Big Brother cracks down: You can only keep one!

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New member
Since the scenario your proposing would result in mass violence and civil unrest i would keep my bushmaster, its the best one i have to "reach out and touch someone"


two in one

Savage 24 in probably a 223 or maybe 30-30 over 12 gauge. If it was what I already have it would be Savage 22 /410.
I could still hunt just about everything I hunt and home protection also.

Can we have lots of barrels as in Contender?


New member
I suspect that 90% of us would do what 90% of those in total gun ban countries did. Turn in our guns and go to a corner and whine like a lost puppy. But there's that 10% in any group....


New member

PM sent.

Wow--Tough one. I think it depends on the (perceived) short-to-medium term outlook on society.

--Moderate anarchy in an urban/suburban setting? 12 gauge with large mag capacity.

--All bets off, EOTWAWKI, heading for Alaska to live on my own and and avoid human contact? M-700 in .308 or larger.

Society continues as before, no changes except only-get-to-keep-one? Ruger MkI or MkII.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
An example. This has nothing to do with the original poster's question:
I would assume that if the guvernment were to go berserk and start things like this,they would also start trampling other rights. At least that is how I understand the concept of mass disarmament and an out of control gov. So, if that is the case, what is to stop the JBTs from just killing you and then investigating your gun owning status?
and will get this thread killed soon.

THIS is on topic:
If I had to choose only one, I would probably take my No.4 Mk.2 or maybe my M1.
If you all need to make SHTF comments and get political, this thread will not be moved to L&P. It will be closed. Last warning.


New member
Probably my latest 'Toy'

9mm Carbine... Not too many folks have one of these puppies

Had to get just a little creative.


U.N. would probably supply the ammo....


New member
Swat: Give us your guns.
Me: what guns?
Swat: we are going to search your house!
Me:got warrent?
SWAT: we dont need no stinkin' warrents!
Me: suit your self. *BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM*

I guess you've never heard what automatic weapons fire sounds like. You make a move for a weapon; and an entry team of SWAT will open up.

Me, I would keep my AR-15 M4gery. While I'm digging the hole, I'll through the G17 in there too. They can have the over/under shotguns and .22's. I won't be needing those.
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