Brass Rats


New member
Hey all, I admitt it..Im a Brass Rat to the 10th degree. Was wondering about other brass rats out there. What is the most Brass you have picked up in a 2 day weekend period ?.

Last weekend at the range i go to i scored like i have never done before. After all brass was counted and sorted i have a list.

452-45 ACP's
1841-40 SW's
49-10 MM's
11-38 Specials
57 more pcs consiting of 30-30,,30-06, 25-06.

I have never scored like this before and can't imagine i will again. I had one guy out there so happy to give me his 243 brass that he put it all back in the boxes,,Ha ha Including the 4 rounds he forgot to shoot. Another guy out there had his 2 kids with him and instructed them to pick up brass for me. Now my tumbler will be running for the next month getting caught up again.

Any others that have been this lucky before????..


New member
I'm a brass rat too ... and proud of it :) ... never a score like yours. I was at the right place at the right time when the local SWAT team was practicing and they gave me all their brass for the day but not numbers in the thousands.


New member
I only shoot 32SWL, 32-20, 38special, 44mag, and 6.5x55. I have owned at other times 357mag, 32acp, and 44special.

Most folks that shoot most those calibers don't throw them on the ground. I was floored when i picked up nearly 50 pieces of 44special brass TWICE at the same range on different trips.

I see 38special on the ground from time to time, but I have enough of that to last decades. If I came across either of the 32cal examples, I'd probably stare at it like you'd stare at a giraffe in your backyard. ;) Then I'd pick it up and skitter away giggling like a schoolgirl. :D

P5 Guy

New member
Brass Scavenger

4runnerman, do you do any shooting?:eek:

I'll sweep up mine and as always dump from the revolvers into the range bag.
If I leave brass behind it is from a lot that is at the end of its reloading life, be careful picking up after me.:)


New member
4runnerman, if you are looking to unload some of that .223, let me know! :D

Does anyone else pick up all brass excluding .22 shells? When I go, I spend more time brass scavenging than shooting it seems! I got a good handful the other day: about 30 8x57 mauser, 12 .30-06, and about 15 .300 Wthby Mag cases. They just add to the collection, as maybe someday I'll get enough of them to sell as a small lot.


New member
Hello, my name is Mike and I'm a Brass Rat. But I only pick up what I want to load...honest!:D
I needed a few additional .45acp cases to put together a thousand or so practice rounds for my carry gun. I spent a few hours at my favorite range and was rewarded with a few hundred rounds. Then two weeks ago I discovered about 2000 cases behind some stuff on a shelf in my reloading room! It was freshly cleaned....about 10-12 yrs ago-but it beats looking out for the dreaded sp's. This CRS is kinda fun sometimes! Now I need a bunch more ww's.....


New member
The range i go to is the only one in 75 miles now that they shut the other one down. I was out there at 5:30 AM this morning and i was not the first one there:eek:. These AR rifle people with 223's. I need to say--I LOVE YOU PEOPLE. Man it don't take them 15 minutes and there are 300 cases laying on the ground.
I shoot 308 and 223 and 45 ACP. While i wait for barrel to cool in between rounds i pick up brass. This week was back to narmal again. In 2 days i got around 600 more 223.s , 100 to 150 45's,, Misc brass betweeen all the deer hunters sighting in. Seems only one out of about 10 people reloads around here and they are more than happy to give me there brass. 9MM's ,,,,No one reloads them. I pick up some but if a guy were to sit out there all day i bet there are 10.000 laying around out there. They get kicked into the sand and all over. Have been using the wifes collander to run them under water and clean them up a little before i pick out the bent and beat up ones. jbotto--drop me a line for 223's. I have one guy that buys all my stuff (everything i can get) but im sure i can part with some 223's. Mainly i just wanted to know im not the only brass rat around. Wife says it has become a compulsion. I can't walk buy a pc with out stopping and picking it up.:p. It sure offsets my $300.00 a month shooting habbit. Yes thats true all $300.00 plus a month and i reload:eek::eek:.


New member


I`ve been to the range & was so happy `bout my "spoils of shooting" I forgot to shoot my rifle !!!!:eek:

It got dark on me :rolleyes: I an`t that OLD - - yet !!!!:p

maggys drawers

New member
Used to be I could make a pretty good haul of .40, .45, 9mm and 223 with the occasional score of 30-30, 30-06 and other rifle cases.

Times must be tough now- all that is on the ground or in the buckets is steel or aluminum cases and .22 rimfire. The rest is picked clean.


New member
Best I have done 6000+ pieces of .223. The range I worked at had local Sheriffs Office,State Prison Acadamy Training and local law enforcemant agencies.
They would do their AR-15 training and leave piles of Rem. .223 brass on the ground.
I picked 6- 5 gallon buckets full,processed and reloaded all of it except some that had military crimps,I gave that away. Over 2000 pieces of Lake City brass.I bought cartridge boxs from Midway and vacuum sealed 5000 rnds. and they are put away.The other 1000 are mixed headstamp and used for range shooting.
Good score on your one day endeavor.:)


New member
Nope rifle range is picked clean, I do luck out sometimes if newbees are trying out their new ARs. Other wise it looks like the thanksgiving table after the relitives leave. (where's my leftovers - gone).

Although I can get a fair amount of pistol cases from the indoor range (one of the last bastions of free brass). But even that is drying up.

Looking for cases.


New member
Hello Maggie. Say i think i sold you a bunch of brass a while back. Hope all worked out for you. I often wonder about storing in for a while as the price of brass is going to keep going up and up. But it seems like such a waste to just let it sit there. Hey GP100 Man--I have never forgotten to shoot,but i have shot a lot less than what i intended to shoot because of picking up brass too. And i am old ha ha:D:eek:


New member
A fellow came by one day with over 300lbs of brass.....9mm, 40, 223, and a few oddballs, wanted $50 for it. After I got it cleaned and sorted, totaled around 40,000 pieces.



New member
I used to pick up a couple of 10 pound icebags of brass at a time. Now I just pick up quart, or half gallon sized bag at a time. I ran out of room for it all. I have more brass than I could shoot in a couple of years. I still trade with a bit every now and again.

I traded a lot of brass to get my reloading set up. I tried selling some a few times, and the people acted like I should be giving them money to take it off my hands, so I doubled the price for insulting me. I turned to walk away, then they stopped me, and bought it. Though it was still a PITA to deal with. So now I just pick up for me and a couple of friends.

Oh I also picked up 160 pieces of Hornady 7x57.:eek: 100 pieces of 300 RUM, 600 Hornady .308 Match cases, 80 pices of .44 spcl Star Line cases, and the coup de grace was over 250 .45 Colt. Oh and las week a guy gave me 60 round of factory Norma 7.62x61 Sharpe & Hart. I told him I had a rifle chambered in it, with a small bit of brass, and did not shoot it much due to the fact that Norma stopped making brass for it years ago. He told me had 3 boxes I could have.:cool:


New member
I used to pick up everything I could, but ran out of room (and the need) for common stuff like 9mm or .45ACP. Now, I will still cherry-pick the buckets at the range for .380 ACP, .25 ACP, .38 special and .357 mag (for my own use), but what I really like to find is the rarer stuff like 10mm, .38 super, .45 Colt and .44 mag. Not that you find it very often, but when you do it's as if someone's throwing dimes (or better) in the bucket.


New member
I have gotten to where I pick up all centerfire brass, even if it is junk, the scrap metal yards around here pay about $2 a pound for it.