Best home security system?

Matt VDW

New member
What makes me cry is, that so many poor dogs are killed every year in US shelters because of a throw away mentality and because people don't consider all the time&money necessary.

How much does it take (in terms of hours/week and dollars/year) to take care of a dog?

Assume we're talking about a seventy pound, middle-aged dog with no special grooming requirements.


New member
It really depends- I just want to make sure that people think about it. For example, while normal dog food may be around 2$/ day (Austrian prices are fairly high compared to the US!), it may happen that a dog needs a special diet, which is more expensive. Same situation when it comes to consulting a vet. Normally it's not that expensive, but I had to pay an operation, which saved my dogs life, which cost me 1000,- $. As far as time is considered- it depends on your lifestyle too. Do you have family? If yes, it's not that much time for each member. Do you life on a farm, where the dog can roam free, or in a flat? Etc. etc. Just make sure to see a dog as a family member - not some barking thing on a chain. Only that way, even if you can't image it right now, your life will be enriched.

[Edited by Cato on 01-25-2001 at 03:55 AM]