Best standard issue U.S. Military handgun ever

Best standard issue U.S. Military Handgun ever

  • Total voters


New member
You left out the 1917 Revolver. :(

I have both an 1873 and a 1917. I voted for the SAA, and would do so again even if the 1917 was an option. I think, for it's purpose and environment, the SAA was the "cat's meow".

A break-top single action revolver would've been better, for the Calvery, when it came time to reload, but the Ordnance pukes never consult the real troops when they make a decision.



New member
This poll is not fair. I wanted to vote for two and couldn't.
I voted for the 1911, but would have voted for the SAA, too,
if I could have.
In it's time, the Colt SAA was without equal, and I would still
pick it to carry over any "Army-Issue handgun" other than a 1911.
So in my mind, it's a tie. Colts, 1911 and SAA.


Marko Kloos

New member
My choice wasn't on the list: The Harpers Ferry Model 1805 .54-caliber flintlock pistol.

[old codger voice]

I want to *see* the spark, dammit! None of that newfangled "primer" nonsense! Besides, you can get spare flints from a riverbed when you're out in the field! Try that with your firing pins...

[/old codger voice]


New member
My choice wasn't on the list: The Harpers Ferry Model 1805 .54-caliber flintlock pistol

Sorry I did not include all models are at least an other selection. The 1805 and 1917 for sure should have been on the list.


New member
My favorite is the 1909 revolver

Very limited production because the 1911 came out just after. A doulbe action .45 colt. Sweet!


New member
The current M9 is my top pick. They have a larger magazine capacity, a nice caliber(can penetrate walls if FMJ), a better saftey, and are very dependable. I would like to have a M1911 eventually, but they are a tad overrated.


New member
I would like to have a M1911 eventually, but they are a tad overrated.

Yeah, much like Porsche 911s and P-51 Mustangs, they are over-rated and over-priced. Good thing there's absolutely no demand for them, or they'd be completely inaccessible to the average guy. :rolleyes:


New member
Much like the Porsche and the Mustang, M9s do what they were designed to do. Other guns, planes or cars might be better in certain aspects of their designed purpose than those listed. It doesn't mean they are worse or better, just different.

This has been hashed and rehashed. The 1911 is a great pistol for a great round. The Beretta is a great pistol that fills a niche - high capacity sidearm (a secondary weapon) designed to be operated, cleaned and cleared by the average soldier, marine, airman. There are better (Sigs IMO), there are worse. Those that need better or different for their mission have it.

Anyway Porsches ARE overrated and overpriced and P-47s were WAY better than Mustangs...


New member
The 1805 model Harpers Ferry .54-caliber flintlock pistol.

And when you cross two of them together, they become the symbol of the US Army MP Corps.
Wore a set on my collar for a few years.:D


New member
Not much of a surprise there

Ya I kind of figured it would take a big lead.

I like the long trigger and flat main spring housing of the 1911 but I did not think it would get many votes.


Yep, the 1911A1 was the best U.S. issued handgun without a doubt.

It's really too bad that Glock did not compete in the most recent trials.