Best Platform for 40sw to 357sig Conversion


New member
Good morning. I'm new to TFL, this is my first post. After stalking the forums for years, I'm in. Thanks to all you guys and gals for the heaps of knowledge I've gleaned thus far.

My question is this. I'm looking for a handgun that I can shoot in 40sw and 357sig. I'm a fairly experienced shooter, but mostly stick to 9mm and 45ACP. I'm intrigued by the 357Sig however, and want to try it out and figured I might as well be able to shoot 40 as well, while I'm at it. This gun would be carried occasionally while hiking and working in my woods, but is mostly just a curiosity piece.

My preferences:
- I'm not a huge Glock fan. I respect them, but don't really like to shoot them. I used to have some Glocks in 40 but sold them all.
- Sigs are hit or miss. Love my 220, but couldn't hit the broad side a barn with my friends 229 in 40. Maybe it was just that gun? I'm willing to reconsider.
- I have some M&Ps, but want to try something different.
- I love my CZs... a lot.

Here are some of the things I'm considering:
- Don't have any H&Ks right now, but I think they look great. I read a lot of mixed reviews about the triggers, but I'm not really a trigger snob so maybe I won't care. Specifically interested in the USP, P2000, or VP series.
- I'm willing to give the Sig 229 another shot.
- I've also wanted to try the Jericho 941 (CZ clone) but conversion barrels seem hard to find.
- Is there something else out there that you guys would recommend.

Thanks everyone!


New member
I'm a huge Glock and 1911 fan, but my SIG P229 Enhanced Elite is my EDC now. I'd get a Legion if I could sneak it past the wife.
A Glock 32 or P229 EE will serve you well.


New member
I feel the same way about Glocks as you do.

I would certainly give the SIG P229 another try. Mine seems to shoot .40 caliber quite accurately within my ability, and most people who have .40 S&W or 357 SIG 229s seem quite pleased with them.

There have recently been a large number of SIG P229 .40 caliber police trade-ins available.

You could also consider a SIG P320. I have a full-size P320 in .45 ACP but I did shoot a full-size P320 in .40 S&W and was very impressed with its accuracy.

For what it is worth, I had shot quite a bit of 9mm Luger and .45 ACP when I bought my first .40 S&W pistol years ago. When I first got it, I was pretty inaccurate with it. Now I shoot the same pistol with quite decent accuracy. I think for me it was just a matter of getting used to the recoil characteristics of the .40 S&W round.


New member
I've owned a few 40s and one 357 SIG that was in fact a SIG. Honestly for that caliber SIGs are to me one of the most enjoyable to shoot. I did have an HK P2000 in 40SW that I also enjoyed, but HK has pretty much stopped support for 357 SIG. You can still find conversion barrels for the 40SW variants, but you may have to look around a bit.

Oh and welcome!


New member
I went the other way - I bought a Sig P229 in .357Sig and bought an aftermarket (EFK Firedragon) .40 barrel, ported. (I also bought a 9mm barrel for it.) I really like it. If it had adjustable sights it would be my clear favorite among my semi-autos. As it is, it is very enjoyable to shoot. I can see how someone with small hands may not like it as well, since the grip is pretty meaty.

Big Shrek

New member
S&W 3rd Gen had a nice bunch of .40's...
only one in .357SIG, and few aftermarket barrels to speak of...
but they are out there...


New member
Sigs are hit or miss. Love my 220, but couldn't hit the broad side a barn with my friends 229 in 40. Maybe it was just that gun? I'm willing to reconsider.

I don't miss very often with my Sigs. ;)


New member
+1 for the SIG P229. I have one in 40sw, and it is a GREAT handgun. I have not shot it with the 357sig conversion so I can't speak to that. I may give the conversion kit some thought in the future as it is intriguing.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Kevin Rohrer said:
You can get a BHP in both .40cal and .357SIG. The BHP is the classic cadillac of handguns.

I'd agree that the 9mm BHP is a true "classic" handgun, but whether that design (when upgraded to handle .40S&W round) is the best base for .357 SIG is a question not easily answered.

The .40 S&W version of the BHP was never all that popular, and FNH stopped .40 S&W production some time ago -- apparently due to lack of demand. I don't think that FNH ever offered the gun in .357 SIG. A few after-market conversion barrels are available, but Bar-Sto no longer offers them (perhaps due to lack of demand.)

Folks who have and shoot .357 SIG versions of the BHP seem happy with their weapons, but they are members of a relatively small group.
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New member
I have had the same thought and was thinking Glocky as there seems to be a lot of aftermarket barrels out there for them.


New member
Glock 22 or 23. Both in 40 S&W. Can be converted to 357sig just by changing the barrels. Storm Lake and Lone Wolf both make great fairly cheap barrels. They use the same magazines so that's not an issue. You won't have to buy 357sig magazines unless you want your magazines to say 357 on the back above the round count. I had a Glock 32 and love the 357sig. Want another 357sig someday but for now my EDC is a 1911 commander.