Big Brother cracks down: You can only keep one!

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New member
Hey guys, your favorite noob here... Got a question that was presented to me by my co-worker/firearm teacher.

For a minute, pretend all of our worst fears suddenly materialized. The government has shattered our precious Bill of Rights, and U.S. citizens are no longer able to own ANY type of firearm. Laws prohibit the sale, manufacture, or possession of any kind of rifle or handgun. YOU MUST TURN ALL YOUR GUNS WHEN THE NATIONAL GUARD COMES KNOCKING DOOR TO DOOR!

Alright? Basic doomsday senario. Just pretend, just for a minute, that our government has broken down at every level and it's really happening.

Which gun "fell over the boat duckhunting"? Or which gun did you "just sell earlier that month"? If you had to keep one, and only one from your collection, which one would it be?

(My collection is quite young and limited, so my Glock 17 is my keeper)


New member
If government has broken down at every level then how is the National Guard still organized?


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id just move:D i might have to shoot my way out but id head to Alaska (i know its still part of the USA but how many Alaskans would willingly give up their guns)


New member
What a nightmare!
Just one, eh? If I was allowed to keep my reloading equipment, it would be a Contender in .300 Belm Express. Powerful and can really reach out an touch someone.

If not, Colt .45 auto. Lots of ammo, lots of magazines.

I have a tear in my eye just imagining hearing the knock on the door.


New member
Alaska's a great place to be!

The only real way that will happen around here is the like of the yellowstone super volcano erupts big time killing about 100-200 million under feet of ash to those within a couple of thousand miles so their buildings collapse or they die of suffocation, plunging the world into a winter and wiping out crops for the next few years, clogging up vehicles with ash so they can't run and wiping out fuel supplies, manufacturing and so on beyond a local base and in that case Alaska is not somewhere I would want to be.

Or I guess someone shoots at the president like we had with Reagon and then goes on a mass banning spree like he did. It depends I guess on ammunation. If you can't feed it then its best to go to black powder rifle since I can make my own gunpowder and shot.


New member
Or I guess someone shoots at the president like we had with Reagon and then goes on a mass banning spree like he did.

What mass banning spree did Reagan go on? :confused: :confused:
I would give them my shotguns,which dont really work anyway (ones a damacene :D) and since they'd have weapons they'd go away-completely overlooking the fine collection of antique and target 22's:eek: :cool:


New member
SWAT: hi we are hire to collect your firearms, if you have any.
ME: What? guns? I hate those things!
SWAT: well we have to search your house to make sure you don't have any.
ME: no I'm sorry you will need a warrant for that until then you cant.
SWAT: (point gun at me) you don't have a choice. (enters my home)
ME: wait you cant just come in hire like this!
SWAT: get down on the ground now!!
ME: (I stay on the ground at gunpoint while they raid my home...they find nothing not even an indication that I am pro-gun)
SWAT: sorry we had to do that sir its for your protection and safety. We are just following orders.
SWAT: (leaves sand moves on)
ME: (several hours later) fools (go into my shed and get a shovel) :cool:

My choice all of them!


New member
here is how it would go.

Swat: hey Ben whats up?
Me: eh not much.
SWAT: you got any guns?
Me: nope not a one.
SWAT: ok have a nice day.


Swat: Give us your guns.
Me: what guns?
Swat: we are going to search your house!
Me:got warrent?
SWAT: we dont need no stinkin' warrents!
Me: suit your self. *BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM*

Edit: Do you still have the ability to carry? If so I guess HK p7. If not then m1a.
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
Big Brother cracks down: You can only keep one!

Not, "What would you do?", "How would you react?", "How many could you get before they got you?". Not, "Would you give'em up?", or even, "Would this be the beginning of the end?" or "What would you have in your BOB?"

The question is: If you had to keep one, and only one from your collection, which one would it be?

If you don't want to answer that question, stay out of the thread. General Discussion is NOT the place for SHTF threads, no matter how close this one comes.


New member

go have a cold beer and a nice cigar, and stop worrying so much. There's no Apocalypse coming here any time soon, and in the highly unlikely event that it happens, the last firearm you'll see is the one in your dying hand.


New member
The thing is you can't CCW a rifle or a shotgun but if the government ever were corrupt you'd want one for superior firepower to assist in overthrowing them.

But I don't know. My Sig P220 I guess.
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