Bloomberg Gun Control rally in Richmond, VA draws crowd of 15...

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The article claims the majority of Virginians resent Bloomberg's attempts to interfere in their state.

It cites a Washington Examiner article, that claimed one in 12 of Bloomberg's victims list were killed by LEOs or by armed citizens who acted in lawful self-defense, and that 12% or more of the "victims" were killed while committing felonies with guns.

(I assume the discrepancy means the additional 4-5% were killed by other criminals, EG gang fights.)

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I heard a report that advocates of various positions in many states find that Bloomberg's advocacy in their state is counterproductive.


New member
I think we're all pretty aware that any number/percentage/ratio that comes out of an anti's mouth is generated by manipulating a very specific data-set to achieve whatever soundbyte-of-the-moment they're promoting. Not that pro-gun groups are innocent of massaging a message occasionally, but you can be assured that EVERY number from an anti and the context it's used in has been carefully "crafted" in some manner.

As for Virginia... I'm a member of VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League)... they do an awesome job of representing law abiding gun owners in Virginia.

The New York machine has previously attacked VA as the source of all their problems. A major talking point of anti's is that no matter what laws one state implements, as long as something is legal in other states, the "issue" will cross state lines. This is one of their rally cries for reform at the federal level.

You'll find by following the Bloomberg Anti-Freedom bus tour, that it's a complete failure on both turnout and effectiveness. This hasn't stopped the various media sources from using very closely cropped images of the small groups of anti's who have bothered to show up to make it appear the crowd is larger, and being extremely careful to show zero photographic coverage of the pro-gun groups supported by VCDL, which have at least once outnumbered the anti's.

I live in VA, but am a member of several grassroots organizations in other hot-bed states so that I stay informed about issues at all levels. It's $25 to join VCDL, and even if you don't live in the state, know that you'll be supporting an organization that goes head-to-head with the New York anti machine. I promise your money will be well spent.
"I heard a report that advocates of various positions in many states find that Bloomberg's advocacy in their state is counterproductive."

Then by all means let him continue what he is doing.


New member
Raleigh, NC on 8/21

As shown in the photo below, they could not even get 15 in Raleigh.

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As shown in the photo below, they could not even get 15 in Raleigh.

Seriously, I could give out five-dollar bills and get more people than that to hold signs in front of the cameras for ten minutes.

Heck, Penn & Teller got hundreds to sign a petition banning dihydrogen monoxide. Show me a large unified and organized crowd, and I'll worry.


New member
We folks in the south have had a problem with people from the north coming down and telling us what to do or think. My favorite bumper sticker is "WE DON'T CARE HOW YOU DID IT UP NORTH"


New member
Here in the Pacific NW, we are constantly exposed to dihydrogen monoxide.

Despite claims of climate change and global warming, I haven't seen any trend which makes me think the stuff isn't going to be an ongoing problem.

As a pro-active move, I have purchased several stainless firearms. ( :) )
And, did you know that dihydrogen monoxide is a major component in cancer cells?
It's a well-known choking agent, and it kills dozens of children a year. In this post-911 world, won't someone think of the children?


New member
Not if they weigh the same as a duck... But back to Bloomberg - how much trouble will the man cause when he longer has to spend time at City Hall?


New member
Here in the Pacific NW, we are constantly exposed to dihydrogen monoxide.

Well, you do get a lot of rain. You should be able to dilute it if it becomes troublesome.

We don't have so much of that here in Arizona.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The clouds better hold off on peeing dihydrogen monoxide on tomorrow's match. I haven't shot in a month or two. It will rain the one time I get to go the range. On the other hand, I could tolerate it.


Dan F

New member
I've heard there are similar problems with hydrogen hydroxide... it's a dangerous world we live in.

When will our Beloved Masters in DC mandate wrapping us all in bubblewrap to protect us? If not all of us, at least the children? (Of course, they'll have to remember to add a subsection to ensure breathing holes are present, or serious dioxygen shortages may occur).
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