Best Way to Survive a Gun Fight?

Best Way to Survive a Gun Fight?

  • .45 ACP Heavy Blaster

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • 9 MM 15 Round burst!

    Votes: 4 3.1%
  • .44 Magnum Master Blaster!

    Votes: 2 1.5%

    Votes: 120 91.6%

  • Total voters


New member
  1. .45 ACP Heavy Blaster
  2. 9 MM 15 Round burst!
  3. .44 Magnum Master Blaster!

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Best Way To Survive A Gun Fight?

Don't get shot! :cool: :D :) Other

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
The best way to survive a gun fight, of course, is to not get into one in the first place. Fleeing in terror is always an option to explore if TSHTF - there is no dishonor in retreat.

Barring that, both the 9mm and the .45ACP will serve you well in a self-defense role. As the 4th option said, get training and PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!


New member


Hoo gohn mes wit meyah? :rolleyes:


New member
Best way to survive? don't be there...

if you ARE there, then don't be where the other guys bullets are...

then, shoot accurately yourself, and make sure the other guy can't send any more bullets...


New member
I frequently read the following quotations:

1. Don't get into a fight.
2. Run if you can.
3. I wish I won't use my gun.
4. My pistol is only for target and other relaxation purposes
5. Etc. etc. etc.

Well, guys, we all know that any one who will purchase a gun has that first purpose i.e. for his/her self defense. Any one who will buy a gun is for protection to his very person, property, and family. Very few perhaps think to buy gun with the purpose of becoming a champion in IPSC, IDPA and other well known competition organization. Or very very few buy guns for collections purposes.

In my country, it is just a ploy to say to the authority that we will buy a high caliber pistol for target shooting practice, but the truth we want a high caliber pistol for we want to be armed a more powerful one. And the only alibi is to join a gun club and be a shooter.

To summarize, every one who has gun is for defense purpose and I believe that it would be hard to run if we will encounter such an unexpected fight. Man is born to be a warrior like and having a gun adds to your determination to fight if necessary. In reality. I think, no one is so sure to survive in a gun fight. The only one I know in my thinking would be the one that can firstly hit his opponent with the first, second or third shot lethaly. And that is what we practice for.


New member
I frequently read the following qoutations:

1. Don't get into a fight.
2. Run if you can.
3. I wish I won't use my gun.
4. My pistol is only for target and other relaxation purposes
5. Etc. etc. etc.

Well, guys, we all know that any one who will purchase a gun has that first purpose i.e. for his/her self defense. Any one who will buy a gun is for protection to his very person, property, and family. Very few perhaps think to buy gun with the purpose of becoming a champion in IPSC, IDPA and other well known competition organization. Or very very few buy guns for collections purposes.

In my country, it is just a ploy to say to the authority that we will buy a high caliber pistol for target shooting practice, but the truth we want a high caliber pistol for we want to be armed a more powerful one. And the only alibi is to join a gun club and be a shooter.

To summarize, every one who has gun is for defense purpose and I believe that it would be hard to run if we will encounter such an unexpected fight. Man is born to be a warrior like and having a gun adds to your determination to fight if necessary. In reality. I think, no one is so sure to survive in a gun fight. The only one I know in my thinking would be the one that can firstly hit his opponent with the first, second or third shot lethaly. And that is what we practice for.

Christopher II

New member
The problem with going around getting into fights is that you'll eventually run into someone better than you. Or into someone who brings five friends along. Or into someone who's just lucky. Oops! Sorry, friend. Hope whatever you were fighting over was worth it.

On the other hand, let's say you get in a gunfight and survive. Now what? Now, you may go to prison, even if you are fully in the right. Even if you are acquitted, you're looking at around twenty to fifty thousand dollars in attorneys fees. Then there's the civil suit that your victim's family will file against you, and the associated monetary and temporal costs. I'll only briefly mention the psychological effects of shooting another person, since some people don't suffer any, but many of us do. Again, I hope whatever you were fighting over was worth it.

If you're of the type who counts winning as surviving, avoiding trouble and/or running away are the best tactics. Sometimes that won't work. Sometimes you can't run away. Sometimes you have to fight. That's fine. Most of us wouldn't own a gun if we weren't willing to face this possibility. Just make sure before you pull your gun, that whatever you are fighting over is worth it.

- Chris