Bolt Storage in Safe


New member
I have a Liberty Fatboy Jr, which I keep the bulk of my collection in. Half holds surplus ammo (adds weight to the bolted down safe), handguns, and basic accessories/valuables that I want locked up. Other side has some more surplus ammo (used to prop up three shorter long guns) and majority of my long guns. Anyways, I'm in the process of selling a shotgun (which will be replaced by a Yugo Mauser), so I've been going in and out the past two days. I did my best to organize it, but I noticed that the bolt actions are taking up a little extra room due to the handles.

The two bolt guns I own happen to be a M1903 in a USMC sniper setup and a Mosin Nagant PU sniper. As I said, I also have a Yugo Mauser eventually coming, so that will be another one to deal with. Guns like my WASR, Garand, and Yugo SKS have handles sticking out, but can't really do much other than fit them between guns. As it sits now, those are a non issue.

So, I pulled the bolts out and really made some headway with fitting another gun in the back... in turn, giving me more space to fool around with (I use Rifle Rods, so not going to do anything better). The Mauser has a spot where the shotgun was, but I'm thinking about pulling the bolt to keep it a little clearer. None of the guns inside the safe are loaded, and none of the bolt actions will be pulled out and need to be running for defense. They are all recreation rifles.

As it sits now, I just tossed the two bolts on one of the shelves... to put them somewhere. My question is what do you guys use for storing bolts that are not in rifles? I would love to figure something out where I could store them on the door, but have other things up there to not use those full sleeve storage covers. Even just a soft case to hold the three would be nice (I'm not really looking to get another bolt action anytime in the near future).



New member
I leave mine in the guns, I guess that's why I need 4 safes. As long as you don't get them mixed up its fine to leave them on the shelf. If you get some that's close just tag them. I built two Identical rifles for my grandsons and stamped 1 on the bolt and receiver where it wasn't obvious and 2 on the other one.


New member
I leave them in the gun, but open. Makes it a lot easier to squeeze in a few more guns and they don't get lost.


New member
They do get in the way !!!

I leave them in the gun, but open.
I do as well and even though it helps some, they still get in the way, especially if they are next to a scoped rifle. I try to fit stuff in as best I can and currently have three bolts pulled. I store them in nylon socks with I.D. tags. :)

Be Safe !!!

James K

Member In Memoriam
One can build racks for rifles in the open, and lock the bolts in the safe. That saves on safe space, while providing for safety and keeping a thief from getting usable guns. The main problem is making sure that the bolts are properly stored and tagged, else you spend a lot of time trying to find the right bolt when you want to use the rifle.



New member
If need be, I alternate muzzle up and muzzle down, as well as open bolts.

Not too big of a fan of storing guns with the muzzle down. Just hard to keep secure.

One can build racks for rifles in the open, and lock the bolts in the safe. That saves on safe space, while providing for safety and keeping a thief from getting usable guns.

My safe does protect my guns, among other things, but it also keeps them in a controlled environment.

They make bolt bags you can buy or make yourself. Nothing to hard to do.

Never saw them before... I've been looking on eBay, but haven't found anything.

You have a link? Would greatly appreciate it.


New member
Great idea !!!

Just google bolt holster.
What do you get a gun-guy that has everything? Yep, bolt-holsters. ..... ;)
Have to admit that they are prettier than my old nylon socks and on my next trip to Good-Will, I'm going to look for glass cases that will fit my bolts. Sure beats the retail price. ..... :D

Thanks, 4Runner
Be Safe !!!


New member
The reason why one can occasionally run into rifles at the gunshows or online auction sites that are missing their bolts is because of the bad practice of storing them without their bolts for whatever reason seemed like a good idea at the time. Years, maybe decades to by. The owner gets forgetful or worse. But he will never miss them. In dividing up or liquidating the estate, somehow, maybe the bolts went out in the trash, who knows, but the bolts don't get reunited with their rifles. It's a bad practice; I'm against it. You got more guns than you can fit in your safe? You got a problem. But, .......maybe that's a good problem to have.;) Some bolts open, some bolts closed; muzzle up, some down; new safe, whatever. But keep the bolts in the guns. Do what you will; but I have spoken.


New member
If need be, I alternate muzzle up and muzzle down, as well as open bolts.


As an aside, storing ammo and powder inside your safe is not a good idea. A few rounds here and there is not a big deal, but it sounds like you have a lot of ammo in the safe. :eek:


New member
Wow- Chill people. He wanted to know, I simply informed. I would keep them separate, but don't. Some people do keep more then one bolt for their top dollar rifles. Some people keep an extra barrel in stock also.:D


New member
Out with the ammo to make room for the guns with their bolts in the guns where they belong. Y'all can be as, "chill", as you like. I'm warm as French toast with my woodstove runnin'.;)


New member
I once heard a very sad story from a man whose uncle thought he safeguarding his rifles from theft by removing the bolts. Didn't work that way.

I keep the straight-handle bolts open in the safe, that does allow for more rifles in the row. I've found that choosing which rifle goes next to which in the row seems to get me a less crowded safe, as well.


New member
Out with the ammo to make room for the guns with their bolts in the guns where they belong.

How about no... can we try to stay on the original question that I asked... not whether bolts should be left in the rifle or not. And also, the spam cans propped three guns up so I can use Rifle Rods with them. Pulling it out will take up more space, since they will lean against the center wall.

Listen, I have no issue with people voicing their opinion on the matter. But just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean I'm changing my view to jump on board when it really doesn't apply to me (guns aren't bought/sold that much, my collection isn't THAT big, and I'm not currently in a situation where I lose stuff on the regular). My three rifles aren't going to be destroyed because I want to pull the bolts out while they are in my safe. The bolts aren't going to unlock the safe and walk off to parts unknown, leaving me with three bolt-less rifles. Nor is it going to start a countdown to doomsday because they are apart... IN THE SAME SAFE. If I lose them, so be it.

I have extra cylinders for two revolvers (Ruger .45 convertible and a 9mm conversion for my S&W 642), as well as an extra slide for my Beretta 92 Brigadier. None of which are MIA. So again, it is clear on what I'm looking for... a solution to hold three bolts on the inside of a Liberty Safe door. I'm already looking into bolt holsters, but $120 for three is a little out of my budget, and I still need to find a way to secure them.
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New member
I've seen Ziploc bags on a hanger inside several safe doors, with spare magazines and bolts, certainly cost less than $120.


New member
I know we're talking about only a few bolts but the best place to put a bolt is in its original rifle.

My grandfather was a gunsmith and had some guns he didn't have the bolts in. Eventually he moved into a VA home and all his guns were moved from one place to the another. 3 are still boltless. There is also a shoebox full of bolts and actions. Of course in his case we're talking about 60+ rifles and a basement full of parts.

You might want to look into another safe. Many of us know that if there is any room in a safe we will try to add another gun to it.


New member
Try 3 gun socks... they used to come with labels. They have string closures that you can knot and hang from a small hook, etc. Or just lay on a shelf. Cheap, protected, ID'd :)
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