Bombing has begun


New member
Defending us abroad.

A very good friend of mine is deployed over there. He has been there days after the 11th. He's with the 101st Airborne, Ranger unit.

A very good friend of mine's son is a Navy SEAL, also sent over soon after the 11th.

I pray for their safe return....and of course, good hunting, gentlemen.

David Scott

New member
From the Colonial soldier raising his musket at Bunker Hill, to today's soldiers, sailors marines and air crew, there is a long tradition of bravery and performance. The job WILL get done. They deserve our support. As one who wore the uniform, I send all my bothers and sisters my very best regards and wishes for a speedy victory and glorious homecoming.

I also hope that the eventual outcome will include a just and peaceful new government in Afghanistan, and a world where no nation will dare nurture terrorists.

It is a grave and awsome decision to unleash military power, but in the face of the horrors of September 11th, we have no choice. The Taliban and Al Queida called the tune, we're the pipers, and they must pay.