British Armed Forces Adopt Glock 17

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New member
You can stand by your original statement all you want, but so far it and a picture of Prince Harry are all you have to back it up.


New member
The gun laws of North Ireland differ from those of Great Britain.

The post said UK N Ireland is part of the UK. All the other firearms in my post are available just not handguns. Black powder handguns are also legal in the rest of the UK.


New member

Another pic plus a lot of common sense and logical reasoning have lead myself and others to see the lack of foundation in your statements in this thread.

Mal H

As someone said earlier, this thread seemed to be contentious from the gitgo. There is a lot of misunderstanding of the British military demonstrated here. I'd wager some big bucks, most of those who say they have no military wouldn't want to go up against a single British soldier. I know who I'd put my money on.

Anyway - closed.
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