Best gun game...


New member
I've seen so far has to be counterstrike. I just bought it. It looks like a pretty good tactical sim. I searched TFL and found a couple of threads already. Anyone feel like sending me some pointers? Maybe help me connect for a game? I would really appreciate it. Unreal Tournament's a lot of fun, but not very realistic (understatement)...


New member
Thumper....I thought the same about UT. Download the Tac Ops patch and get yourself the Steyr AUG and a Parker Hale Sniper rifle and have at those terrorists.

Have you guys seen "Silent Scope" at the arcades? Pretty cool setup with the mini PSG1 and the "scope"


New member
Counter-Strike can be fun, but I fail to see why anyone buys it instead of downloading it.. ;)

I haven't tried the Tac Ops mod for UT, but I hear it's pretty good, though perhaps not up to the level of CS yet.

Firearms is another good mod for HL, lots of weapons, little more realism than CS, and a beach invasion scenario :)


New member
Here are some good Counter-Strike Sites

Both have godo servers if you are in the Northeast, though Valhalla has a MUCH better network :)


New member
Counter Strike is the most popular, but there is also the Firearms Half-Life mod, never played it online but it has more guns than CS. Especially if you're the nostalgic type ie 1911, M-79, M-60.

The Infiltration mod for UT is also quite fun featuring such guns as Robar .50 cal rifle, PSG1, Beretta 92f, Desert Eagle XIX .357, some little Belgian ak-47 sub machine gun thing (still 7.62), not surprisingly an MP5 but this one is in .40 s&w, M16A2 with M203 for fun, and a better hand grenade than that in CS.
But the most interesting thing about Infiltration is that rather than aim with a useless cross hair floating in mid air you can aim down the barrel of the gun using the iron sights!

Hmmm think I'll have to go now and teach some stupid little kid how to really play CS :) Watch out for the 7.62 :)


New member
CS is a good, but the cheaters can ruin the game. Firearms is good too. Give that a try.


New member
I know that the graphics are a little dated, but has anyone looked at the new Delta Force Land Warrior? It has 4 to 5 times the weapons of the first two. Even though it pales compared to the dazzle of CS & UT, the weapon models seem pretty realistic. In assault rifles you have the typical M4 and AK-47, but they add in the Steyr AUG, the H&K G11 (4.73 caseless), and the Alliant Techsystems OICW. In sub guns you have the H&K MP5-SD, H&K UMP (.45 ACP), and the Calico. Pistols include the H&K Mark 23 (std & suppressed), and the FULL AUTO version of the Glock 18. SAWs include the M249 and the FN Mag Light. You can snipe with the Barrett .50, M40 (Remington 700), and the H&K PSG-1, plus you have the typical Grenade launcher, combat shotgun, and some unique underwater dart guns (H&K P11 & UAW). All scoped weapons include laser range finders. You have to adjust the scopes for bullet drop, manually adjust for wind, and your position (standing, crouched or prone) greatly affects accuracy. If you can live with the dated graphics, it tends to be a interesting game. Just don't expect a lot of visual razzle dazzle.

Matt VDW

New member
I enjoy Counter Strike, but there are a few things that seriously detract from the realism:

1) Having the Desert Eagle as a weapon option. Yeah, it's cool, but does anyone really use it for counter-terrorist work?

2) Only being able to carry 1 high explosive grenade. If I have to go clear out a building, I'm going to find a way to carry more.

3) The "bunny hop" tactic. It works, but can you imagine anyone in a real gunfight bouncing up and down like a rubber ball? :rolleyes:

4) Playing the same maps over and over. In real life, you rarely have the luxury of operating on terrain that you've memorized. CS could improve on this by randomizing even a few things, such as which doors are locked and the locations of crates. Or give the players on the "defensive" team the option of setting up obstacles.

I also have a suggestion to improve playability: Use "Barney"-type computer characters to balance the teams. If the CTs lose three games in a row, give them three Barneys as reinforcements. They could be useful even in static positions.


New member
Matt VDW I know what you mean. CS is touted as one of the most realistic games but of course it is far from perfect.

Since when can you kill someone by shooting them in the foot with a .308 AWP :) Sure it would hurt but you could still respond in some way, mainly loud cursing :)

Don't forget the use of a M249 Para as a weapon choice for the Counter Terrorists :)

Bullet drop would help. Nothing worse than getting sniped by someone with a silenced USP at 200+ meters/yards. :(

Since when can grenades penetrate a 2 foot concrete wall?

But I suppose the flaws in the game aren't as hilarious as some of they things that the ignorant masses try to do.
-Witnessed a guy trying to shoot through a thick concrete wall with a 9mm (!) MP5.
-Some guy bitched about the AK-47 being to powerful so I reminded him that its a 7.62 round as apposed to 5.56, his response - SO what! Luckily there were no Vietnam Vets present.
-People trying to use the Steyr Scout like an assault rifle, along with the running, jumping, deathmatching routine.
-And don't they just love the old spray and pray method, especially with the 100 round M249. 100 bullets on full auto hitting the sky...
-My favourite is when a Counter Terrorist picks up an AK-47 (ie terrorist weapon) advances from behind a group of Terrorists starts shooting and because they can hear an AK they immediately think that its another terrorist, until they end up dead of course. Hell if I hear a gun firing, any gun, I take note.
-Another favorite, their opinion that using a silencer increases the accuracy of the gun...

