BEST way to give someone a gun on xmas?


New member
ok....I have a gun for someone on xmas..but I dont know the best way to give it to them. It will be their first gun. I was thinking I could give them a round of ammo, and theyl be like....YOU GOT ME A RIFLE! Ill say no...I got you a XXX(Enter caliber of rifle here) get it? :p

Or I could go old school and do the red-ryder "Whats over there approach"

Or I could make a riffle thing and make em follow it.

I want to find a interesting way to give it to em its wrapped in a box im not just gunna give it to em.

Thanks :p



New member
Thats the other thing, could I give it to him part by part, like a spring, and be like....oh thats for the part on your laptop that broke, then be like SYKKEEEE when he opens the receiver....

5R milspec

New member
gun for xmas

we put a watch into about 20 different boxes one in a box then that one in little bit bigger one and that one in a little bit bigger one and so on.but each one was wrapped.and my dad stilll guessed it before he opened the first box.but it was still fun to see him open up all of the boxes.boy was he mad.


New member
OHHHH thats what you meant by 14 and 20 boxes.....hmmm Interesting :p I dont know where im going to get that many boxes though. I think ill hide it in the yard and make him go run through the snow to go geeeet it! lol


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Having done this many times, the most surprised was letting them think we were done opening gifts then 15 minutes later saying you forgot there was one more.


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Since the OP indicated that this is the recipient's first gun, I kind of like the idea of piecing it out. First, you get to make it appear as though you bought several gifts, thereby reinforcing your reputation as a benevolent and generous person. And, the recipient gets to perform a reassembly project before hitting the range...not a bad idea...;)
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New member

Is it really legal to give a gun to someone? Is it violating a law to give a gun as a gift?

Ok, consider this: you buy a gun for someone. The federal form asks if you will be the actual owner. If you say yes, then you just vilated federal law. If you say no, the sale cannot be completed since the actual owner is not the one filling out the form or having the background chack being done.

Once past that, if you already have a gun you want to give away, is the intended person getting the gun qualified to own it? I gave a gun to a cousin of mine once, it was used gun and I did not care for it so I gave it to him. What I did not know was he had been in trouble for domestic violence prior to my giving it to him. He was later arrested and found to have the gun I gave him in his car. I was called to come get my gun. When I told the police I did not own it any longer but gave it to him, they told me the Feds might want to have a talk with me since he was not able to own a firearm.

When I sell a gun, which is seldom, I get a copy of the person's driver's license, have them sign a paper saying they are qualified to legally own a gun and I have the serial number of the gun on the paper.

I know some areas require a person complete a transfer form but this area does not.

But legally, can you give a gun away to someone that has not been approved or qualified to own that gun?


New member
Is it really legal to give a gun to someone? Is it violating a law to give a gun as a gift?

This is very much a state and local, not a federal issue. The answer can range from "sure" to "no way" with many "it depends" in between. In no case should you give or transfer a firearm to a person you know is not legally allowed to own one.

In my state (PA) private transfers of long guns is ok. Handguns must go through a background check.

In answer to the origional question. As I get older I do less fooling around with gift presentations. Now its more like ... here. Wrapping optional.


New member
in reference to the form you fill out at the ffl/ store...

gifting is fine... selling is where you are fibbing on the form.


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Piece by piece, eventually hell have a good idea what it is, then put it together. And 20 different boxes, all over the place.:eek:


New member
Why not just get a rifle box, put the gun in it, and give it as a normal gift.

I'm giving my grandson his first rifle this year. He turns 12 next month and will be of the legal age for hunting (in this state) big game. Each year he has watched me take his older sister hunting and is about to wet his pants waiting tell next hunting season.

I think he has felt neglected in that I favor his sister so this will help I think.

I dont know if you've seen it, but I've made a couple post about my GDs science project, cutting down a barrel two inches at a time to see the velocity differance. This was on a Rem 700 308 across the course gun that I never really liked the way it shot. After the project, I have taken the action and rebarreled it, and making my Grandson his first rifle.

And by the way, I dont really care what ATF says, and neither does Wyoming. I'm the one who desides if my Grandson is old enough for a rifle, not some idiot in DC or Cheyenne.

I think he would appricate a gun that grandpa made, rather then a store bought rifle. He has no ideal so I think just putting in a normal rifle box and wrapping it will be just fine.


New member
Work at a gun store and have studied the legalities of "Gifting" a firearm for x-mas in my state. NJ blows

Thanks for the concern... I think im going with the scavenger hunt :p


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What I did...

What I did to my nephew was to go shooting out back after opening presents. He was a little disappointed when he didn't receive a "big" gift like the other kids.

We have our own little 100 yard range that we shoot at quite a bit. I told other family members that I was going to shoot and already had everything laid out. The nephew went with us as always. When it was his turn to shoot my 10/22 he gave it a strange look. "Hey, this is a new 22. Did you get a new one?" I smiled and told him that it was his. Talk about a jacked up 12 year old:D
