BEST way to give someone a gun on xmas?


New member
Wrap it in plastic or a trashbag put it back in the cardboard box. Fill the box with expanding foam out of a can. They will probably use it on you next year:D


New member
For the first gun just give it to them.

If it’s a youngster there is no way I’d make them assemble anything or dig through boxes. I’d also have ammo and a place to shoot lined up. Be a real bear on safety. Best to keep it one on one. Let the crowd join in at some later day.

Keep the “cute tricks” for someone experienced with guns when another one is not really a big deal.


New member
I would take a single round and tie some monofilament fishing line to it. On the other end of the fishing line I would tie a loop in the line. Then place the single round on the tree as a Christmas ornament (hide it well). When all the other presents have been opened you say that there is ONE more present on the tree. Make the person find the single ornament. When they find it, the smile will be huge. Did it with car keys once and it was fun watching my daughter search for that lest present! But any method you choose, this will be a great, unforgettable gift!


New member
there not young, and there not inexperienced the part out idea isnt too hardcore. I think ill combine some of the ideas. Ill wait a few hours untill after we open presents, then after the begging ill give him the first hint to where the next clue is, scavenger hunt, then once he finds it, it will be in a box filled with the Great Stuff expanding foam sealland (Gun will be in bag, in a box of course :p) By the time he gets it he will be so mad that hes not even gunna enjoy the gift. Might even shoot me Hahaha


New member
Tie a bow on it with a name tag and leave it under the tree. They'll find it. The ammo idea is at best cute. I'd think someone was trying to pull my leg or make fun of me.


Active member
YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME!!!! I've never been so lucky to get a real modern gun as a gift - EVER

Just getting the gun when it's not expected would be a real pleasent shocker for me. Parents....girlfriends....wife....have all asked on one occasion or another "what do you want for Christmas?" My response: "a gun...any gun...suprise me" and, I'm still waiting.

PLEASE, don't give a newbie gun owner a dissassembled gun. Trust me on this - you'll lose the shock and awe value, and he/she's likely to scratch it up on reassembly. Don't use a shoebox - try something that looks like it might have a Parker Bros. game inside of it (but the weight will give it away).

I've resolved that I will never, in my lifetime, get a gun for as a gift. :(:(:( Oh, well, I can always hope, can't I?


New member
I have a card for my 30 yr old son on the tree ..... with a note, and a picture of a gun safe....

but in the card, are 2 tickets - and he gets to go down to my safe, and pick a semi-auto ( from a list of 3 ...a Les Baer 1911, a Sig 226, a Kimber 1911 ) and a shotgun ( from a list of 3 ...Browning O/U XS Skeet, a Browning XT or a Benelli super sport ) ....with the 2 tickets....

and then this weekend, I will go down to his home and he and I can pick out a gun safe at Cabelas and we'll have the gun safe delivered to his home.

He'll be excited / and he has no idea ... He knew it would happen someday ... but not this Xmas...


Moderator Emeritus
oldman1946 said:
Is it really legal to give a gun to someone? Is it violating a law to give a gun as a gift?

Ok, consider this: you buy a gun for someone. The federal form asks if you will be the actual owner. If you say yes, then you just vilated federal law. If you say no, the sale cannot be completed since the actual owner is not the one filling out the form or having the background chack being done.

This is completely incorrect. On ATF Form 4473, question 12a reads "Are you the actual buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form?"

If you are buying the firearm with your own money, even with the intent to give it as a gift, the correct answer to question 12a is "Yes".

Instruction #1 on Form 4473 reads:
For purposes of this form, you are the actual buyer if you are purchasing the
firearm for yourself or otherwise acquiring the firearm for yourself (for example,
redeeming the firearm from pawn/retrieving it from consignment). You are also the
actual buyer if you are acquiring the firearm as a legitimate gift for a third party.
ACTUAL BUYER EXAMPLES: Mr. Smith asks Mr. Jones to purchase a firearm for
Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith gives Mr. Jones the money for the firearm. Mr. Jones is NOT
the actual buyer of the firearm and must answer “no “ to question 12a. The
licensee may not transfer the firearm to Mr. Jones. However, if Mr. Brown goes to
buy a firearm with his own money to give to Mr. Black as a present, Mr. Brown is
the actual buyer of the firearm and should answer “yes” to question 12a.