Build it Yourself: Parts kits?


New member
So, let me get right to it. I live in NY. Recently, I've had an interest in more "gunsmith" related endeavors. I've looked around TheHomeGunsmith, mostly just for the sake of knowledge. Now I know, most of the things on that site would be illegal, even more-so in my state, considering the requirement of a permit for a handgun.

I wanted to build the .22 zip gun shown on the site, but of course, I don't want to incriminate myself, so of course, that isn't going to happen. I figured I could do something far more legal, or at least, I think it's legal in NY. Build a 12 gauge pipe gun that is legal overall length. It would be more for the sake of fun, and it doesn't seem to be too involved, even less so than the .22 zip gun. From what I hear, such a gun is completely legal federally, and I believe it's legal here in NY as well, but if anyone knows for a fact it isn't, tell me. I'll research it in-depth myself beforehand, but I'm CERTAINLY not going to incriminate myself because I want to feel like a kitchen gunsmith. Not worth it.

If I lived in Florida and had a milling machine, I would undoubtably build the semi-auto version of the Luty SMG.

Even more interest though, was the Caselman Air Machine Gun. You have an airgun with a high rate of fire and the power of a .32acp. If you haven't seen the videos, here they are, or at least part 1.

Alas, I have no milling machine available, nor do I have any milling experience... It's quite tragic, really. LMAO Even still, it is an amazing air gun, no doubt.

However, today I had a thought. Why don't I start out with something that's far simpler... Build my own gun from pre-manufactured parts. Actual gun parts. We all know about building AR-15's, AK's from parts kits, etc, etc. Of course, in my home state of NY, these are all considered "assault weapons", with the exception of one of those really screwey non-pistol grip AR-15's, but to me, it's not worth it...

Anyway, I was wondering if there were parts kits for other types of guns besides these firearms classified as "assault weapons". Am I looking for guns as modular/tried and true as AR's and AK's? Absolutely not. But there has to be some sort of kit out there that would meet my criteria. Right?


1. Don't qualify as an assault weapon under NY state law

2. Be buildable "within reason". Nothing that takes a genious to build. Building an AR-15 doesn't seem too monumental from the videos I've watched, so if it's not too much more difficult than that, no problem.

3. There is actually information out there on how to build it. Or at least, good instructions.

Now while creating your own firearm is far cooler and more, uh, "ingenious", I feel building from a parts kit, or at least, pre-made parts, would be far simpler, and more my current speed. I've also started on a small restoration project for an old rifle, which is going fairly well. Anyway, thanks a lot, and I really hope someone can help me.


New member
Would you have interest in building a black powder rifle from a kit?

If so, there are kits available that will produce a beautiful rifle if builder takes their time.

Of course, you better check NY's screwy gun laws on that as well. :rolleyes:


New member
Ah, great!

You know Shortwave, I've actually wanted a black powder rifle for about a year now, but I didn't know where to start.

I would think with the background check, it would be 100% in NY, but I think you were just being sarcastic. Actually, Black Powder Muzzle-loaders aren't even considered Firearms in NY, are they? I'm actually asking this for my (unfortunately) a felon, grandfather. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong crowd, involved a truckload of food... ANYWAY, I don't think they are, so he might be good to go. Always wanted to go hunting with the old guy, but he was barred from firearms, and we were reluctant about bows...

Anyway, any particular kit(s) you could, or would, recommend?
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Nickel Plated

New member
If you live in upstate NY and not NYC, then the homemade shotgun or any non-AW longarm would be entirely legal to make with no permits or registrations.
The muzzleloader would be completely legal since, like you said, it's not a firearm. Not sure about your grandpa though. It may not be a firearm but it is still a deadly weapon, don't know if that counts when it comes to felons.

Not sure of any AWB-legal parts kits. Certainly not ones that would be particularly easy to make.

Though I've always wanted to make a pistol caliber carbine tube-gun. Like the Luty designs, but semi auto ofcourse. I, like you don't have access to mills and lathes, so simply adapt actual firearm parts for the parts I can't make myself. Like an AR-15 FCG, firing pin, mags, barrel and other parts. So you still DIY the parts you can and just buy the ones you can't.


