Best Way to Survive a Gun Fight?

Best Way to Survive a Gun Fight?

  • .45 ACP Heavy Blaster

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • 9 MM 15 Round burst!

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • .44 Magnum Master Blaster!

    Votes: 2 1.5%

    Votes: 120 91.6%

  • Total voters

Paul K

New member
Practice dont make perfect, it makes you better.
Id rather have a 9mm and skill and knowlage of what im doing than a 45 and not knowing what end is the right end.


New member
I agree with the concept of "practice makes perfect". Problem is, in a gun fight , the target will likely be a moving one. It's hard to practice for that. You can practice at still targets all day, every day. Question is, can you hit one that moves?

I'm not sure but I'll speculate that most folks on this board practice mainly on still targets. I can only say that it's a practice problem for me.

Add to that, the adrenalyn factor in the heat of the battle as an additional challenge.


New member
What about combined arms, air and artillery support.

My vote is don't get in a gunfight. I am perfectly happy with my paper targets that don't shoot back.

In all honesty were I to ever been in a real gunfight I am shooting and.........well "Brave Sir Robin ran away......etc."

Practice until shooting is instinctive doesn't matter if it is a 9mm, .45, .380 or a spud gun. Although I am a flying ashtray kinda guy.


Dwight M S

New member
My friend, with all due respect, I feel the question you should ask is "What's the best way to survive life"? One answer is not to get in a gunfight. So how to prevent one? There's another question I'd ask.

Dwight M S


New member
Remember the immortal rules of Clint Smith (a.k.a. the Doctrine according to Thunder Ranch):

1. Always cheat! Always win!

2. Incoming fire has the right of way.

3. Shoot what is available;
As long as it's available;
Until something else becomes available.

Works for me!


New member
The best way to survive a gun fight is to avoid it all together the best you can. If that's not an option then every bit of training that you've had is gonna make the difference... And if you don't train then at least have a potent round to deliver.


New member
It doesn't matter how many rounds, nor how big they are if you cannot hit what you are aiming at. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.


New member
Blades is on the right track.

Be the good guy in a movie. Even if you do get shot, it will only be in the arm, and it won't hurt until the heroine tries to clean your wound, whereupon you will grimace but since you're a manly man, you will be good to go in a few minutes..


New member
If I have the luxury of planning when I am going to be forced to use my gun for self defense....I want a Panzar!!!!

Jesse H

New member
Well, guys, we all know that any one who will purchase a gun has that first purpose i.e. for his/her self defense. Any one who will buy a gun is for protection to his very person, property, and family. Very few perhaps think to buy gun with the purpose of becoming a champion in IPSC, IDPA and other well known competition organization. Or very very few buy guns for collections purposes.

Shyman, I'd like to politely disagree.

My .22lr Ruger 22/45 was bought for nothing but range fun. Same thing with the Ruger P97. I just wanted a .45 because everybody has to have also happend to be the first one I could get with my budget.

My carry guns, I did get them, and train with them for self defense. Although I consider my time and money spent at the range more for recreation, as I haven't taken any hardcore firearm training classes.

My guns are for survival. If I can succeed in that without wasting a few rounds of corbons, more power to me.


New member
Preacherman, a clarification: wise man in Tejas saith: 'Avoidance is best."

The more you know about gunfighting, the less you want to get in one. As the dino say, RUN AWAY!


New member
The best way to survive a gunfight is not to get in a gun fight. ;) Barring that, then Practice, good cover, enough ammo, escape route, etc... are your next best option!!!


New member
1. Practice. And get good insruction that includes good, real world, technique. And, you have to be willing to engage. If you don't practice, or are unwilling (hopefully you do and are).....then.....G-d willing, you have item 2 as well......

2. Body armor and see item 3. If you don't have body armor....

3. Get to cover ASAP and fire as you retreat. If you cant do that....

4. Pray.


New member
Jesse H, I agree with your opinion as you are entitled to that. How good if all people just bought a gun for range purposes only for their target board recreation. But to my mind, the intended purpose of the inventions of guns is for killing or as an equalizer. To summarize it all, for self defense of a person or a country in terms of wars.



New member
It seems I agree with most - Situational awareness and avoiding situations that increase your risk of being in a gunfight. Short of that - practice practice practice - you can't stop what you can't hit.

And while firearms were designed for the purpose of taking life ... I enjoy shooting for a variety of reasons, discipline, self control and recreation.