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P.S. Blackwater issues Glocks not Sigs.
I don't think anybody claimed otherwise.

Since that fact seems to be undisputed does it strike anyone else as odd that they are endorsing a pistol they do not even use?


New member
++1 for rellascout. My son has been over twice, Marine Corps Motor T operator. He has spent more than his share of time riding in ring mounts with the M2 and the SAW.

If nineteen to 21 year old young men can maintain fire discipline then shame on more mature operators who can't or won't.

I support your right to express support for SIG and BLackwater, but have to respectfully disagree. Still think you have a nice gat there, but wouldn't pay extra myself for the blackwater edition.


++1 for rellascout. My son has been over twice, Marine Corps Motor T operator. He has spent more than his share of time riding in ring mounts with the M2 and the SAW.

If nineteen to 21 year old young men can maintain fire discipline then shame on more mature operators who can't or won't.

I support your right to express support for SIG and BLackwater, but have to respectfully disagree. Still think you have a nice gat there, but wouldn't pay extra myself for the blackwater edition.

Thanks for the kind words that ring true to my ears. My brother is a wounded combat vet and was there the day Baghdad fell. He was tow missile gunner.

I agree that everyone has the right to support whatever cause they see fit I just find the Blackwater Sig ironic.


New member
I would not take a Blackwater Sig P226 if you gave it to me. Their reckless actions do nothing but reflect poorly on other contractors and our Country in general. That blackwater edition Sig is nothing more than a marketing piece.

I love the Sig P226 just not the Blackwater edition.

You're entitled.

P.S. Blackwater issues Glocks not Sigs.

I'm well aware of that, I've spent three weeks training in Moyock this year.

FYI: They have contracts to train DSS, a few VA police academies initial firearms and driving training, Navy weapons qualification, and I've seen plenty of Marine Corps platoons come through during my last 6 trips up there over the last 2 years. Like them or not, they are completing a lot of pre-deployment training for military teams deploying.


FYI: They have contracts to train DSS, a few VA police academies initial firearms and driving training, Navy weapons qualification, and I've seen plenty of Marine Corps platoons come through during my last 6 trips up there over the last 2 years. Like them or not, they are completing a lot of pre-deployment training for military teams deploying.

Are they still teaching people to open fire on civilians who don't get out of the way of their Humvees? Blackwater motto should be changed to shoot first cover up later!!!!!!!

Don't like it at all. Who is teaching them trigger control and fire disciple. To me it is scary that so many people are learning from these guys. :(

Maybe you should take your political statements back to the correct forum.

Back on topic. Enjoy the Sig!


New member
Are they still teaching people to open fire on civilians who don't get out of the way of their Humvees? Blackwater motto should be changed to shoot first cover up later!!!!!!!

I take it you have first hand knowledge i.e. you were present during one of the events they have been accused?

Don't like it at all. Who is teaching them trigger control and fire disciple. To me it is scary that so many people are learning from these guys.

I suckered you in with the statement you're referencing. if you had any idea about the company you would know, the contractors are a separate entity from the corporate instructors. I was just curious about your knowledge of the company and as I suspected, you don't know as much as you profess.

Maybe you should take your political statements back to the correct forum.

I wasn't the one who started the baby killer comments, I simply responded to them;)

Back on topic. Enjoy the Sig!

Thanks, I'm sure I will.


You started this thread with a statement of political support for blackwater. You opened the door you can't shut it just because everyone was on the same band wagon that you are on.

Support whoever you want believe who every you want.

Do the rest of the membership here a favor and keep your political posts in the proper place.


New member
I think alot of people are not yet sold on the PMC concept. I know I am not.

Way back in my day I even had some heartburn with civillian tech reps (I was a propeller on the beanie geek type of technician, not a warrior)

My son is a fighter and he is not sold on the private military company. Not withstanding the impressive job executive outcomes did in (Angola? damn I am ignorant in my old age!) .

The current flap on BW is timely and fits nicely into the current media bias. Even though I am not sold on the concept, I am saving pennies and looking forward to November when a Blackwater instructor on assignment in the sand box will be back in town to teach.

When I was a SPO in D.C. I patrolled public housing, and even though it was my living, was not sure that private companies were the answer.

