Best "summer gun" for less than $300


New member
If this topic has already been run, I apologise. I looked but didn't see one quite like what I am looking for.

I am tired of concealing my P13-45 in the summertime. For those days when I want to dress lightly I want something smaller, lighter and at least .380. In your opinions, what would be the best defensive handgun that is readily availible for less than $300?

I am not asking about alternative carry methods. I only carry IWB or pocket.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Walther PPK/S

Oh - wait - UNDER 300... Oh... well, thats different.

Hmmm... Taurus Millinium or Kel-Tec.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited May 01, 2000).]


New member
German or Bulgarian police Makarov. They
can be had for under $200 almost anywhere
and sure beat the hell out of a 380 when
using Hornady 90gr JHP. I carry one in my
vehicle set up this way. Military ball is
cheap to practice with, also.

Never do an enemy a minor injury. Machiavelli
"Stay alive with a 45"


New member
I have both the Taurus M85 UL TI and the Keltec P32, both good summer guns.

I also use a Smartcarry holster which wraps around the waist, and can conceal even larger guns well with this setup.


New member
Kel-Tec P11, P40 or P32 in pocket holster. Each gun will run you around $200-240 and you have the remainder to spend on a pocket holster.



Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Paul A

New member
I have to agree with just about everyone here.

I personally think the steel guns (Walther and Mak.) are good guns, just too heavy for a summer gun.

I own a KelTec P-11, A Keltec P-32 and a Taurus 85 Ultra Light. Love the Taurus 85, and P-32.. Like the P-11 (less accurate than the other two).

I looked at the Taurus Millenium (9mm). Loved the concept, hated the trigger. So I went to a few other dealers and checked the Millenium's there (just in case it was that particular gun). All the triggers were gritty and spungie. So right now, I wouldn't but this generation.

As far as practace ammo, I don't shoot my little summer guns all the time. I break them (and me) in with about 100-200 rounds, then shoot them 2 or 3 more times a year. Just enough to keep the relationship going (keeping proficient).

I personally think all the gun's mentioned are good, reliable weapons (including the walther and mak.) So I guess it's saffer to say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.


New member
Properly carried a Makarov isn't heavy at all. For $147 delivered you can get an unissued Bulgarian military Makarov from You can then buy some custom leather and plenty of ammo for ptractice and still be well under $300.

So many pistols, so little money.


New member
I really like my AMT Backup .45. $235 new at gunshow.
I've been carrying it everyday for 2 years.
When I can wear shirttail out I use a small nylon IWB, When I have to tuck shirttail in I use a Thunderwear clone I made myself in 1 hour for $5.

[This message has been edited by fuente2 (edited May 01, 2000).]


New member
The $300 dollar limit is really a limitation. Except for the Kel-tec and the Mak, there just isn't much out there. The colt mustang, pony, gov't .380, and pocket 9mm are all in the $500 category, when you can find them. Bersa makes a pretty good clone of the walther, but generally run a little more then $200. FEG, the hungarian manufacturer makes a clone also with an extended piece to prevent hammer bite. I do not own one of these, but I have a HP clone and it is an excellnt piece which I paid $200. Based on that experience, I would try one. I have seen these in the $200 to $250 area. Kahr has a model of their 9mm in a polymer, but again we are over the $300 limit. I have an old colt 1903 in .32 and a gov't .380, which I have used and are both very easy to carry, but even the 1903 was $380. I use magsafe and RBCD in both of those. I also own a Russian Mak and really like the gun and the caliber. It by far is the best deal out there. Maks also come in 9x17 if you prefer the .380 to the 9x18 Mak. With the right holster, I do not see it as major carry problem.

[This message has been edited by ak9 (edited May 02, 2000).]


New member
I'm quite impressed with my first exposure to the Makarov, if price is the main issue. The safety works just like your Para, though it's on the slide rather than the frame.
For less than $100 more, you should be able to find a new Kahr E9, stainless frame version. A plus for summer carry, and in a better caliber than .380 or 9x18. :)


New member
I'll tell you; poverty sucks. I have a limited budget to work with. The wife and I sat downand figured how much we could afford and we'll shop from there.

Keltec P-32, Mak and Kahr E-9 all look like viable contenders. Now to go out to the gun shows and see where the bargins are.

Thanks to all for your input and links links. I really appreciate it. (but don't stop if you have more ideas or places to shop.)


New member
I have one of the Hungarian guns referred to by ak9 in his post above. It is imported by KBI, Harrisburg PA, and made by FEG. The model I have is the SMC-380. It is also available in Makarov calibre. A similar gun is available from the same manufacturer called the PA-63.

After I smoothed and polished the feed ramp, this gun has been 100% reliable with FMJ and hollow point ammo, and it shoots at least as accurately as both my Colt Government .380's. I qualified better with the SMC-380 the last time at the range.

For more info on these guns and others, go to

[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited May 01, 2000).]


New member
I'd like to recommend the idea of a Taurus Ultralite 38 stubby. You can get one for around $250, and a good pocket holster for around $35. This is a truely great pocket gun!


New member
Bersa Series 95: Nickled, .380.

UNDER $300 and will outshoot a PPK any day!!!

"By His stripes we are healed..."



New member
I agree with Petergun. I carry a Bersa Thunder 380 and it is as accurate as the walther or more so.
I have over 600 rounds through it and no misfires.
It will take +p+ ammo,has a lifetime warrenty
And runs about $200.00

Tony Z

also for gun accessorys.


New member
I have a Bersa Md#83 .380 which I do carry sometimes,also keep for a handy dandy house gun. I picked that up used for about $130. and in excellent condition. Also I have an East German Mak and I'll attest to those,great little guns and I only paid $159. for main carry is usually a Beretta Cougar 8040. But when I want something small usually the Bersa :)

Hope this Helps :)
Happy Shooting :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited May 01, 2000).]