Brass prep priority?


New member
I use a flash hole uniformer, doesn't that only remove the rough edges. I use a#45 drill bit when I found some flash holes were smaller on some brass. I don't want to enlarge the flash hole larger then normal, just want them to all be the same size. I read someplace it should be .080

T. O'Heir

New member
There's absolutely no need to anneal all cases every time they are fired. Does nothing to cases that are not work hardened. And no case gets work hardened with one shot. Work hardening comes from repeated sizing and firing.
"...'Home' annealing is very rarely, to almost never, done correctly..." Yep. Usually far too hot. As in red hot is too hot. Colour change is enough. A regular propane torch will do nicely for that.
"...Getting old sucks..." Absolutely. snicker.


New member
Cw308, a flash hole uniformer is unlike a pocket uniformer.

The flash hole is punched outside. in, and with the quality of modern tools, that flash hole should be punched clean, round, perfectly Fla and clean,centered. Aint always true.

The flash hole uniformer cuts a consistent hole through it and chamfers the inside to eliminate any roughness from the punching. It is a good idea for any rifle use at longer ranges. It will allow ignition to be more uniform if the brass wasn't good enough.


New member
Thanks for get back to me. I have the RCBS flash hole uniformer, it only bevel's off the burr, the post just centers on the flash hole, doesn't cut the hole if flash hole is smaller. I have found some brass with smaller flash holes. I use the #45 drill bit only to keep my brass uniform. What the saying " If it doesn't fit , you must accquit " l would rather use the 45 . Drill bit that is.
PS Just read another post by you. Hope all that blood work is behind you & All is Well.
Till the next time, Be Well Chris
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New member
I have been reloading for the best hunting accuracy and target accuracy in stock rifles and pistols for a few decades. So let it be known. I'm self taught and no expert. Also Firing Line Forums are the best thing that has ever happened to my Loading Room.

I de burr my new case flash holes simply for consistency. I have found flash holes in my standard cases are any thing but constant in burrs or hole size.

I more recently discovered Redding flash hole uniformer. I use it on all my new and old primer pockets one time. It allows the primers to seat to proper depth with constant tension.

I tried annealing my rifle cases last year for the first time. I had seen a clear difference on old cases. I will continue on cases when my groups need it.

I haven't turned necks yet but perhaps some day I will. I have seen in the past that my .308 cases had necks that were in need of it after trimming. Although I have been loading my 222 and 22 K Hornet lately and I don't see the need to turn necks on them.

I always keep my brass in lots. I will also sort it by weight.

I have found the bump sizing method is helpful for sizing.

That's all for now.