Bring Your Gun To Work Day

Uncle Malice

New member
Today was Bring Your Gun To Work Day! Just kidding... that's every day. :D

Anyways... got to the range this afternoon to do some shooting after making some changes to my VP9 grip panels last night. I put on the small back strap to reduce that exaggerated hump and installed the large side panels to keep the swell up a little bit. Seemed pretty comfortable.

I really like this gun. It's still a real toss up for me between the P320 and VP9. Sitting at home and fondling/dry firing the gun... I often think I prefer the P320 in both ergonomic feel and trigger feel. When it comes to actually shooting, I seem to shoot the VP9 better. Not a lot, but just enough to be consistently a slight amount better.

My VP9 has the Heinie SlantPro QWIK sights on it and they're really nice. I usually put Trijicon HD's on everything but wanted to give these a run. I like the wide 'QWIK' notch. I put the regular Heinie's on my P320C and the tighter picture is still accurate, but I feel a little more accurate and definitely faster with the QWIK cut.

The targets below were at 30 feet(10 yards) and show after the first 10 rounds, after 20 rounds, and finally after 50 rounds. Glamor shots from the landscaping rocks outside of my office complex.

Overall, I'm really happy with the gun. The feel of the actual trigger I like better on the P320, but during live fire the VP9 obviously shoots just fine. There's a little bit of a weird 'hump' feeling during the take up before the wall. If that could be smoothed out a bit, I think it would be even better. M&P with complete Apex kit still takes the cake for me, but the VP9 and P320 are very close combatants for 2nd place.







New member
I never played around with the side and back straps on the VP9 though, but like you I'm not a big fan of the hump on the Medium backstrap. I'll have to try this combination out.

Uncle Malice

New member
Sorry everyone. Didn't mean to run it in your faces. ;) I'm actually really lucky to work where I do. We're just a software company, but we're in Arizona and everyone in the office is gun friendly. Most of the men in the office carry, including our CEO. But he's Italian and carries Beretta... poor lost soul. :rolleyes:

I never played around with the side and back straps on the VP9 though, but like you I'm not a big fan of the hump on the Medium backstrap. I'll have to try this combination out.

Yeah, I think you'll like it. It seems to have renewed my fandom of the VP9. After going from the M&P and P320 to the VP9 was just feeling strange. Now it's a pretty smooth transition. Let me know what you think!


New member
Don't ask.... Don't tell........

Unless it's a serious crime where you work...

If it's just an employers rule... Well, I can find another job.. There's only one me


New member
Unless it's a serious crime where you work...

Therein lies the problem. I really don't want to spend time in a federal pen.

It's okay, the five foot tall airman at the gate who's younger than my truck will protect me. Aim High! Jk of course ;). Some of the MPs are pretty tough and they're all good guys/girls. I do envy those of you that can carry though.


New member
Very much looking forward to carrying at work. I'm going to have my BBQ truck up and running some time in June, and I will be carrying at work from then on... aaahhhh, freedom.


New member
I have a no guns at work policy unless initially approved by the immediate supervisor, who then submits the request to HR, which then submits the request to the CEO for final and written authorization. Our requests go through three levels.

Big Mikey, Austin has the best BBQ food truck in the universe...and I love BBQ. Look up Micklethwait BBQ.


New member
Won't see that in today's political squabbles! But I bring my Ruger LCPs into my office after explaining my CCW certification and scenario of what if an irate boisterous and angry customer comes into your office. The way your desk is facing out from a corner....where can you escape? My desk is outside your door in a cubical. "Can I protect you under those circumstances?" He agreed and there were no further discussions. The secretary also asked me for two forms of identification for Social Security. She asked me for my SS card and a drivers license. I do not carry my SS card with me, in case of robbery. She accepted my CCW card instead.

My Ruger LC9s remains on me always except for showering and sleeping.

Uncle Malice

New member
I have a no guns at work policy

Oh.. so do we, officially. It says in the employee handbook that there are no guns allowed. I think it's an insurance thing... because it's certainly adhered to or enforced.