Broke the Kel Tec

OK, I'll counter that tale with mine. I have a Keltec PF-9 with over 2000 rounds through it and absolutely NO failures.

So, are Keltecs a POS or are they great little guns? I trust mine enough to carry it.
I passed a Yugo on the highway the other day. I guess they are good cars after all since that one is still running. :rolleyes: :)


New member
It is interesting... I've actually had a lot more trouble with Kimber Ultra Carry II than with my Kel-Tec PF9. I had to send my ultra carry back 3 times FTE (with explanations like "you should use a liquid as opposed to aresol CLP") before it was re-barreled which fixed the situation. I'd still be carrying my PF9 everywhere except it was stolen out of my vehicle...


New member
It is interesting... I've actually had a lot more trouble with Kimber Ultra Carry II than with my Kel-Tec PF9. I had to send my ultra carry back 3 times FTE (with explanations like "you should use a liquid as opposed to aresol CLP") before it was re-barreled which fixed the situation. I'd still be carrying my PF9 everywhere except it was stolen out of my vehicle...
Well, you are talking about a Kimber... If you're going to buy a cheap 1911 you might want to look at one of the lower cost ones. :)


New member
Sturm, everyone knows you hate Kimber, but I'm very impressed with the fit and finish and reliability of mine. We aren't talking about a throw away gun like a Kel-Tec when we talk about a Kimber, and suggesting otherwise doesn't add to your reputation. I know, you have all the photos, but you are one of a very few who go on and on about Kimbers being bad, while Kel-Tecs are well documented for poor design and reliability.
On the other hand, I feel that one of your favorite 1911's, the Springfield, is below my standards for fit and finish, but many many folks love their Springfields. I'd show myself to be overly biased to endlessly talk about my position on Springfields when so many like theirs. I believe you are overly biased.


New member
Sturm, everyone knows you hate Kimber, but I'm very impressed with the fit and finish and reliability of mine. We aren't talking about a throw away gun like a Kel-Tec when we talk about a Kimber, and suggesting otherwise doesn't add to your reputation.
Oh, c'mon - I'm just razzing him, hence the :). It's easy to joke about Kimbers given the countless "Kimbers suck" threads (none of which I've started).


I've always had misgivings about the fact that Kel Tec uses its customer base as beta-testers....

All maufactures do it that way . Look at the LCP's
Get a real gun like a Seecamp


New member
Sorry it took me so long to reply, have been out on the road and haven't had computer access.

Paige: That could be ugly in a self defense situation!
My thoughts exactly. I was about a mag and a half away from failure for the last month of carry.

Your carry gun is a go-to gun, its main purpose is to save your life. Hypothetically, if I had only $100, I would buy a Hi Point. If I had only $250 I would buy a Kel Tec. I can spend more than that, so I'll get something better. What's my life worth to me? More than $250. I don't mean to be a K-T basher, but this has been a good lesson to me, fortunately one that cost me almost nothing. I'm thinking that the extra cash it would take to upgrade to a <gasp> Glock compact (or the like) is the cheapest insurance I will ever buy.

doubleaes2: If you ask, they will send you the trigger and you can install it yourself instead of sending the gun in.
Good idea, thanks for the info. That will save a good deal of shipping fees! (I'm still going to repair and sell the Kel Tec for funds for it's replacement.)

Bill DeShivs: My P11 has over 5000 rounds through it. Still as good as new.
I haven't been keeping exact count, but I'd say that mine was between 500 and 700.

jrinne0430: Did the tirgger give any signs/feels before it broke?
None that I noticed. The break is up inside the frame a little, so if there was anything visible I couldn't see it. There wasn't anything visible the last time I detail stripped it, but that was maybe 9 months and a few hundred rounds ago. There wasn't any softness or play that I could detect. I fired about the fifth round out of a ten round mag, then the trigger was stuck to my finger and I was looking at it stupidly going "huuuuh?"


New member
The Glock 26 is a bit bigger in all dimensions, but it is a nice, very nice, pistol... I carry mine most all the time. :D


New member
Of all the features included in the KelTec design,the plastic trigger they used was my least favorite one.

The P-11 I had,had a trigger that felt like it flexed before it operated the trigger mechanism.

But that little P-11 worked just fine until I traded it in.

I do wish that Kel Tecs came with a steel trigger though.

I'm still in the market for a PF-9 when I get the money up.

Sorry to read about your problem with your Kel Tec.


New member
9X19 mentioned the Glock 26. Obviously it's in a different class than the Kel Tecs. I have a G26 and a Kel Tec P3AT. For ease of carry and concealibility you can't beat the P3AT (or the LCP for that matter). I call it my ATM gun. Goes everywhere with me.

However, if I put the two together, the G26 is a fat hog in comparison. It's twice as thick, an inch longer, and about a half an inch taller, and considerably heavier.

Which gun would I trust my life with? Guess.

I've lived in this small town for 30 years, so it follows that I know most of its inhabitants and rarely see any unsavory folks (and as a former LEO I have been trained to notice). I can go to the grocery store, the gas station, walk down to the bank and use the ATM, and feel almost silly carrying my Kel Tec because life is so uneventful around here.

But - when I leave town the Kel Tec stays home and the G26 takes a ride.
And - when I go out at night in my town, the G26 rides along.

The other gun I carry frequently that I can utterly depend upon is an S&W Chief's Special. It conceals better than the Glock but not as well as the Kel Tec. Actually, I trust it more than either of the other two, but then I grew up with, and spent most of my life using wheel guns.

Whenever I get nervous about the Kel Tec's reliability, I take it to the range and shoot a box of 50 through it just to make sure. If it ever malfunctions - and I determine it's the Kel Tec and not the ammo or me - I'll probably quit carrying it. I wouldn't trade it in, and I wouldn't sell it. I don't want to pass on a problem that might endanger someone else's life down the road.
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New member
I disagree completely. Most quality gun makes have a reputation of being able to be shot and shot and that they will still outlast you and your children. Guns should not have an expiration date.

All manufacturers have turned out a bad guns. Many have turned out fewer bad ones than Kel-Tec, though.


New member
Of all the features included in the KelTec design,the plastic trigger they used was my least favorite one.

The P-11 I had,had a trigger that felt like it flexed before it operated the trigger mechanism.

The result of the trigger flexing, or any part in the trigger mechanism flexing, is a loss of efficiency. The designers will have to reduce the mechanical leverage ratio to make up for it which, in turn, increases the trigger efforts.

It is fine to use plastic as long as you design it to be stiff and durable. There are lots of guns out there with plastic triggers.