Best quality .22lr ammo


New member
While I'm not saying I have a match barrel, the pistol was made in spain in 1958 so who knows what they had in mind.
I'm no great expert on vintage Spanish pistols, but if it was made in the 50s, I'd be willing to wager that it was designed to function on standard-velocity ammo. In fact, I'd wouldn't feed it any high-velocity or hyper-velocity loads because they will cause the bolt to cycle faster than it was probably designed to go, which may break something in the long term. :(

Besides Eley and CCI, I'd also recommend Wolf Match Target or SK (Wolf Match Target is actually SK Standard Plus in a different box). Aguila ammo is sometimes a good choice if you want something less expensive, but it tends to be very dirty, which can cause problems if the gun is sensitive to dirt.
i wont buy any cci products(if i can help it). i bought 2 boxes of maxi mag, .22 mag.
both boxes were crap, it took multiple primer strikes to get most of these to fire.
FWIW I've also found that CCI ammo has harder-than-normal primers. I've used a 30s-vintage S&W .22/32 Target revolver that wouldn't reliably fire CCI ammo double-action, but would fire it fine SA, and it always worked fine with other brands. OTOH I wouldn't write off CCI as "crap", I just realize that it won't work in every gun.


New member
I'm no great expert on vintage Spanish pistols, but if it was made in the 50s, I'd be willing to wager that it was designed to function on standard-velocity ammo. In fact, I'd wouldn't feed it any high-velocity or hyper-velocity loads because they will cause the bolt to cycle faster than it was probably designed to go, which may break something in the long term.

That's kinda what I was trying to infer... I don't think I have a match barrel but I think standard velocity is probably the much better choice. I haven't fired rimfire in years.... and when I did I always used the cheap stuff for squirrels. I didn't even realize that Stingers were that much different than regular rounds... learned my lesson. Well, that and stingers was all that Wally world had at first :)


New member
CCI is some of the best rimfire ammo out there. It shouldn't hurt to use Mini-Mags or any other CCI rimfire. Just stay away from the Stingers.


New member
I have two 22 semi pistols. One box of cheap brand "x" will work fine, the next, not so much. I have had good success with Aguila, Winchester Wildcats and the bulk Federal (made by Aguila). BUT, consistent good performance experiened by myself and many others is CCI Mini-Mags. The tall brass you mention, in my thinking is CCI Stingers.


New member
Again, it has NOTHING to do with a dirty chamber. Geez people I've built rifles I do know a little bit.

Anyway, CCI minimags work. The mag double feeds on occasion, and I have had one or to FTEs, but all in all okay for a 50 y/o blowback .22lr spanish made pistol. It's not a "drop 200 rounds at 1 time" gun... it gets a tad warm and I think heat tends to cause the failures. I fired over 100 rounds with no failures... basically shooting a magazine and then stopping. Today I fired about 100 rounds. First and second mag was great, then had some failures. Maybe 5 total. Anyway, I won't be carrying the .22 for SD so it's acceptable as a range gun for cheap fun.

Piper Cub

I feel the best 22LR's are CCI minimags. $6.97 at Walmart as I just picked up 500. Like the plastic boxes too. They function best in my Calico, GSG5PK, 10/22, and my MK1 Ruger pistol. However in my many .22 revolvers and bolt action rifles anthing works.