. And they're ugly.


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To each his own... while some bullpups are ugly, the Steyr AUG A3 isn't IMO, it's a beautiful rifle when in SBR profile.