Best compact 9mm non-polymer


New member
Ditto the Kahr MK9.
I have two, I like 'em so much.
Compact, flat (narrower than any other compact 9mm pistol out there), reliable, accurate, easy to conceal in a variety of places and ways. Nothing else comes close in size except the polymer framed compact Kahrs, which have had some problems (frame-warping, trigger pin-walking, etc.) Best.


New member

I would highly recommend that you do another update on your computer files;)

Nice gun. . .



New member
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. VvG, yes to all except, don't care about the weight issue, prefer SA but DA/SA would be fine; no decocker. Could see range and IDPA use. I 'm going to take a look at the Sigs, see how they feel. I have a full size CZ and it's a great gun, I'm pretty sure I'd like the compact version, but I want to be less impulsive on this purchase than the last couple were. I'm not sure if the Kahr "rings" my chimes, there are none around here to check out, so far, plus, I would prefer more rounds than 6 or 7.
I really don't have a "good" reason for this pistol, other than , well, I just want one! ;)


New member
22 lvr: thats a conventional DA / SA with the capability of cocked and locked. great gun!!!

the zip disk is one that was laying around. I back everything on my web server so no need for localized backups.....heh


New member
S&W 3913TSW




New member
Single Stack: Sig P239, SW CS9 (7+1) , Kahr P9

Double Stack: Baby Eagle Compact (10+1)
(about 8 ozs. heavier than those above but
far superior in every aspect and priced lower)


New member
sig 226

There's only one answer to your question and that's called a SIG 226 ................ that's it that's all//


New member
Even though it isn't on your list I'd have to agree that the SIG 239 is one nice pistol. I've shot two, a .40 and a 9. The 9mm was a beat up range gun. Both felt great, were 100% reliable for the few rounds I shot through them, and were very accurate. It is on my "must have" list.

The Ruger is ok, but it is priced like a CZ and while as reliable and durable (maybe more durable actually) it is nowhere near as nice a gun. It is also a bit big and it sounds like that isn't what you are after.

I've shot a few Kahrs and they are very nice guns. Comfortable to shoot, well designed, accurate and reliable. They are run by the Moonies (the Rev. Sun Young Moon's son is the guy in charge), you'll need to decide for yourself how big an issue that is for you (or if it is an issue at all). I am back and forth on it but I'm sure I'll eventually end up buying one since they are just so nice.

I own a CZ 75 B and just bought a CZ 40(but I am still waiting on the waiting period). I love my 75. I don't have to say much more since you are a CZ owner and thus, know about their virtues. Probably can't do better for the money (and for more it is still hard to do better) than the CZ 75 PCR or if weight isn't an issue a CZ 75 Compact.

Eddie C.

New member
H&K P7 or the Walther P5 are about as good as you'll find anywhere but that will put you over your price limit. The Sig P228 while cheaper is also nice. I would save for something like that, you won't be sorry.

Marko Kloos

New member
For a non-polymer compact 9mm, I prefer the single-stack SIGs, the P239 and P225. Out of all handguns I've ever held, the P225 is the most natural fit for my hand.


New member
You want the best compact no polymer 9mm???
Here it is!!! :D


This gem will cost ya $895!!! :eek:
Hey, if you want the best... ;)
BTW, it's the above mentioned Walther P5. :cool:


New member
My daughter just bought an excellent used Sig P239 in your price range. Great gun.

People often trade in guns that are hardly used when they see their next gotta-have-it firearm. So I'd check out the used as well as the new.

Lotta folks would like to have those trade-ins back too.


New member
I have to give another vote for the Kahr pistols. I am a huge fan of the Sig 225 but I can't get it to conceal as well as the Kahr.