Biden bans russian ammo


New member
And the terrible thing is I sold my last 7.62x39mm rifle and the reloading tools are still there. I even cast 160 and 129 grain bullets in that caliber. I think I will wait to find something someone dumps due to ammo supply, might be worth it to start casting for that caliber again. I haven't used ComBloc steel cased ammo in years. STILL, I agree this bites the big rotten carrot - ammo was JUST getting to be available again, which is probably the why on the timing.
This kind of ban on ammo should be of no surprise.We knew it was going to happen. So many have been in denial. All part of the plan just like every thing else going on. Go to ammo seek almost any day and Tula or Wolf was always in the top 10 of low cost training ammo.
This is the summer doldrums. Ammo sales always pick up in the fall. And come this fall when demand goes up, the supply will go down and now even more.
Folks we are only into 7 months of the Biden admin. Expect many more bans and regulations, lawsuits etc to come down the pike. You do not need a crystal ball to see the future. It is like tomorrow has already happened.
US ammunition manufacturers are facing a great dilemma. Basically a great enemy coming down to destroy their lively hood. Basically similar to the billions of dollars of business losses from Riots across America. They are just being hit a different way.
What bothers me even more is that our Military also buys ammo from Russia. And a major loss of ammo and arms has just been witnessed which will supply our enemies.
Combine the lawsuites, bans etc, we need to prepare for a greater inflation. And that will make the cost of ammo rise even further.

In some ways, you have to appreciate the Enemy. They attacked, and they are winning. They have been successful and hit hard in just a short time. They learned from the old adage of 'How do you eat a elephant?'
ONE BITE AT A TIME. Lol, and they have 3 and 1/2 more years of prime eating to do. We served them on a silver platter.

There is also the quote. "They can do anything they want if we let them."

There is a war against our 2A rights. We have sustained many wounds in a short time. But the war is not over. Americans need to stand tall and keep up the good fight. We are not DONE yet.


New member
What bothers me even more is that our Military also buys ammo from Russia.
Not in significant quantities and only for "opfor" training, it seems:

we need to prepare for a greater inflation. And that will make the cost of ammo rise even further.

[...] 'How do you eat a elephant?'

I agree with you that this is one of the cuts in "death by a thousand cuts".

But here could be a silver lining: if more ammo production starts moving to the USA growing the industry bigger, it will make it more difficult for politicians to go against 2A. But a re-shift in ammo production (which is sure to happen) will take at least 2 years, and in the mean time ammo prices are going to go up.

The larger the industry and the shooting community, the more difficult to go against 2A. Invite an anti to go shooting!


New member
Winchester, Federal, and CCI are my main sources in ammo and components. I'm trying very hard not to buy anything from adversarial nations. I would do better if there wasn't so much deception about country-of-origin.
If you can no longer afford mag-dumps, perhaps you might get some enjoyment in learning to shoot off-hand well with a bolt action or lever-gun....maybe even a revolver.

44 AMP

The people most immediately and most seriously impacted by this are the recreational shooters shooting semi autos in mostly Soviet calibers. Their "cheap blasting" ammo is going away and is already about gone.

This isn't so much a serious assault on our rights, but it is a huge shot against the affordable fun factor. And its being done simply because they can, and do so under the cover story of "punishing" the Russian govt.

If I've got it right, it seems that the reason we are doing this is not because the Russians poisoned a political opposition leader, but because they did so with a chemical nerve agent they has signed a treaty promising they wouldn't use.

Not explicitly stated, but strongly implied, of course. We're not "punishing" them because they killed some poor guy, but because what they used violated some treaty. Or so it seems to me....

I'm sure that doing what we (our govt) is doing is considered a win-win by the administration. Sends a message to the Russians, without doing anything that actually matters, and hurts the recreational shooting class in the US at the same time.

and, as far as US ammo makers, "taking up the slack" and producing steel cased ammo, that isn't going to be happening in the near future. AFTER the US ammo makers catch up with demand for standard brass case ammo, and then have some excess capacity (or the funds) to invest in making replacements for what was coming from Russia, then, they may look into doing that, but only AFTER they catch up with demand for what they're already making.

and, I don't think that will be all that soon. Hope to be wrong, but don't think I am.


New member
Winchester, Federal, and CCI are my main sources in ammo and components. I'm trying very hard not to buy anything from adversarial nations. I would do better if there wasn't so much deception about country-of-origin.
If you can no longer afford mag-dumps, perhaps you might get some enjoyment in learning to shoot off-hand well with a bolt action or lever-gun....maybe even a revolver.
What is this thing you refer to what was it, a "revolver?" :)

9mm prices are still coming down. It will take time. Everything went up in price due to production and transport difficulties.


New member
I almost pulled the trigger on a case of Tula today for $460 shipped...I just couldn't do it. I'll probably regret it in a month or two.
I pulled the trigger on a case at .54

A little high but since it’s probably the last I’ll buy for quite a while it was worth it.


New member
Yesterday I broke an extractor using steel cased 7.62x39 Tula in my AR.

Maybe it is not a bad thing if this stuff disappears.

44 AMP

What is this thing you refer to what was it, a "revolver?"

Its something grownups know about and children (no matter their chronological age) still have yet to learn. :D:rolleyes:

No insult intended.;)


New member
Yesterday I broke an extractor using steel cased 7.62x39 Tula in my AR.

Maybe it is not a bad thing if this stuff disappears.
Red X has assembled bolt on sale 49.99 free shipping. I just ordered one for a spare.

How many rds thru yours and what brand?


