Black Talon Equivalent


New member
Don't get caught up in all the hype about the Black Talon round. There are lots of other SD rounds out there that will perform/out perform this round. They were dubbed "Man Killers" and "Truck Stoppers" I think it was box of truth did a comparison and the Talon turned out to be just another SD round, nothing special about it.


New member
I don't believe in 'the black talon'. I do believe the winchester ranger T hollow point. Same bullet, minus black coating. Here are pictures of the two.





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"I think it was box of truth did a comparison and the Talon turned out to be just another SD round, nothing special about it."

If nothing special about this round then why did Winchester take it off the market? Just curious...



New member
A guy in NYC shot a bunch of people on the subway and he had black talons in his gun. They pulled it because of political pressure. "Killer" bullet and such. Like all bullets don't have the potential to be deadly. It had a lubricant to reduce friction in the barrel and it was said that is was a cop killer bullet and a bunch of other media lies led to the downfall. Like it exploded and was very hard to treat wounds etc you get the point. That's off the top of my head.


There's no magic killer bullets. Period.

That said, the Ranger 127gr +P+ is the best I've ever found in that caliber.


New member
I think DPX is as close as we will come to a magic bullet. Not affected by barriers 16 gauge steel or 4 layers of denim, no core jacket separation, and 100% weight retention. Of course you have to do your part put rounds center mass but it seems pretty promising to me. Some will say it's unproven but I know of at least one shooting by a leo .40 2 or 3rds center mass dead on the spot.

Ammunitiontogo has Black talons for $40 a box. I bought some just as a collecters item.


DPX isn't good because of anything to do with the case or propellant, it's the Barnes copper X-bullet on it that's got the impressive performance. Both Cor-Bon and Taurus made the same round with the Barnes on it, (DPX and Taurus Hex, respectively), and both have impressive performance. If you wanna reload, get some of those Barnes bullets and you'll get similarly impressive results. Nice design, those!

I carry 185gr Taurus Hex in my PT745. :)


New member
I wouldn't be sure it's the exact same bullet. Corbon worked extensively to get a bullet to fulfill their requirements. I don't know what Taurus did much less what their requirements were. Not to mention it's been discontinued.

Corbon has been amking ammunition a long time. Taurus hasn't and was sub contacting to PMC. Before PMC went out of business and their machinery sent to Corbon. So who knows how much work Taurus put into getting it right much less QC.

Not a sermon just a thought. DPX is what's in my 90Two.


But it's the exact same bullet. PMC was doing the cases and loading for Taurus, using Barnes bullets. The Taurus Hex round uses the Barnes X-bullet, it says so on the box, even. The DPX uses the Barnes X-bullet. As you even said, Taurus did not make the rounds, they just put their name on them. PMC made them.

And I've seen crooked Cor-Bons, so their QC isn't flawless, either.


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Does anyone have pics of a Hydroshok or an XTP that has been shot/expanded ? Talons shot well enough, but I only shot cardboard so I can't attest to their devastating reputation. Although they had no trouble with the cardboard or paper people.:D


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It is my understanding that the SXT is the same exact round as the Black Talon, minus the black lubalox coating.


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I have used the Hydrashok to kill many whitetail deer and I have seen the tissue damage they can cause. I carry them in all my SD guns.


New member
The new Black Talon! My Gold Dot HP loads with Dry Moly lube sprayed onto them before seating! Use Nickle cases for the "full effect". Here is a pic. I loaded these things about 11 yrs ago when the Black Talon became scarce! I don't carry hand loads for SD these days but I used to carry these. (too much liability)


  • IMG_1923.JPG
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dwatts47 said:
I don't believe in 'the black talon'. I do believe the winchester ranger T hollow point. Same bullet, minus black coating.
They aren't the same bullet. Same concept but not the same design. They've been improved 3 or 4 times since the original BT, the latest enhancement being this year.


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J.T.Hartsfield said:
As I recall both hydrashoks and goldensabers are both designed with "black talon" type engineering properties.
Hydra-Shots work a bit differently and are seriously old technology. The difference iin the expanded bullet is pronounced, HSs form a mushroom and the Talon forms a spinning star shaped buzz saw. The Talon's "buzz saw" isn't necessarily better or more effective but they do open up more reliably, especially when fired through heavy clothing.
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