So a pistol that honors such, and a post affirming support of BW is bound to draw some fire. Based on the limited information I have, can't say that I would buy a BW sig. If somebody threw one in my trash bin, I would probably wipe it off and keep it though.

Seperate entities aside, everybody seems agreed that the contractors involved in the Sept 17 event were working for blackwater. I am not sure that Marines could not protect the State Department personnel. I am pretty sure that Marines would have reacted with more restraint, the UCMJ is a female canine at times.

I remember when wearing a badge on the other side of the country entitled you to carry your fair share of the Rodney King baggage.

So congrats on a fine new gun - shoot safe, keep 'em in the 10 ring, and don't be surprised when media conditioning does it's job. Even on a group of shootists.


New member
You started this thread with a statement of political support for blackwater. You opened the door you can't shut it just because everyone was on the same band wagon that you are on.

I said
With the Sig is overpriced thread and the abundance of BlackWater is a bunch of trigger happy hooligan threads in abundance in recent times I bought this yesterday to show my support for both companies.

It was in response to the uninformed opinions that have spread rampant. It wasn't a political statement, but rather a statement of support for IMO two fine companies who are both at times labeled something they are not.

Support whoever you want believe who every you want.

I always have and will continue to do so.

Do the rest of the membership here a favor and keep your political posts in the proper place.

Let's see, bought a semi-auto hand gun and posted picture and range report in the semi-auto forum. It may be a controversial logo, but it's not a political or legal issue.

BTW: Had I posted it over in L&P, we would have had the same conversation I'm sure.

If the mods would prefer to move it over there, I'm fine with that. My guess is it will probably be closed; since rather than say nothing you decided to come in and spread a little misplaced hate. Either way I'm cool with their decision.


No misplaced hate. I am just not blind to the facts.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal agents have found that the killings of at least 14 of the 17 Iraqi civilians shot by Blackwater Worldwide security personnel in a September confrontation were unjustified and violated rules of deadly force, The New York Times reported.

Citing civilian and military officials briefed on the case, the Times reported on its website Tuesday night that the Justice Department was already reviewing the findings even though the FBI was still investigating the shootings in Baghdad on Sept. 16.

No evidence supports assertions by Blackwater employees that they were fired upon by Iraqi civilians, the Times reported....

You made a political statement. Please don't insult the intelligence of the TFL members by claiming something else. Why are you backing down now. Clearly because you have not gotten the backing you desired so now you have moved on to accuse people of bias.

That is weak. If you had posted it in the political forum at least the political discussion you started would be in its proper place.


New member
You made a political statement. Please don't insult the intelligence of the TFL members by claiming something else. Why are you backing down now. Clearly because you have not gotten the backing you desired so now you have moved on to accuse people of bias.

That is weak. If you had posted it in the political forum at least the political discussion you started would be in its proper place.

I'm not backing down from anything. If you feel insulted, that's your prerogative. You seem to be the one who wants to push it into a political direction. I freely admit, it's a controversial company. Would be having this same conversation if I had posted about an SS stamped Luger? I doubt it. You have an agenda to push fueled by hate of a company you have already proven you know little about.
If you don't like either company I've supported by buying the pistol, that fine. I'm inviting you to stay out of the thread.


I'm not backing down from anything. If you feel insulted, that's your prerogative. You seem to be the one who wants to push it into a political direction. I freely admit, it's a controversial company. Would be having this same conversation if I had posted about an SS stamped Luger? I doubt it. You have an agenda to push fueled by hate of a company you have already proven you know little about.
If you don't like either company I've supported by buying the pistol, that fine. I'm inviting you to stay out of the thread.

Again you are the one who is mistaken. You are the one that has an agenda. If you did not you would have not started this thread with the statement:

With the Sig is overpriced thread and the abundance of BlackWater is a bunch of trigger happy hooligan threads in abundance in recent times I bought this yesterday to show my support for both companies.

Don't try to make this about the pistol. You did not start it that way you made BW the focal point on purpose. You are the one with an agenda.


New member
With the Sig is overpriced thread and the abundance of BlackWater is a bunch of trigger happy hooligan threads in abundance in recent times I bought this yesterday to show my support for both companies.

Though ostensibly about the pistol itself, this thread was started with a healthy dose of opinion about something that has nothing to do with semi-autos.

That's not a bad thing. But it does seem you have an axe to grind.
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