Better Shooting?


New member
I strongly prefer revolvers and single actions at that, but I shoot semi-autos much better and more naturally. I always have but I just don't much care for them unless it's a rim fire.


New member
Both. I shoot really well with my double-action Smith and Wessons and more than well enough with my Glocks. Put a nice 1911 with a tuned trigger in my hands and I am incredibly happy! :eek:


New member
I have two wheel guns, the rest are bottom feeders, and I do my best pistol shooting with my Kimber 1911, and my Browning Hi-Power. I do shoot them more often than the revolvers though, which I am sure comes into play.


New member
I presently own eight revolvers and I'm on the lookout for more. I love shooting them, almost exclusively double action, and I shoot them well. Obviously, they're my favorites. Paradoxically, the gun I shoot consistently the most accurately is my 1911. And, yet, it goes to the range rarely, because I constantly pass it over for a revolver or two. Go figure.:confused:


New member
There's no comparison.... unless you compare like items...

You got to compare these two on an even as you can level....

When you talk about revolvers vs semi's.

Most will shot better with a full size revolver shot in SA (single action) the trigger is typically very light (4-5 pounds) and it's very smooth. Now you can take a 1911 with a very smooth trigger and then compare.

Revolvers have a cant forward versus semi's being more straight on for grip. This will be more to an individuals comfort.

Don't compare a SA with a DA (revolver or semi). You are not doing anyone any justice by comparing unlike things.

Also caliber choice comes into play in regards to what size of firearm to what caliber of gun. A mid to full size 38Special is very easy to shoot but you take that same gun and shoot 357 Mag (meaning this is a 357 caliber gun) it'll bite a whole lot more. Most will do fine with the first shot but after that they will flinch like no one's business (granted unless they are an experienced shooter in this caliber).

Back on topic: I shoot a rifle must better than I can with a pistol, even though, I am a pretty good pistol shot (both revolver and semi).


New member
I shoot revolvers better. Most that I've discussed it with, including those that seem to prefer autos tend to shoot revolvers better also.

I've shot a fair bit of 45 auto through 1911's, including a nice older Colt National Match. It was very "mechanically" accurate, but I've just never been able to shoot it, or other autos as well as Smith revolvers. When I shoot an auto and miss, I seem to mis by a larger margin, and more often than revolvers. May just be that I've shot revolvers more, but others have had the same observations about themselves. Revolvers just seem to feel better in the hand. When I shot a lot, I could hit things thrown in the air with a revolver, I never could with an auto. Same for running small game. If the caliber matters much, I shoot a Smith K-22, 19 and 29 mostly, and 1911's in 45, and with a Colt Ace 22 conversion kit. It was also mechanically accurate, but I've never been able to shoot it as well overall as the revolvers.

For fun, I shot a couple different plate shoots (that were 5 or 6 rounds without reloading) with a Ruger SA 45 Colt. I shot better scores than I could with the 1911. I think about that when I see the threads that go on about how bad an idea it is to carry an SA revolver for a protection gun.
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