But I suppose all this makes the game more fun and more hilarious.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Rogue Spear Urban Operations...
The G36K realy shines and the G3A4KSD is the best weapon you can get for all around fighting in most any area of operations. I just wish it had a 30 round mag.

I prefer the Rainbow Six engine due to better modeling of balistic effects and body armour protection.

That Desert Eagle thing... No one uses it for any serious work that I know of. Yet it ALWAYS shows up in movies and these kinds of games. I just dont get it.


New member
Ok, not a PC game, but play Silent Scope at the arcade. Its really kind of fun. You have a little PSG1 that you use. You look through its scope and it zooms the litle targets on the screen. Granted it does have some realism problems. I want a scope on my .308 that automatically compensates for bullet drop from up close to 500+ yards. :) But it is fun.

And I just played House of the Dead yesterday at Dave & Busters in Milpitas CA. (We are on vacation) It is a real spray and pray kind of game, but you get to shoot zombies. And the cool part is some of them soak up lots or rounds before dying. The best part was playing it with my wife, who really gets into gun video games. Actual quote from yesterday:

Mrs. Correia: "Ack! A killer monkey! DIE! DIE! DIE!

Lots of good wholesome fun! :D


New member
Having played all three Delta Force games, they all have their good points. Yep -the graphics are not as slick as some, and the computer AI during solo missions is lacking, but they are a lot of fun...and the first two games are usually available for less than $15 each. They really shine w/ online play. The landwarrior game allows you to make up a character, and the track your progress on the novalogic servers (hard to get on a game lately, though). You acquire promotions and commendations based on your level of game play, number of headshots/kills w/ knife/ buildings destroyed on search & destroy missions. You can also choose from 5 different characters w/ different strengths (you can even play medic, & heal team members who are down. All in all, a lot of fun to play(my favorite is a 16 on 16 attack/defend game where the goal is to either destroy objects in a base w/ satchel charges, or prevent attackers from doing so. Games can easily last as long as 45 minutes, especially w/ good defenders.

Another fun game is Soldier of Fortune - you get realistic wound damage - shoot'em in the leg, they lose the leg, but can still come after you - it's pretty good on line, too.



New member
Counterstrike is NOT touted as a realistic game. The main coder behind CS has said on multiple occasions that Gameplay > Realism. If you want realism, go play Rainbow Six or Rogue Spear. If you want fun gameplay and excellent weapon models, play CS.


Moderator Emeritus
A really... time can be had by playing Delta Force: Land Warrior on a multiplayer LAN setup. My beau, a friend, and myself have whiled away many an hour on a three player LAN with "Cover me!",
"There's a guy in that window up there, use your suppressed MP-5,"
"I carried the grenade launcher last mission, I want the Barrett this time,"
and the ever popular *BANG!* "Who was that?!? Who's shooting?! Have they spotted us?" "No, it was me; I was just putting a burst into that hut just in case...".

Unfortunately, we've played out all the scenarios that come with the game, and all the player-created ones online are either "capture the king of the deathmatch hill" player vs. player types, or they're a thirteen-year-old's idea of a UW mission after he's OD'ed on testosterone and Hollywood: "You must protect the sacred temple from waves of AK-armed Zombie Mutant Terrorists" who come running at you in a pack without benefit of AI scripts or waypoints.


New member
I tried playing with the mission editor for DF:LW. I couldn't get it. I also like Infiltration for UT, although the latest version bot AI is practically non-existant. (ON an assault map, I order my bots ot "assault the base!" They stand there, milling around the start point. I can almost hear them laughing at me!)

An interesting fact. Playing Half-Life in late 1998 is what got me REALLY interested in guns in the first place! :)


New member
I also like the Delta force games. My wife has has stuck her head in the room more than once to ask if I'm still playing that stupid game. Playing online is also a lot of fun. I doubt that you can find any game out there that will cover everything as far as being realistic. It's fun just to test your skills against someone elses. The problem like any other game is that someone always wants to cheat.

I know it's not politically correct but, it is just fun to blast someone and of course get blasted too.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I just got Rainbow Six: Rouge Spear and the Urban Ops expansion for my home PC... First thing evident was that I needed a new graphics card. Thanks to the TFL Software Guru for recomending one and finding it cheap. Can't wait till that comes! Back to RS:
The maps are fantastic, realistic and super challenging.
Weapons such as the HK 21E make for serious serious game play.
Doing RS multiplayer is the best multiplayer I have played.
over a LAN - your talking BIG FUN.
Cooperative play is the best... Dueling in Adversary Mode is ALMOST as good as playing PAINTBALL for real.
Ever want to clear a 747 of terrorists? he he he
Ever been in an opera house and wish you took your Uzi with you? he he he
Ever want to raid a TV station with an HK G3 and a pocket full of grenades? Bwah ha ha ha!


New member
I know what map I want to see in Counter-Strike next... Anyone have the Blue-Prints for ABC in NYC? :)

I know I can them myself..

That would be a great map to play on, where are the mappers around here??? :)