New member
Nickel... Are you really living in Brooklyn? And like guns? I feel bad for you... I mean, I lived in LI, and now upstate NY, and we still have to jump through all kinds of nonsense with NY laws... You guys in NYC though, Jesus...

lol now that I'm looking at the NY legal stock, it's actually pretty badass, even looking as silly as it does... May do that in the future XD

Yeah, that seems like a pain though, mixing and matching. Even still, it's interesting to see what people can come up with, and I have. Their guns look monstrous, but they work, no doubt.


New member
Below are a few different places you can shop for a b/p rifle kit

They are also available through Cabela's as well as Bass Pro

A couple suggestions:

Most important would be to check the laws(Federal and NY) pertaining to being a felon and handling of a muzzle loader.

As far as kits goes, I would shop via the internet and see what style of m/l I liked.
There are matchlocks, flintlock, caplock etc., double or single set triggers and there are many different styles of longrifles or carbines to choose from. Plus styles I'm forgetting.

Lastly, I would open a thread here on TFL in the Black Powder forum and get more info. There are many years of knowledge over there and the guys will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. I seen pics of some builds on there that are nothing short of works of art.

PS...Tell Gramps I still do rolling stop at redlights in my rig after dark in NYC. ;)
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New member
Oh, btw, anyone know of anyone on TFL that has actually built a Luty, er, "sub gun" or Caselman AMG? Would be kind of cool if I could find oneone who's taken the time to do such a thing(s).


New member
Many years ago Popular Mechanics had an article about building a matchlock, using standard galvanized pipe and scrap metal. Didn't need special tools either.

Might be on the internet somewhere.

Nickel Plated

New member
Yea NYC is pretty ridiculous. Worst in the nation I'd say. Though things get alot easier if you don't make it a sticking point to follow every single law to the letter, but I won't get into that :eek:

Luckily, I landed in the union ironworkers. So once my apprenticeship is done, I can just pack my bags and have a job waiting most anywhere I go in the country. So that takes care of one of the most difficult parts of moving.

Paul B.

New member
Regarding muzzleloaders, AFAIK unless the laws have been changed, federally a felon can have and use muzzleloaders, even cap and ball revolvers. Check with the BATFE. Whether the state one lives in has tighter restriction, I don't know. Some states restrict to muzzle loading rifles and shotguns but forbid the handguns to felons. Probably get a quick answer from your city and state law enforcement agencies.
Paul B.


New member
New unfired barrel and furniture from ebay, Davis double set triggers, L& R Lock, and stock from Pecatonica River Long Rifle supply, cm4 grade:



New member
Agreed, that rifle is incredible!

But um... Anything, uh, besides muzzleloaders, guys? Also, thanks for the links, Shortwave.

Aguila Blanca, that certainly sounds like a cool project, but... I don't have a pistol permit. I mean, I'm not 21, but I wouldn't want it just for the fact that I'd have to register them, quite honestly. SOON I will be in FL. *grins*


New member
Well... I could go this route...

I love how comical it is, how we have to get around these things. Wish there was a better-looking, maybe skeletonized alternative to that stock. Guess not...

I'll be honest, my post was fairly long, but I did ask if maybe you guys knew about a gun that wasn't an AR-15 or AK47/74, etc. I mean, lets be real. Off the top of your head, would people really be building muzzleloaders? But the parts are out there...

While it was more to not have to worry about NY unSAFE act, it was kind of to have something unique at the same time. Anyone?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Actually, you can legally build all sorts of gun in NY, they just have to meet the same requirements of any other gun of the type.

You can buy a parts kit to build your own 1911. The frame is considered the firearm and would have to be registered on your handgun permit and go through an FFL.

You can build you own rifle, the action is the firearm and would have to go through an FFL. You could be really ambitious and build your own action, but that's asking a lot.

Muzzleloaders, a fair number of guys build their own. They're essentially unregulated and can be shipped right to your door. You can even own a blackpowder revolver without a permit... you just can't load/fire it.:rolleyes: