Birdshot Safety


New member
Theres people that will say "Birdshot" wont hurt you at 25 yards. But they dont know dittily squat, I have had shot bounce off me at about 150 yards you can feel it but it doesnt hurt by any means. Still I dont like to shoot towards anyone its just engrained in my brain if I see people not to shoot that way.


New member
Reguardless of shot size you will still rain lead down on them, and I for one do not like it done to me so i don't do it to other people.

Either wait for the bird to clear away from them or call out to them that one is heading their way (and hope they don't shoot at you in the meantime).


New member
"Even if it is far enough away to not pose a lethal danger it is a courtesy. If you are so hard up for a bird that you will forgo a common courtesy then hunt where there are fewer people and more birds. Seems like a terrible habit to get into shooting with people downrange no matter the trajectory and energy"
