Best Shotgun for Home Defense


If you need to get it out, just pump it real loud! That sound by itself tends to scare off many!
Racking the round in the chamber also gives your position away. I recommend the Mossberg 500 Persuader 12 ga 20" barrel because it is cheap and relieable. I also have a Bond Snakeslayer .45/.410 but loaded with only .410 for HD.


New member
I agree with you Chuck, it does give your position away, but having been in an area where a shotgun was chambered, I have seen it quiet a full room in a hurry and send chills up my spine. I know that if the bad guy is not ready to deal with a shotgun coming at him, he will tend to flee and though you do not have a dead bad guy to prove anything, you still saved the day and accomplished your goal of self defense.

No disrespect meant on my part, just a statement of fact as I know it. I have both an 870 and a Mossberg 500. I have used both extensively and for hunting I prefer my Mossberg 500. The reason is, my first duck hunt I dropped it in the water and had to dig it out of the mud that was three feet under water. After filling my waders with water and getting my shotgun out of the water, I rinsed it off in the lake, ejected the rounds and dried it off on my shirt put three rounds in it and shot a duck all in about five minutes from dropping it to using it.

So I am just a bit loyal to it. My 870 has been reliable and so has my winchester (forget the model #). I only have one semi-auto and it is a Beneli. Love it though. I do tend to use my Mossberg most of the time, it was cheap and just works all the time.

You should get a pump gun for reliability and ease of use issues. Then you should practice, practice, practice with it. You need to know that weapon in your sleep. In the middle of the night, you need to use instinct and know where and how to operate your weapon. Oh, and I personally like the idea of scaring away the threat instead of sneaking up on him and shooting him. I really don't want to have to do the paperwork and the cleaning behind a dead guy in my living room trying to steal my flat screen TV.

Just my .02...



New member
So you probably get this question with each new member to the firing line, but here it goes again...

Looking at getting a hand gun for home defense, but concerned about the bullets going through walls. Now I am thinking about getting a shotgun. I also noticed that they are cheaper then handguns. The only brand I really know anything about is Mossberg.

What brands should I be looking at? What do you guys have for home protection? I still want to get a handgun but I think a shotgun would be easier for me to get.

So I don't want something that is going to beat me up when I shoot it. If you can give me shotguns with medium recoil that would be great.END QUOTE

If you have a pistol, adjust your ammo, use flat head or hollow points, shotguns are great, but a person isn't as maneuverable with a shotgun as they would handling a pistol in close quarters (rooms,hallways,stairwells,doorways).

I do love shotguns, I have a Mossberg 590A 9 shot w/ghost ring sight, and its name is " Puff "


New member
That 590 should be fine for HD. Others I would recommend are any Mossberg or Remington. I'm a Remington 870 man myself, but there are many out there just as good.

As far as ammo goes, if you're really worried about over penetration I'd say go with #4 BK or #1 at the most.

Yes a handgun is more manuverable than a shotgun, but 80% of all people shot with a handgun survive. That number isn't nearly as high when it comes to shotguns.