Best squirrel gun


New member
for a woman. My sister-in-law wants to go to war with all the squirrels ripping up her yard! Was thinking about trying a .22 LR Shotshell, but I told her
(and I'm not a long gun person) the range was only about 15 feet.
So, I suggested maybe a .410 Ga. Shotgun, was I right? Or would you experts suggest something else. No cannon's, as she just had back surgery!


Well, yeah, in she's not in the city, such that noise is not an issue, then a .410 bore is perfect - just a single shot cheapie will do. $50-$75 used, if that. You are right that the .22 shotshells have a very short range - maybe out to 30 feet more like it. But the squirrels will wise up pretty quickly and not let her get so close - that's where she'll be glad she has the .410. Marlin made a "Garden Gun" a few years back - you might be able to find them used - has a smoothbore designed for .22 magnum shotshells - this will have a much better effective range than the .22lr shotshells, not only because it's a little more powerful round, but also because the shot won't spin and therefore will hold a nice pattern further.

Since she just had back surgery, if she gets a .410, she might want to stick with 2.75" shells, not 3" magnums, and also look for a heavy gun, not a featherweight. The NEFs are pretty heavy actually, so that might be the ticket.


New member
We use a simple air pump action bbgun. Taken out quite a few squirrels... We open our kitchen window and shoot them off our bird feeder, 10 feet away.


New member
I have used a pump up pellet gun (20 cal) with good luck and occasionally a 22 with CB caps when they are out a little farther. The little tree rats are smart, now, if they even "hear" the window open, they are running away.


New member
No cannon's, as she just had back surgery!
So an M82-A1 is out? A cannon seems perfect then! No lifting involved, just light the fuse and stand back

Seriously though, a good pump pellet gun would be plenty for the tree-rat population. *phump, phump, phump..... POP!* No more squirrel.

Kickshot>> I like the way you think... LOL "PULL!" Add a beer keg and a couple relatives and you've got a redneck family reunion! (I'll be there!)
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New member
if you realy wanna kill squirels what you want is 17hmr. Savage makes a great one. there about 250$

Jeff Mulliken

New member
Paint ball guns are great. No worry about shooting up the lawn furniture or killing a neighbor with a ricochet. And it allows you to shoot some of the furry little ba$tards lots of times, though you will get some 1 shot kills.

My father used his tube type birdfeeder to solve his tree rat problem in a crowded neighborhood. He took an extension cord, cut off the end and stripped back the wires. He hooked one wire to one metal bird perch and the other wire to a different perch. Birds could sit on a perch with no problem cause the would not close the circuit but when a rat climbed on and had fron feet on one perch and rear feet on the other whoaaaa! Some of them even lived through it a couple of times.

Oh, one more thing, to keep it safe he left it unplugged and when a rat got on the feeder he stood by the window and plugged it in.



New member
A good 22 bolt action using 22 cb's, quiet as apellet rifle and will do the job effectivly, a nice savage mkII at wally world for 100.00, mine is an excellent shooter and very accurate:D


New member
humm... pump air rifles are nice but pumping one up can be problematic for someone with a bad back. A CO2 pellet rifle would get the job done without the strain. I liked the paintball gun idea but I've never tried it.

I like the 410 ga so how about a Marlin Model 410 lever action? 4 quick backup rounds just in case a squirrel charges her (although I don't know if the Marlin has controlled feed) and the ability to go to slugs if she comes up against Arnold Schwartzensquirrel or Squirrelzilla. :eek:


New member
Idon't mind feeding the squirels...

But they have to realize that they have to exercise the DOGGIE!!!
Nother is finer than excercising a Springer or Brit in the morning!!


New member
If she can pump or cock it, a scoped air rifle will do the trick.

Seeing she may not be able to do that, a scoped 22 is great and probably a little more humane. That was my first squirrel gun. If ranges are under 20 yards, I'd suggest 22 shorts be used, or subsonic 22 ammo as it won't travel as far. I have no experience with 22 shotshells, but my initial impression is they can't that good.

I don't know about recoil and back surgery so I hesitate to suggest a 410. If it's not an issue, that's another good choice. One trick I used to protect myself from 16 guage magnum loads was a bunch of tube socks draped over my shoulder. Worked, but that protected my shoulder not my back.


New member
If she's in the city limits she's asking for trouble using firearm. Might even be for an air rifle. Check w/LEO 1st. Might have to go the live trap route and take them to rural hardwood tree stand. OH yeah, I wouldn't let DNR know about the relocation project. I'm sure that's probably illegal in WI. without a permit too.


New member
Use 22 cal. cb's. The police dept in my town is very understanding when it comes to the squirrel problem. The cb makes so little noise that the next door neighbor won't notice it unless they are actually looking at you. Sounds more like a twig snapping than a shot. The cops in most places are too busy with catching someone going 5 miles over the speed limit or failure to wear seat belts than they are to actually set up survellance on someone trying to eliminate the rodent problem.

PS: I am a retired cop. Been there, done that!!


New member
.22lr hollow points always do the trick if you can shoot reasonably well....

We used to use an old .310 rimfire shotshell with #12 but they don't make I bought that crapy rat shot(.22lr), you shoot them and they get up and laugh at you,

next i bought a rossi .410 break single action

My local sports shop sold me 3" shells, I use them and damn put holes through the fence, just be carefull of what's beyond.... and you should have seen the poor red squirl, or what was left of him, entire head and one front paw was gooonnnee!


New member
I would opt for the .22
And with the right shot not much meat wasted........
Nothing like getting a bunch of squirrels rounded up and having some brats made up!
Go good with Old Milwaukees and kraut.......