Broke the Kel Tec


New member

Was shooting a few rounds through my P11, when the trigger just fell right off the gun. Plastic part just snapped right off at the base with so little pressure it surprised me.

So far I've been a Kel Tec advocate because this pistol was so inexpensive and reliable (thus far), but I'm rethinking using this piece as a self defense weapon considering that it seems to be prone to such easy breakage.

At least I know that K-T's exemplary customer service will fix the gun for sure, wish they would machine me a metal trigger in the process...


New member
If you ask, they will send you the trigger and you can install it yourself instead of sending the gun in. I had to do this with a P32 that I lost a couple springs to. I even told them I lost the springs. They still gave me new ones free of charge.:cool:


After avoiding them for years, I recently considered buying a KT for a BUG. Thanks for solidifying my aversion for them.

OK, I'll counter that tale with mine. I have a Keltec PF-9 with over 2000 rounds through it and absolutely NO failures.

So, are Keltecs a POS or are they great little guns? I trust mine enough to carry it.


New member
No problems with my 5 Kel-Tecs.

None of you had better buy an Ruger LCP then - I've read about broken firing pins, trigger axis, etc. It happens though.


New member
Just seems to happen more often with KT for some reason!

Both of my KT's, a P3AT and a PF-9, paperweighted themselves essentially out of the box. The P3 literally was broken when i got it, PF failed after 50-rds. P3 broken barrel lug, PF broke its hammer spring. PF broke its take down pin a few hundred after the spring. Not too warm and cozy, but I do carry the P3AT a lot.

P3At barrel

PF-9 Hammer spring

PF-9 Takedown pin


New member
Mine stopped firing after less than 100 rounds. Trigger pin worked out. Not a self defense weapon in my opinion, maybe for some other reason, though I can't imagine what that would be.
I fixed it myself, and do carry it. But I live in a very low threat environment. If I lived in LA or a hundred other cities I'd carry something of known reliability.
My opinion of Kel-Tec is not a popular one with their supporters. I think they are a cheaply made, low quality product. The company makes it's money by mass producing these inferior guns and selling them in bulk. They then give the gun the illusion of quality by offering a strong warranty...all along knowing that 90% of the guns will be bought by people that never shoot more than a box of ammo through them. I bet if you shot an entire production line of them probably half of them would fail...if not more.

I actually considered buying one at one point. That is until I had two fail catastrophically in my hands in a single day.

I love when their fans defend them by saying "they will fix them every time." That does me a lot of good when my trigger snaps off right as someone is charging me with a baseball bat.


New member
I have been pretty lucky with my Kel Tec's. I have two P3's one of each generation and two P32's Each has seen several hundred rounds and none have had issues. I did the smiley fix to the first generation but I didn't notice there was an issue with them prior to doing the fix. Each 380 has had several boxes of the hot Santa Barbara ammo through it.

I did get rid of my P11 as the trigger had a hitch in it that mechanically I can't explain. It was very hard to operate despite hours of dry firing with a snap cap. I swapped it for a PF9 but I haven't had the chance to shoot it yet.

I have had some stinky mouse guns. SKYY was sent back to the factory two times for a sheared off hammer. I was informed by someone that it broke because I was using snap caps :confused:The second time we had fired three shots with it. It is now a paperweight as I won't trade it off because it is a turkey. I am waiting for one of those community buy back programs to dump it.

I have also seen several times in gun shops and on forums where a certain big gun that also starts with a "K" has issues out of the box.


PBP, Mine, my fathers, and all my friends Kel-Tec pistols have functioned perfectly. Mine is my BUG to my BUG so it gets very limited reps. I have fired a couple hundred rounds through it though. My only hiccup was when I tried to use the extended mag.......didn't like it.


New member

Bummer! How many rounds thru the pistol? The P-11s DAO design, and it's rather heavy hammer spring, puts more stress on the trigger than any of their later models, but... it still sucks!


I've often heard that opinions are similar to something, but the reference escapes me at the moment. :D

I've been a Kel-Tec owner since the P-11 first hit the market and have only had to send one in for service. I feel for anyone who has had a bad experience with a particular pistol, but also find many folks like to render opinions as fact without ever having owned the pistol being talked about.

For many of us, watching you do so simply diminishes the veracity of your statements about most anything else.


New member
Jake, check on KTOG, the owners group site. I thought one of the members either made a metal trigger, or a slip on shoe of some sort.