Best looking revolver, new and discontinued.


New member

clayking did say this is a beauty contest, not exactly for function. I mean do we hold beauty pagents because of how intelligent the girl is? No, contestants can be as dumb as a brick, but as long as they look pretty that's all that matter. Personally though, I pick function over looks when it comes to firearms, and as for women, a balance of intelligence, personality, and looks is always good. (Yeah, looks aren't everything but that doesn't deny the fact that it's human nature to be instinctively attracted to pleasing looking things.)


Unckie Bub

New member
Colt Diamondbacks are pretty also..either in .22 or 38sp.




New member
Great looking guns..........keep 'em coming..........I feel my bank account dropping even further down the slippery gun slope..:eek: :p :rolleyes:


New member
Never been a big fan of snubbies...

When it comes to looks alone, I do underand their usefulness as CCW and BUG. I guess when I hear the word "snub nose" or "snubbie" I think little pig. Still, like I stated before designs similar to the Colt Python, and Taurus Raging Bull and Tracker are my favorites because of the menacing look they have. Anyone see the .454 Casull snubbie? :eek: INSANE I TELL YOU! SHEER MADNESS!:eek: but I guess if I really wanted to draw fast I'd wanna carry it, especially if I was in the woods and had to as a last resort shoot a bear charging at me.


New member
For a snubby, I too love the 3rd gen Colt detective special. The python is an awesome looking revo, & I lust for blued N-frame Smith & Wessons!


New member
Can't post a pic because I don't own one, but I love the look of a 2" model 15. I've always been partial to snubs and the barrel length and width offset with the adjustable sights all come together and just "work" for me. In all honesty, a snub model 10 or 64 make more sense to me as a carry piece because of the fixed sights, but for looks alone, the 15's my pic.

As far as new guns, I guess the 620. I was glad to see the half-lugged barrel come back. I also always liked the look of the "stocking dealer special" 686's from a few years ago. L-frames are great but I don't like the full-lug look.

Pappy John

New member
I've always thought that the most beautifullest revolver was the S&W 4" N-Frame, especially if they're blued and wearing wood. And what's more, they handle as good as they look.


New member
So much eye candy!

As for me , toss up between the Python,and the Mod.27

But I also have this thing for the Mod. 66 2.5!


In my opinion, the best looking revolver is the S&W 686 Mountain Gun. It has the looks of a Model-27, but the small size of a Model 66. It is perfect.


New member
Best looking old/discontinued:Nickel Colt Trooper .357 mag

Best looking new:dont really have an answer, probably the Ruger single actions (pretty much any of them) look the best of the current choices.


New member
Unckie Bub, that's my Korth there. Don't know if it's the best but it is very good and stronger than my S&W M28 both were made a year apart.

But my pick is the Colt SAA in any of it's configurations. The one below ain't bad.

