Bloomberg Gun Control rally in Richmond, VA draws crowd of 15...

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No, no, the REALLY dangerous stuff is oxidane.

In certain circumstances an amount of oxidane can explosively expand to over 1,600 times its volume.


New member
It's a real shame that Bloomberg can't stay in office any longer. He's gotten to be such a joke that he is actually counterproductive to his own causes. Whoever replaces him might well be more dangerous, just for not being as infamous.


New member
Re the comments of Bloomberg et al, and any possible relationship between them and the truth, the following comes to mind.

Was that anti gun politician lying? Were his lips moving?


New member

yeah, it was confusing. He was attempting to tell how he would phrase an Advertisement saying (in a phoney accent) how he was an NRA member, blah, blah, blah.

He was trying to compare how, if he did an Ad, his Ad would be so much better than bloomberg's Ad was.


New member
The real problem with Bloomberg is that he's rich. If he had an average stash, he wouldn't be wasting it tilting at windmills in other states. He'd stay in NY, doing his job fixing New York's problems (like those huge soda containers!) and would not be spending his limited resources fighting to force his view of things on the rest of the country. I do agree with a previous poster who pointed out that, given his lack of success in exporting his beliefs to other jurisdictions, we should probably let him keep at it.
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