New member
Durkin Tactical 7.62 x 39 Bolt Carrier Group, I'd say 300 rounds.

Thanks for the RedX tip, I'm going to get one.

Joe-ker, do you get light primer strikes with steel cased ammo? I have installed an enhanced firing pin but I still get light primer strikes every few rounds of Tula (I'd say 1 out of 20)

44 AMP

A little thread drift nearly always happens, but we need to get back on topic which is the Biden administration banning Russian made arms and ammo.

under Executive Order authority the Pres can prohibit the import of about anything, and only has to answer for it in the court of public opinion.

Here's a question, can a law passed by Congress, over rule an Executive Order?
I would think that the Pres would most likely vacate the Order if there was enough support for Congress to pass a law overriding it. But is he required to?

The Pres could veto the law and not sign it, but what if the law had a veto proof majority? And the Pres wouldn't vacate the Order, so would that then go to the Supreme Court??

How do think that would shake out??


New member
Durkin Tactical 7.62 x 39 Bolt Carrier Group, I'd say 300 rounds.

Thanks for the RedX tip, I'm going to get one.

Joe-ker, do you get light primer strikes with steel cased ammo? I have installed an enhanced firing pin but I still get light primer strikes every few rounds of Tula (I'd say 1 out of 20)
I had one in the first mag or 2 I shot, these were Russian surplus I’d gotten at cabelas 20 years ago-not sure of brand. Everything else has been Wolf and worked flawlessly.

I think I read somewhere guys say you should get 3-4K rds on an extractor. I couldn’t get just the enhanced pin from Redx so I got their entire BCG, I figure since they are the go to for the pin they probably have a good bolt too.


New member
A little thread drift nearly always happens, but we need to get back on topic which is the Biden administration banning Russian made arms and ammo.

under Executive Order authority the Pres can prohibit the import of about anything, and only has to answer for it in the court of public opinion.

Here's a question, can a law passed by Congress, over rule an Executive Order?
I would think that the Pres would most likely vacate the Order if there was enough support for Congress to pass a law overriding it. But is he required to?

The Pres could veto the law and not sign it, but what if the law had a veto proof majority? And the Pres wouldn't vacate the Order, so would that then go to the Supreme Court??

How do think that would shake out??
44 Amp,

according to:
<<While an executive order can have the same effect as a federal law under certain circumstances, Congress can pass a new law to override an executive order, subject to a presidential veto.>>

So YES, Congress can pass a law to nullify an executive order, but as you said, it would be subject to presidential veto.

I don't think that the current Congress would pass any law reversing an exec order from Biden, though. Although it is interesting to know.


New member
I do like the calls for increased domestic production. I know the major ammo manufacturers got burned post sandy hook to ramp up production only to see demand dissipate once trump took office. The hesitancy to increase output is understood, but by golly I’m pretty sure this one is different. Covid, civil unrest, and a anti-gun president all in one year has increased demand far beyond what we really could’ve predicted. A ton of guys who used to shoot regularly now rarely shoot. I shoot BP more now than anything else. I’m still doing ok, but I have to begin sourcing SP primers and battle rifle class powder soon. Other than these two component types, I’m doing ok so far. I have pared back shooting, though I often do in the dead of summer as it’s so hot. I’ll pick up some again in the fall, but still keeping with BP mostly. It’s fun and I can still replenish all the components burned up in a couple hour range session for under $20. If I had a 2 hour range session shooting high capacity semi-autos, it would likely cost me near $200 to replenish components right now at today’s prices. No thanks.

Hornaday, freedom group, et al... an increase in production capacity right now is probably a good investment. Even when things start to ease there will be a significant pent up demand from your avid enthusiasts that have scaled their shooting back a lot. Probably pent up demand that will take years to resolve.


New member
November-December 2019 ammo manufacturers were almost giving ammo away. Remember the Federal rebates? Brass 223/556 55gr could be had for something like $.25/rd or less with the rebates. 9mm was $7-8 a box of 50 for brass. 7.62x39 was around $200/1000. Then came COVID and everything under the sun was bought up. Most of this ammo hasn't gone anywhere. All panic buying and when there is no longer the threat of civil unrest, gun bans, etc. things will normalize. Nobody's going to pay $.60/rd+ for plain Jane 55gr 5.56 forever.

A lot of the ammo market is speculative and the insane prices only really affect new shooters, competition guys and those caught with their pants down. Anyone that's been around the block (think 2012) should have known to BICSID. Buy It Cheap Stack It Deep.


New member
"Democrats' latest backdoor plan to limit gun ownership"

Here's an article from "The Hill" about the Russian ammo ban and a recap of other things the anti-gun crowd has done in the past. IMhO it's a nice recap and illustrates the shady/disingenuous/crafty/deceitful/underhanded/dishonest/flat out fraudulent way the anti-gun folk opperate. (Many thanks to

I find the comments section entertaining.
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New member
I picked up two brown 100 ct boxes of Monarch ammo in 7.62x39 ($36 per bx) at Academy Sports yesterday. Guy behind counter said they get cases of in each week. I just looked and it is made in Russia. Figured it may be double that price in a few months.

7.62 man

New member
We really don't use that much Russian ammo. A lot of it comes from other countries.
Maybe he did us a favor if the domestic ammo manufacturers will pick up the ball & get producing some of the calibers that we had become dependent on the Russian stuff.


I don't think the consumers are going to benefit from this, but the domestic ammo manufacturers probably will--at least for a while until imports start coming in from other countries to replace the Russian stuff.